v7.33 - February 2 2025 + CLAP: fix Windows UTF-8 characters in preset combo-box + Render: fix adding rendered files to project when rendering master mix (7.31 regression) [t=298104] v7.32 - Feburary 1 2025 + JSFX/ReaScript/Video: fix incorrect EEL2 string pooling (7.31 regression) [t=298084] v7.31 - January 31 2025 + Actions: improve behavior of insert-tempo-point when on non-1/4 beat base + Actions window: do not focus MIDI editor/etc when running actions without closing actions window + Actions window: improve foreground window behavior when closing window after adding action to custom menu editor/etc + ARA: fix possible crash when splitting media items (7.30 regression) [t=297382] + Auto-save: remove option to save RPP-UNDO with timestamped auto-saved projects + Batch converter: fix converted files potentially being one sample too short [t=297587] + Batch converter: support $takemarker wildcard when converting media items + CLAP: support context menu extension + CLAP: support gain reduction metering for plugins that support the extension + Click source: improve focus behavior when showing properties window [t=297408] + Customize menu/toolbar: improve focus behavior when window is already open + Grouping: add track menu actions to create new media/razor editing group for selected tracks, remove selected tracks from media/razor editing groups + JSFX/ReaScript/Video: fix potential incorrect memory read when parsing tan(x,y) + JSFX/ReaScript/Video: fix incorrect pooling of strings with embedded nul characters + Localization: fix click modifier display of envelope context menu on macOS + Localization: extended mixer FX context menu improvements for click modifiers + Localization: support localization of video FX names using 'video_processing_name' section + MIDI: fix trimming media item edges with unlooped MIDI that is set to ignore project tempo [t=297516] + MIDI editor: fix default MIDI note alt/opt-click to select note without moving edit cursor + MIDI editor: fix hang when using synced timebase and arrange view is resized to oblivion [t=296912] + Playback: prevent hanging notes when MIDI items are interrupted by enclosed items (when enclosed items replace enclosing) or fixed lane masking + Project: support project setting for BPM basis (quarter, dotted quarter, etc) + ReaScript: add set_action_options() parameter to allow scripts to quietly do nothing when run multiple times [t=296965] + Regions: after moving regions with contents, ensure tempo at the end of the moved region is preserved + Render: accept comma character as decimal separator in render normalization settings + Render: disable render tail setting by default for new projects (existing projects and default projects are unaffected) + Render: setting to render tracks with only mono media to mono files considers only source media channels, not per-take fx output channels [t=297016] + Render: when rendering media items and adding rendered files to project, copy original media item colors to rendered items + Render: when rendering media items and adding rendered files to project, if rendering multiple items per track, assign original media item lanes or free item positions to rendered items + Render: when rendering to mono or multichannel with 'multichannel tracks to multichannel files' enabled, stereo tracks do not override the render channel setting + Ripple: add option (right-click ripple toolbar button) for ripple-all to affect envelopes on all tracks when envelope points move with media items, regardless of which tracks have media items [t=297567] + Tempo: properly account for tempo basis when modifying tempo via tap tempo or entering a number in the transport and the project contains no tempo markers [p=2829281] + Time signature: automatically change bpm basis when switching between normal and compound time signature via transport edit boxes + Time signature: automatically switch beat basis to dotted quarter when entering a compound time signature in time signature edit dialog + Transport: display beat basis (quarter note, eighth, dotted eighth, etc) above tempo + Transport: improve behavior of BPM display/editing when on non-1/4 beat basis + Video: fix UTF-8 drawing of knob labels + VST: fix TUID matching immediately after scan using when in-process VST3 scan mode + WAV files: display embedded media cues even if they are out of order in the original file v7.30 - January 8 2025 + API: fix potential memory leak when calling realloc_cmd_clear from extensions + Batch converter: fix incorrect behavior when adding invalid files [t=297277] + Envelope manager: fix possible crash when manager set to selected takes and loading undo state removes items + Media explorer: fix display when playing audio reversed [t=297362] + MusicXML import: fix potential crash when parsing invalid XML [t=297277] + Project bay: do not display non-functional comment column for automation items [t=294747] + VST: fix possible incorrect MIDI event timing to bridged plug-ins [t=297165] + VST: fix possible use-after-free error with bridged plug-ins and large MIDI event counts + Web interface: remove 16kb lyrics-data, PROJEXTSTATE limits [t=297075] v7.29 - January 2 2025 + Actions: add actions to move edit cursor to start of next/current beat, similar to next/current measure + ARA: improve behavior when track contains media items with mixed channel counts + Batch converter: add "copy current settings to clipboard for command line use" to presets menu + Batch converter: add button to list all output files + Batch converter: add checkbox to disable all normalize/limit/fade/trim/pad settings + Batch converter: add menu items to open input or output file in Media Explorer + Batch converter: add menu items to insert converted file or replace existing source files in current project + Batch converter: allow using source file directory (but not overwriting original files) when converting media items + Batch converter: automatically resize columns to fit when resizing window + Batch converter: display "take name (media item)" in file list when converting media items + Batch converter: display channel count, sample rate, bit depth for not-yet-converted items + Batch converter: display actual converted filename if filename was automatically incremented to avoid collision + Batch converter: display output filename and path in separate columns + Batch converter: prevent adding empty media items to file list + Batch converter: ensure output paths are updated when changing other settings + Batch converter: display error if trying to convert MIDI with no FX loaded + Batch converter: fix preserving metadata when converting a media item that contains a section source + Batch converter: improve preserving source media start offset + Batch converter: reorganize window for wider aspect ratio + Batch converter: support both imploding and exploding channels (many input files to one multichannel output file, or one multichannel input file to many single-channel output files) + Batch converter: support converting selected items, all items, or only as-yet-unconverted items + Batch converter: support dragging source files within the list to reorder + Batch converter: support exploding to stereo pairs + Batch converter: support preserving source file directory structure starting at any level + Batch converter: support saving output settings with presets (note that presets are shared with render settings) + Batch converter: support preference (separate from existing render preference) to silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting + Batch converter: support trimming silence from start/end, and/or padding start/end with silence + Batch converter: when preserving metadata preferred start position and converting media items, if the source media does not contain a preferred start position, use the media item position in the project + CLAP: support reporting track name, color, other info to plugins [t=296773] + Click source: fix click source properties dialog initializing with incorrect click pattern displayed [p=2833416] + Command line: support -noactivate on macOS/linux + Command line: support passing -close[all][:save|:nosave][:exit] to already-running REAPER instances [t=296870] + Localization: allow localizing toolbar icon word names for menu, by using icon_words section [p=2818021] + macOS: improve some keyboard focus handling corner cases, especially with certain plug-ins + Media explorer: fix tempo-matched preview with certain files (7.26 regression) [t=296697] + Media explorer: when tempo-matching, use tempo at project edit cursor position when starting playback and current project is stopped + Media item properties: support entering take start in source in samples, if all selected items have the same sample rate + Media items: media item properties button tooltip reports if take is phase-inverted + MIDI: use default CC curves if option enabled when recording MIDI input (7.28 regression) + MIDI editor: fix incorrect CC LFO preset file path + Paste: obey 'Automatically show affected envelopes when moving media items across tracks' when pasting items [t=272789] + Playback: fix very unlikely but possible glitch when splitting playing items + Preferences: add option to show item properties button when take phase is inverted + Preferences: separate media item appearance and media item buttons pages + Razor edits: improve behavior when editing automation items [p=2828095] + Render: add checkbox to disable all normalize/limit/fade/trim/pad settings + Render: fix possibly incorrect rendered file when rendering with "preserve source media sample rate if possible" enabled + Render: improve handling of filename conflicts + Ruler: when grid follows metronome pattern, highlight all primary beats in ruler + Theme: fix HSV mode for gridlines on Retina [p=296786] + Threading: increase relative priority of LV2/miscellaneous worker tasks + Transport: prevent brief display of earlier transport time when starting playback [t=137751] + Wildcards: add preference to define wildcard pattern to use as default filename prompt when running "File: Save project as..." + Wildcards: add support for $tracknameornumber, which resolves to track name if the track has a name, otherwise track number + Wildcards: store separate lists of recent wildcard patterns per calling context (render, batch converter, etc) v7.28 - December 9 2024 + Accessibility: improve keyboard support for various modeless windows + API: add get_config_var/__reascript_runcnt for ReaImGui use + Automation: add preference to control whether automation recording happens at processing position (what you hear) or playback position + Automation: volume/pan automation recording now defaults to what you hear rather than at playback position + Automation: fix various take FX automation recording bugs + CLAP: fix race condition when plug-in calls request_restart [t=296661] + Click source: improve preset handling + Click source: properties window is modeless, changes are applied immediately [t=296046] + Comments: add Apply button to various comment dialogs (FX, metadata, project bay) + Filesystem: automatically shorten project file, recorded file, rendered file, peak file, filename parts to comply with system filename part length limits [t=80287] + FX: improve pin behavior when replacing mono plug-ins with stereo counterparts [t=295531] + FX: improve comment field window + JSFX: allow 'config:' to preserve parameter/serialized configuration when changing parameter, append -preserve_config to description to enable + JSFX: fix gfx_getchar() querying ASCII characters on Windows (v6.74 regression) [t=295897] + JSFX: prevent possible crash when gfx_blit() is called with bad inputs + Localization: fix incorrect UTF-8 display for various comboboxes + Localization: support localization of modifier keys for mouse maps + Localization: allow localization of ESC, cursor/navigation, multimedia keys on Windows + LV2: fix NULL termination of atom#Path strings sent to plug-ins + Main menu: if non-displayed ReaScript messages indicated in menubar, clicking audio device info will show menu + Media item properties: fix reset of window when focusing the time/beats dropdown [t=296095] + Metadata: support multi-line editing of multiple fields at the same time + Metronome/click source: encode relative paths to samples in project file when possible + MIDI: fix incorrectly adding CC curves when 'Apply default CC shape to recorded events' enabled and gluing/rendering MIDI take [t=296579] + MIDI editor: add undo points when unselecting CCs via marquee in CC lane + MIDI editor: use envelope point scaling when drawing CC lanes + OSC: fix FX_BYPASS and FX_OPEN_UI for currently-focused instance + Peaks: improve UI performance when building enhanced peaks + Peaks: display spectral peaks and spectrogram both while recording if view set to spectrogram+spectral peaks + Peaks: display spectral peaks while recording when view set to lufs+spectral peaks + Peaks: fix peak edge drawing when using alpha < 1.0 + Project: add actions to change project timebase + Project save: improve handling of very long project file names + Razor edits: fix action to enclose media items including empty space [t=295987] + ReaScript: add option to never auto-show ReaScript Console + ReaScript: avoid potential crash on exit when deferred script cleanup functions call plugin-registered APIs [p=2822020] + ReaScript: add TimeMap_GetMetronomePattern("EXTENDED") to return new-style click pattern string, TimeMap_GetMetronomePattern("SET:pattern") to set the click pattern + ReaScript: fix gfx_getchar()/gfx.getchar() querying ASCII characters on Windows (v6.74 regression) [t=295897] + ReaScript: prevent possible crash when gfx_blit()/gfx.blit() are passed bad inputs + ReaScript: ShowConsoleMsg() supports !SHOWERR: prefix, displays error indicator in main menu bar if ReaScript Console not already visible + ReaVocode: fix update of parameters in response to automation/learn/etc [t=294751] + Render: update file name column when sorting rendered files [p=2821742] + Render: when delaying render via render queue, change audio device samplerate and notify FX plug-ins prior to delay + Ripple: fix ripple-all potentially affecting automation too early on non-edited tracks [p=2825443] + Ripple: improve performance when ripple editing with grouping enabled and many media items [p=2827987] + Super8: preserve configuration of MIDI mappings/etc when changing memory size + Video: prevent possible crash when gfx_blit() is passed bad inputs + VST: fix state-loading issue with VPS Avenger VST3 (7.26 regression) [t=296014] + Windows: normalize dialog fonts to MS Shell Dlg for various windows v7.27 - November 1 2024 + Actions: add action to dry run render project, using the most recent render settings + Actions: fix dry run render time display in actions to calculate media item loudness + CLAP: improve splash screen status display when scanning plug-ins + Click source: fix copying of samples to project path when configured and the ClickSamples folder does not yet exist + Click source: obey user-selected copy-to-project-directory option regardless of global/project setting + Envelopes: fix potential use after free when pasting envelope points and last-selected envelope no longer exists + FX browser: fix resize issues when using high DPI scaling values + Menu/toolbar editor: fix cutting multiple items near end of list + Peaks: correct LUFS graph display of fadeouts when displaying both LUFS and spectral peaks + Render: add preference to prevent render window from reopening modelessly after render finishes [p=2818237] + Render: fix normalizing to master mix when also rendering master mix (7.22 regression) + Ripple editing: fix potentially-incorrect crossfade on rippled items when trim-behind enabled + Take markers: snapping properly ignores take markers outside of item bounds [p=2817850] + VST: fix incorrect preset state-loading for UADx VST3 plug-ins (7.26 regression) + VST: improve preset menu behavior with duplicate factory and user-preset names + VST: improve support for TrackFX_GetPresetName on FX with a single program [t=295339] + Web interface: allow adding extra HTTP headers via reaper.ini [csurf_www] header1=name:value header2= etc [t=216538] + Windows: improve arm64ec installer (use correct modern Program Files path, label shortcuts as arm64) v7.26 - October 25 2024 + Accessibility: improve accessibility for Dynamic Split, Trim/Remove Silence, and Transient Sensitivity windows + Actions: add actions to show a toolbar as a menu at the mouse cursor + Click source: optionally copy samples to project directory when choosing samples from disk + Envelopes: improve appearance of unselected points with certain curve shapes + Envelopes: click on selected point with no mouse move will deselect other points + Item ruler: display a label at time zero, but do not display labels for negative time + JSFX: fix incorrect clearing of num_ch on playback start [t=131049] + Marker/region manager: fix CSV import of marker/region index + Marker/region manager: make CSV import more lenient of unknown columns + Media explorer: fix preview playback with 2x and 0.5x tempo-matching [t=295166] + Media explorer: obey ripple settings when inserting media via enter/context menu + Mouse modifiers: restore behavior of opening mouse modifiers preferences page to the last context used for a mouse edit + Mute/solo: improve track FX note-off behavior when muting/soloing another track [t=291742] + Preferences: add render peaks display settings to stats/charts menu in Preferences/Audio/Rendering + ReaScript: InsertMedia/InsertMediaSection can optionally respect project ripple editing setting + Render: automatically reopen render dialog modelessly when render is complete, unless set to auto-close or auto-return to render settings + Render: ensure ruler/tooltip color contrasts with background color for readability [t=295145] + Render: improve speed when rendering very many files at once (7.23 regression, plus additional improvement) [t=295211] + Render: support changing displayed file via listview keyboard navigation + Routing: add option to add sequential hardware outputs for selected tracks when right-clicking I/O button in TCP/MCP + System: automatically fix SSE exception flags for systems/plug-ins that leave exceptions in incorrect states + Take markers: actions to navigate take markers now respect item boundaries + Track control panel: do not change track selection when clicking on TCP track resize divider [t=295079] + VST3: notify processor when controller performEdit a parameter and automation notifications are ignored + Wildcards: $region resolves to a matching region even if rendering between markers [t=295274] + Wildcards: add wildcards for length in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds [t=295298] + Wildcards: fix $tracknumber wildcard when used on master track [t=295164] v7.25 - October 14 2024 + Color theme: allow theme to define empty arrange view area and empty arrange view area vertical shading colors that are identical [t=294982] + Envelopes: fix non-square points created on square-point-only envelopes when editing + FX: fix parameter linking being set incorrectly when adding/removing ReaEQ/ReaXcomp bands + FX: fix potential deadlock when toggling bypass and in automation-write mode + Linux: fix mouse positioning bugs with certain window managers (7.23 regression) + Media explorer: properly sort positive values in the peak or loudness column [t=294622] + Metronome: fix skipped beats when increasing project playback rate [t=295095] + Parameter modulation: fix keyboard support with more than 2 windows open at once [p=2813584] + Project loading: fix potential lost sends when loading with certain FX [t=295006] + Project tabs: hide/show FX comment window when switching project tabs [t=294657] + ReaLimit: fix rounding when using mousewheel on controls [t=294441] + Recording: fix actions to add take marker at mouse position when mouse is over a currently-recording media item [t=294911] + Render: add option to automatically reopen render dialog modelessly after render finishes + Render: add option to shade areas that do not contribute to LUFS-I [t=295076] + Render: after render, if there are not too many overs, support moving edit cursor from one over to the next + Render: clicking on an already-selected rendered file in the list returns the display to "live" if still rendering [p=2813299] + Render: fix marker display with certain themes + Render: add actions to jump to first clip or loudest sample to Stats/Charts menu (for accessibility) + Render: preserve render peaks preview time selection when switching between rendered files, resizing dialog, or reopening modelessly + Render: rearrange buttons at bottom of render setup dialog for better space utilization + Render: restore vu meter peak hold values when reopening render process dialog modelessly + Render: support defining a wildcard (like $project) as the master track substitution for the $track wildcard [t=284551] + Render: use theme colors for render statistics listview gridlines + Render: use theme marker/region lane background colors in render peaks display + Render: when adding project markers/regions from render dialog, update render display and include the new markers/regions in HTML render statistics + Render: fix possible memory leak following online render + Wildcards: warn if the user enters a wildcard character in the directory field in the render or batch converter dialogs + Windows: fix JSFX spacebar behavior (v7.23 regression) [t=294908] v7.24 - October 4 2024 + Automation: tweaks to clipped envelope point drawing + Metering: fix crash when master track set to LRA and playback stopped [t=294865] + Project tabs: fix seeking when synchronizing multiple tabs and different project time offsets are used [t=294129] + ReaScript: fix TrackFX_GetPreset() for VSTs with single program (7.23 regression) [t=294867] + Render: improve appearance of markers and regions in render process window + Render: improve ruler and text color in render process dialog [t=294870] v7.23 - October 3 2024 + Arrange view: improve appearance of loop indicators when grid is displayed under item with certain blend modes used [t=294353] + Automation: add preference to control which envelope is recorded to when pre-fx and post-fx envelopes are both armed + Automation: fix volume/pre-fx volume envelope interactions when recording automation via envelope panel + Automation: reset latches (if not in Latch Preview) when moving edit cursor while stopped/paused [t=292915] + Automation: fix issues with instant/toggle edits and latch preview mode [t=248330] + Automation: improve various FX behaviors when transitioning to touch state [p=2800488] + Automation: improve latch behavior of FX bypass automation [t=278857] + Automation: improve take FX behavior when stopped + Automation: reduce CPU overhead when automated FX parameters have no changes + Automation: actions to clear track latches also clear take envelope latches + Automation: actions to write value to currently-writing envelopes affect take envelopes + Batch converter: fix applying fade-in/fade-out when converting mono media and applying FX + Batch converter: improve responsiveness with very large numbers of files + Batch converter: improve support for converting video media items imported from arrange [t=292255] + CLAP: fix race conditions with bypass changes initiated by plug-in [t=294000] + CLAP: improve behavior when reopening plugins that support resizeable UI [t=294013] + Click source: double-click opens source properties dialog + Click source: add "use project metronome samples/frequencies" to presets menu + Click source: copy click samples when saving project with media + Custom menu editor: export menu name when writing .ReaperMenu + Custom menu editor: importing .ReaperMenu/.ReaperMenuSet are now non-destructive, can cancel or apply changes + Custom menu editor: importing .ReaperMenu allows importing from compatible contexts (ex: export as Main toolbar, import to Floating toolbar : + Custom menu editor: import menu name when importing .ReaperMenu into its original context + Custom menu editor: improve behavior when drag/dropping .ReaperMenu/.ReaperMenuSet + Envelopes: add options in Preferences/Appearance to control envelope point size scaling [t=239926] + Extension API: add IsWindowTextField() + Extension API: add PCM_SOURCE_EXT_SET_PREVIEW_LOOPCNT, available for track preview registers + Extension API: update hwnd_info hook to allow more context for window information + Freeze: fix freeze-to-FX issues relating to bypass automation + FX: improve bypass behavior when toggling via Ctrl+B or clicking in chain list + FX: improve focus behavior on Windows when clicking Remove button [t=293995] + FX: fix LV2, CLAP, and FX container preset display/navigation issues [t=294073] + Grid: fix snapping/navigating to metronome grid in certain cases [p=2809663] + Grid: when using metronome grid and click multiplier, apply multiplier to swing grid + Item ruler: improve display with very short media items + Lanes: fix comping MIDI when media is not looped and pooled MIDI is disabled [p=2806315] + Lanes: ignore preference to add whole recording when auto-punching and not adding lanes [p=2810520] + Lanes: improve behavior when splitting comp areas with crossfade left or center [p=2803994] + Lanes: MIDI export ignores lanes that are not playing back + Lanes: set last clicked lane (copy/paste destination) when clicking empty space in lane header area [p=2808231] + Localization: add option to ignore langpack-defined scaling + Localization: add option to show unlocalized strings in menu items + Localization: add option to show tooltips with pre-translated text on mouseover + Localization: improve localization of docked screenset window title + LV2: improve initial sizing of some plug-ins on Linux [t=294161] + LV2: optimized scanning of presets + Media explorer: improve behavior of zoom via scrollbar and mousewheel [t=294531] + Metadata: avoid recursively re-encoding IXML metadata + Metadata: encode .wav INFO metadata as 8-bit ASCII (when lossless) for compatibility with Windows Explorer + Metadata: improve IXML encoding compliance + Metering: fix potential stereo RMS post-fader track meter readout inaccuracy + Metronome/click source: allow multiple simultaneous voices when playing samples + Metronome/click source: increase maximum click pattern length to 72 beats + Metronome/click source: restore 4x click multiplier + Metronome/click source: support presets for click samples/frequencies + Metronome/click source: always show editable text version of click pattern + Metronome/click source: improve realtime audio performance when loading samples + MIDI editor: add preference to avoid setting MIDI items on non-playing lanes visible + MIDI editor: fix rounding inconsistencies in action to adjust MIDI event velocity + MIDI editor: improve display of recording notes during overdub/replace recording + MIDI editor: slightly reduce sensitivity of action to adjust MIDI note velocity to be more useful for Windows mousewheel + Normalize: add preference for normalize actions to apply to all takes within a media item + Normalize: add setting to adjust mono media an additional -3dB when normalizing media items, rendering, or converting + Normalize: change action descriptions to be clearer about whether common gain is applied when using most recent settings + Normalize: consistent wording for all normalize actions and dropdowns + Normalize: fix item normalization when using item channel modes + Normalize: improve precision of action to normalize media items using common gain + Normalize: support normalizing items separately, to loudest item, or as if they were one long item + Paste: action to paste as new takes supports pasting files from explorer/finder/etc + Peaks: support displaying any two of spectrogram, spectral peaks and loudness graph at the same time + Peaks: improve appearance of loudness graph when zoomed in + Peaks: support opacity control for loudness graph + Project bay: show media from RS5k, ReaVerb, etc in source media view, support copy/move/replace media + Project tabs: improve play state indicator state during/after render [t=293403] + Project tabs: show/hide item notes windows when switching tabs [t=293740] + Project tabs: when a playing background project stops at end of project, do not stop playing foreground project + Razor edits: fix snapping to media item edges [t=294539] + ReaScript: make EEL2 time_precise() return similar values to Lua versions on Linux + ReaScript: add GetSetTrackGroupMembershipEx() + ReaScript: document gfx.mouse_cap modifier key flags for all operating systems regardless of which OS the documentation is generated on + ReaScript: improve documentation for deprecated/discouraged functions + ReaScript: clarify that GetSelectedMediaItem(), CountSelectedMediaItems() are discouraged (and why) + ReaScript: [Track/Take]FX_CopyTo[Track/Take]() correctly copy automation [t=294038] + ReaVerb: fix incorrect output with stereo impulse response, silent left channel, and very sparse right channel [p=2804675] + Recording: improve realtime performance when initializing recording + Recording: restore behavior of adding takes when auto-punching selected items, not adding lanes, and new recording adds media items [p=2807839] + Region/marker manager: importing from csv (merge with existing) leaves all existing markers/regions intact [t=294127] + Render: add button to run actual render to file after successful dry run render + Render: add right-click menu action to reopen render peaks dialog modelessly, to allow focus to return to project + Render: after adding to the render queue, update render queue window if it is open + Render: clicking render peaks display sets edit cursor in project + Render: display cursor at mouse position when mouse is within render peaks display + Render: display multichannel, non-rectified peaks in HTML render statistics + Render: display project regions in HTML render statistics even if the region does not fall entirely within the bounds of the rendered file + Render: display short-term loudness graph by default (can be disabled) and loudness/gain reduction tooltip + Render: display timeline/ruler below render peaks display + Render: during or after rendering, update displayed filename when changing selected file in render list + Render: ensure final samples of rendered file are analyzed for render statistics + Render: fix peaks display when normalizing/limiting stems to master + Render: fix possible incorrect display of rendered file count after changing render settings [p=2809600] + Render: fix possible incorrect sample rate used when rendering with "preserve source media sample rate if possible" enabled + Render: fix render peaks display when user resizes render window to more than twice its original size + Render: fix render peaks display with very short renders + Render: fix switching peaks display by clicking in rendered file list when rendering selected tracks or media items via master + Render: improve render peaks display on retina + Render: include "show project markers" and "show project regions" checkboxes in HTML render statistics only if the rendered files overlap markers or regions + Render: increase default size of render process dialog + Render: increase resolution of loudness statistic history + Render: launch file, show in folder, media explorer buttons respect the current selection in the rendered file list + Render: move actions to jump to loudest or first clipping sample to render peaks display right-click menu + Render: move options for completed render window-closing behavior from render process window to render setup window + Render: optimize mid-render peaks drawing + Render: right-click render peaks display to insert project marker or create project region + Render: show project markers/regions in render peaks display + Render: support adding rendered files to project from render process window + Render: support changing render statistics display preferences from Preferences/Audio/Rendering + Render: support changing render statistics preferences from render dialog + Render: support creating time selection in render peaks display, on mouseup the time selection is created in the project + Render: support hiding project markers/regions in HTML render statistics + Render: support normalizing/limiting to master when rendering selected media items, using region render matrix, or any render setup that does not involve processing everything through the master track + Render: support sorting render statistics listview + Render: when rendering multiple files, support normalizing the loudest file and applying common gain adjustment to all files [t=293325] + Render: when rendering multiple files, support normalizing as if one long file + Render: do not corrupt UTF-8 characters when truncating filename for UI controls [t=294123] + Ruler: add actions, ruler context menu entries to set or reset project start time or start measure + Ruler: avoid displaying unnecessary fractional seconds in media item, media explorer rulers + SD2: adjust media item length after reloading media with new parameters + SD2: leave source properties dialog open after reloading media + SD2: support saving current decoding parameters as default + Take marker editor: do not apply the displayed position/length to the marker unless the user edited it [p=2807104] + Text: default to OS string rendering on macOS + Text: correct drawing of decomposed unicode glyphs in various places [t=291218] + Tempo map: fix editing tempo at existing time signature change when editing via transport [p=2803104] + Tempo map: improve warning when editing a time signature marker would create a partial measure + Tempo map: when editing time signature change position, ignore the current time signature when calculating the new position [p=2797818] + Timecode generator: double-click opens source properties dialog + Tooltips: fix tooltip clearing on certain mouse movements in arrange + Tooltips: improve loudness tooltip when zoomed in to samples + Track groups: support up to 128 groups + Track groups: do not show full list of empty groups, limit to highest used/named group + 16 + Track groups: group window shows bullet next to groups that are in-use + Transport: label show-transport actions as "transport (play/record/stop...)" in case the user doesn't know what a transport is + Video: fix issues looping items with audio length discrepancies + VST: improve performance with large numbers of automated parameters/plug-ins + VST: ignore programs for VSTs with a single program [t=294090] + VST: improve TCP/MCP click behavior of gui-less bridged plug-ins [t=293994] v7.22 - August 26 2024 + LV2: fix support for various plug-ins on Windows (v7.21 regression) [t=293942] + Render: update render settings window when selecting project regions (by clicking on the region number) in the region render matrix [t=293919] v7.21 - August 24 2024 + Actions: actions that scroll the affected track into view only scroll if the track is entirely offscreen [t=292271] + Appearance: do not show vertical mouse indicator line when continuous scrolling is active + CLAP: improve handling of plugin request to resize GUI [t=293604] + Click source: preserve pattern when splitting or duplicating click source items [t=293876] + Custom menu editor: fix refresh of UI when importing ReaperMenu or ReaperMenuSet + Custom menu editor: prompt to save any unsaved changes before importing ReaperMenu/ReaperMenuSet + Freeze: correctly restore lane play state when unfreezing [t=290098] + Lanes: add new action to move media items up to minimize lane usage, without preserving relative lane positions [t=293763] + Lanes: fix loop recording behavior when recording into multiple tracks at once (7.20 regression) [t=293791] + Localization: fix UTF-8 issues on Preferences / Editing behavior page [t=293768] + LV2: fix support for plug-ins that use the urn: URI scheme [t=293582] + LV2: fix various plug-ins (7.20 regression) [t=293680] + MIDI: reset color when un-pooling MIDI [t=293592] + OGG Vorbis: fix writing of files when invalid CBR bitrate is specified [t=292988] + ReaScript: fix issue with FX_GetPresetIndex() and VSTs that have no built-in presets + Region manager: fix sorting by marker index after index has been edited [t=293804] + Regions: improve behavior when editing region length in samples [t=293838] + Render: ensure render window is entirely onscreen [t=293618] + Wildcards: add $lane wildcard, supported by rendering, metadata, and batch converter [t=293888] v7.20 - August 13 2024 + Actions: 'split item at mouse (no change selection)' preserves selection of unaffected media items [t=293124] + Anticipative FX: fix potential excess memory use in certain instances [t=292868] + Anticipative FX: fix smaller read-ahead being used on tracks with multiple send types + API: improve undo-dirty tagging of various item/take APIs + API: restore click source partial LoadState functionality (v7.19 change) + ARA: do not seek to loop start when setting loop points from ARA plugins + Automation: fix automation recording issues in certain instances [p=2801828] + Automation: fix trimming of envelopes that contain multiple pooled items [t=293005] + Custom menu/toolbar editor: support for multi-selection/reordering/copy-paste + Custom menu/toolbar editor: allow preserving unsaved changes when switching contexts + Custom menu/toolbar editor: allow non-destructive reset/revert changes per-context or for multiple contexts + Custom menu/toolbar editor: improve managing tooltips for icons + Default theme: fix positioning of dual-pan faders [t=293104] + Display: improve interaction between play cursor and mouse indicator line [t=293298] + Grid: fix shading arrange view vertically when ruler is displaying time [t=293108] + JSFX: support up to 128M memory slots (1GB RAM) via maxmem= option + JSFX: optimize calling of @init/@slider for FX that do not use @serialize + Lanes: when track has only one lane and it is not already playing, do not automatically set that lane playing after edits [t=293259] + LV2: support presets in external bundles + LV2: correctly handle relative URIs as (preset, e.g.) identifiers + LV2: disambiguate presets with duplicate names + macOS: use generic RGB profile for (non-Metal) internal drawing + Media explorer: fix context menu target area in listview display [t=293111] + Media explorer: fix tempo-matching files with certain kinds of embedded tempo metadata (7.19 regression) [t=293195] + Metronome: fix mouse behavior in click pattern editor with retina monitors and high time signatures + Metronome: add checkbox to metronome settings dialog to set project grid to follow metronome click pattern + Metronome: fix incorrect metronome pre-roll sounds at start of project (7.19 regression) [p=2801334] + Metronome: fix resetting pattern after clearing triplet setting [p=2798029] + MIDI devices: add separate MIDI Input Devices and MIDI Output Devices tabs in preferences + MIDI devices: allow filtering MIDI input/output device views + MIDI devices: faster saving of settings on Windows when adding/removing loopback devices, etc + MIDI devices: improve Windows support for devices with 8-bit ANSI characters in name + OSC: improve scroll behavior and fix other bugs in OSC listener window display + Peaks: improve loudness graph display on retina + Razor edits: fix incorrect behavior when using duplicate item action and trim behind razor edits set to auto-crossfade toolbar preference + Razor edits: use default split-fade when copying [t=293002] + Recording: ignore loop points if recording is entirely outside the loop [t=293021] + Recording: improve item auto-punch behavior when new recording ends before the end of the original media item + Recording: when item auto-punch recording, split media item only if new recording is looped and does not extend to the start or end of the media item [p=2797977] + Render: fix default colors for markers and regions in HTML render statistics + Render: do not mark project dirty when rendering/saving settings unless render configuration changed [p=2800108] + REX/ACID: fix importing media as beat slices skipping some slices with some combinations of project tempo and source media tempo + Super8: support configurable memory use, including longer loops + Tempo envelope: fix possible bad click pattern created when pencil-drawing tempo envelope points + Video: fix loading presets via ReaScript when UI is not visible [t=293212] + Video: support rendering selected items and selected items via master [t=292644] v7.19 - July 23 2024 + Actions: actions to up-rank/down-rank take under mouse will target comp areas if actively comping + Actions: add actions to move time selection/loop points start/end points to cursor (preserving length) + Actions: fix redraw of controls when clearing default-state latches in latch preview mode [t=278857] + Actions: improve descriptions of actions to up-rank, down-rank, or cycle through rankings for take or comp area under mouse + Actions window: if showing command IDs, match command IDs when filtering + Actions window: improve behavior of Find Key window, allow window to stay open on match + Actions window: improve macOS/Linux keyboard behavior in key binding window + Appearance: optionally display vertical line at mouse position, with various snapping options + CLAP: support CLAP_RENDER_OFFLINE notifications [t=292848] + Fixed lanes: add preference for MIDI comping to create pooled copies or not + FX browser: fix VST filesystem navigation for certain symbolic paths + Lanes: improve interactions between take ranking and comp areas + Linux: fix sweep-drag behavior in various managers + Media explorer: add option to display preview position and time selection in beats for audio files, using embedded or estimated tempo + Media explorer: clear time selection by pressing escape key while preview area is focused + Media explorer: do not display estimated tempo for file types that will ignore estimated tempo on import + Media explorer: do not recalculate beat grid when creating a time selection while tempo-matching to project + Media explorer: fix action to move column to far left on macOS + Media explorer: move setting to display preview position in fractional vs whole seconds to Show menu (from Options menu) + Media explorer: support navigating through editable metadata columns with left/right arrow keys, in addition to up/down arrow keys + Media explorer: when displaying preview ruler, playback position, or time selection in beats, use raw beat count rather than measures.beats (because there is no time signature context) + Media item edge edits: ignore preference to limit edge edits to source media for all but the item being directly edited, to prevent relative edge edits from going out of sync [t=292761] + Media item edge edits: ignore preference to limit edge edits to source media if media item edge is already outside the source media bounds + Metronome/click: only display deprecated click sounds/shapes (for example, "sine (soft start)") in dropdown if project is loaded with deprecated settings + Metronome/click: add button to reset click frequencies to default + Metronome/click: add graphical control for editing metronome pattern + Metronome/click: support triplets, 3 over 2, 3 over 4 (click the + buttons below the pattern editor grid to set) + Metronome/click: deprecate 4x click multiplier + Metronome/click: support double-length click pattern when using double-speed metronome + Metronome/click: support up to 4 different beat types/samples + Metronome/click: add sine+square metronome sound option + Metronome/click: automatically update metronome pattern when changing time signature + Metronome/click: in new projects, primary click is higher-pitched than secondary click by default + Metronome/click: preserve metronome/rhythm pattern for tempo/time signature change points, even if the point does not have "set metronome pattern" enabled + Metronome/click: support entering click volume directly in dB + Metronome/click: when changing time signature without changing click pattern, extend the click pattern if necessary with secondary beats + Metronome/click: when editing time signature marker, default to compound metronome pattern for compound time signatures + Metronome/click: always loop source for click source items by default + Monitoring FX: improve configuration state saving after window position/visibility changes + Notation: fix inserting notes on Windows [t=292871] + Notation: prevent crash when switching media items in notation view [t=292769] + Notation: improve hit testing at note edges [t=292808] + Peaks: improve drawing performance when moving items without any tempo changes + Pin connector: fix usability issues when scrollbar is visible + Preferences: move fixed lane comping preferences to new Editing Behavior / Fixed Lane Comping page + Preferences: add some basic comping help text to Preferences / Editing Behavior / Fixed Lane Comping + Razor edit: support copying locked media items and envelopes + ReaScript: add GetSetTempoTimeSigMarkerFlag() + ReaScript: GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String() can be used to get/set various envelope attributes (visible, armed, active, show in lane) + Recording: do not extend recording to span time selection when recording 2 takes that do not overlap [p=2794382] + Ruler: add "Measures.Fractions" ruler display mode + Ruler: add checkbox to project settings dialog to base ruler markings on customized project start measure + Ruler: add checkbox to time signature markers to reset measure grid [p=2786579] + Ruler: add preference to reset grid labels at start of regions + Ruler: display labels at grid reset measures if possible + Ruler: always display whole measures as 1.1, 2.1 etc (not 1.1.00, etc) when displaying beats + Ruler: internal improvements to ruler grid calculations + Ruler: add "metronome" grid display, which marks every metronome click + Ruler: when displaying samples, space labels similarly to when displaying time (space labels apart by integer seconds if possible) + Ruler: add separate option to shade arrange view vertically when ruler does not display beats + Ruler: automatically add a small amount of contrast to vertical grid shading colors, if the option to divide the arrange view vertically is enabled and the theme colors for odd/even track backgrounds are identical + Ruler: support dotted note grid lengths in grid settings dialog + Theme adjuster: improve import/export prompting + Toolbar editor: include animation flags when copying/pasting items + Toolbar editor: prevent pasting actions into contexts in which they are not compatible + VST3: simplify handling of plugins that generate MIDI events [t=292338] + Windows: support disabling crash dump generation via unchecking option in installer v7.18 - July 6 2024 + Actions: fix action list definition of 'split item under mouse cursor ignoring grouping, select right' (7.17 regression) [p=2792089] + Actions: actions to nudge pan left/right respect grouping + FX: defer FX-follows-track-selection until after mouse capture is completed [p=2793035] + Lanes: remove 'create comp areas for new recording while comping' from lane header button recording submenu (same setting is already in comping submenu) + Lanes: support default fixed lane track record mode override in Preferences / Project / Track/Send Defaults [p=2793287] + Lanes: update lane header buttons when lane play state changes after recording [p=2793292] + Lanes: update track properly when moving items down to a new lane on a track that has only one lane showing [t=292409] + Lanes: when new recording cannot add lanes, and recording into an existing fixed lane track, always add new recording to a lane that is already playing + Linux: allow configuring JACK MIDI port count (62/64 by default, range allowed 0-128) + Linux: fix crashes/incorrect priority when using JACK/PipeWire on some systems [p=2794080] + Meters: fix meter colors when using mixed peak/loudness metering for different tracks [p=2792915] + MIDI editor: improve drawing responsiveness to scrub, other miscellaneous actions + MIDI editor: improve resizing behavior when using project-sync timebase + MIDI editor: improve synced-timebase update frequency + Mouse modifiers: add mouse modifier support for take marker left drag, left click, double click + Peaks: fix loudness peaks display when media item volume adjustment is applied [p=2792398] + Razor edits: fix consolidating small adjacent razor edits [t=291621] + ReaScript: add InsertTrackInProject(), MIDI_RefreshEditors() + ReaScript: improve TrackFX_AddByName() searching of Audio Unit names [t=292553] + ReaScript: SetTrackUIPan/Volume/Width now clear touch state if done=true, temporarily set if done=false [t=291664] + ReaScript: SetTrackUIPan/Width no longer affect last-touched track [t=291674] + ReaScript: support background projects for GetTrackGUID(), GetTrackInfo(), DeleteTrack() + Recording: fix looped lane recording when recording starts before the loop start [p=2793240] + Regions: add region display options to region right-click menu + Render/convert: improve behavior when preserving source file metadata and source files contain many different metadata fields [p=2792710] + Ruler: add option to display selected regions over unselected regions (in ruler lane right-click menu) + Take markers: add double-click mouse modifiers to change take marker up-rank/down-rank + Take markers: fix actions that delete takes based on up-rank/down-rank markers after splitting the item [p=2792523] + Tempo: add global preference to snap tempo envelope edits to whole or fractional bpm + Theme adjuster: localization support + Theme adjuster: support mousewheel on faders + Theme: make reading of unzipped rtconfig.txt match corner case behaviors of zipped file to catch bugs earlier + Track defaults: allow setting force multichannel input, force MIDI input, and MIDI latch-replace as default track record modes via preferences [t=292454] + Windows: improve update responsiveness of MIDI editor v7.17 - June 26 2024 + Actions: add actions to clear or delete takes on selected tracks based on up-ranked/down-ranked state + Actions: add actions to up-rank or down-rank take under mouse + Actions: add actions to split media items at take markers (all takes) + Actions: improve description of actions to change crossfade-on-split options + Actions: improve description of actions to move loop points to time selection, move time selection to loop points [t=292104] + Actions: improve performance of imploding fixed lanes to takes + Actions: move/copy contents of time selection to edit cursor now obeys edit cursor/time selection preference for new cursor position + Actions: update description of MIDI editor save action + Actions: update Preferences/Project/Item Fade Defaults after running actions that change options + Actions: fix actions to crossfade media items when using free item positioning or fixed lanes [t=292039] + Appearance: lower default value for 'hide buttons when take height is less than X pixels' preference + API: track previews report project position in absolute_time_s + AU: provide track name context info for plugins that request it + Automation: add option in Preferences/Buffering to control whether anticipative FX is used on tracks in automation write modes + Automation: add options in Preferences/Editing Behavior/Automation to unselect all envelope points in response to various clicks + Color theme: add separate take marker color for selected items + Color theme: un-deprecate theme elements for unselected marker and region text + Color theme: use previous default values as fallbacks for new marker/region theme elements if the theme does not define them [p=2784260] + Default theme: fix margins on transport selection revealed when text very large [p=2788811] + Default theme: fix theme transport background color when pure black [p=2787054] + Default theme: prevent TCP track numbers clipping [p=2787902] + Default theme: add new Default 7.0 Theme Adjuster + Editing: fix auto-crossfading media items when trim behind edits is enabled + Glue: preserve color, if all glued items have the same custom color + Glue: preserve up-ranked/down-ranked status, if all glued items have the same status + Glue: preserve take markers when gluing + JSFX: fix load of certain preset/state for various JSFX including IX/MIDI_ and Guitar/Amp Modeler + JSFX: fix UTF-8 support for parameter combo boxes on Windows + Lanes: add explicit 'Do not add lanes' menu item to Options/'New recording that overlaps existing media item' submenu + Lanes: copy source media take name to comping lane + Lanes: fix recording into lanes when multiple files are created due to file size limit preference + Lanes: ignore setting to automatically remove empty lanes when displaying only one lane [p=2786394] + Lanes: optimize drawing performance when zoomed in to a track with many lanes + Linux: improve knob appearance when using dark mode libSwell.colortheme + Localization: support localizing modifier key names + macOS: fix quirks with 'show last undo point in title bar' option + Marker/region manager: extend existing option to display only take markers in active takes that are within the visible part of the media item + Media: fix potential performance/stability issue when replacing media via drag/drop and project bay [t=292208] + Media import: properly handle user canceling import via multiple-item or tempo-match prompts [t=288431] + Media import: do not prompt to tempo-match video, image, or tempo-less MIDI files + Media import: do not prompt to adjust tempo if tempo is guessed and file is more than 8 measures long + Media import: when dragging in media from media explorer with suggested tempo and user asks to adjust media, do so + Media import: add preference to prompt to adjust media or project bpm if media tempo is guessed from file length + Media items: add action to delete all takes that are not up-ranked [t=288314] + Media items: add action to import media cues as take markers + Media items: don't show locked item button when items are too small + MIDI editor: add action to set measure grid + MIDI editor: add action to toggle snap to key signature + MIDI editor: filter out events with invalid timestamps when loading [t=292265] + MIDI editor: fix adding/editing of Port events in list editor [p=2789003] + MIDI editor: fix displaying length for multiple selected notes with mixed time signatures [p=2790490] + MIDI editor: fix latent response of actions to move CC events by pixel/grid + Mouse modifiers: add media item left-click modifiers to split items with crossfade left/right/center + Mouse modifiers: add media item mouse modifiers to split item ignoring snap + Mouse modifiers: add modifiers to split razor edits with crossfade to inside, outside, or center + Mouse modifiers: fix media item left-click actions being ignored when clicking on bottom half of item + Peaks: display loudness peaks/tooltips correctly when a media item consists of a subset of channels of a multichannel file [t=290961] + Peaks: use new loudness peaks file format which supports per-channel loudness, previously-calculated loudness peaks may be automatically recalculated + Pin connector/channel mapping control: support mousewheel vertical scroll if the mouse is anywhere in the grid + Preferences: create new General/Undo tab for undo-related settings + Preferences: create new Appearance/Ruler/Grid tab for ruler/grid-related settings + Quantize items: fix potential crash when running action to quantize items to grid [t=291548] + Razor edits: default actions/behaviors that split at razor edit edges crossfade to the inside by default, rather than to the right + ReaScript: support rendering multichannel media using RenderFileSection() [t=291611] + ReaVerb: improve list scrollbar behavior + Recording: add global option for whether to record into an existing fixed lane if there is space available + Recording: all tracks, including fixed lane tracks by default, obey project overlapping recording behavior + Recording: fixed lane tracks can override project overlapping recording behavior + Recording: recording into a fixed lane track with overlapping recording behavior set to 'do not add lanes' will record into an existing lane only + Recording: respect project settings for how to handle overlapping recording when in item auto-punch record mode + Recording: fix potential rounding error when gaplessly switching files during recording [rr=1d2wlyq] + Region/marker manager: display length for take markers + Region/marker manager: improve display when marker color has been manually set to the default color + Render: support multichannel media when drag/drop rendering item [t=291611] + Render: add render setting to preserve source media sample rate if possible [t=291533] + Render: update some render dialog controls when output file name changes + Render: when rendering multiple files at once, support writing render statistics HTML per file or combined + Retroactive MIDI recording: fix potential incorrect behavior when as multiple takes during playback + Sends: fix multichannel downmix when receiving track has fewer channels than source send [t=291349] + Split: add global preference to crossfade left/right/center when splitting + Split: add actions to change crossfade left/right/center preference, cycle through preferences + Split: legacy actions to split (select left, force crossfade left) will ignore new global preference + Split: hide legacy actions to split (select left, force crossfade left) in actions list; existing custom actions and scripts will still work + Split: respect crossfade-left, crossfade-center, crossfade-right preference when splitting at grid, markers, or cues + Split: deselect unaffected media items after actions to split at mouse + Split: fix behavior when crossfade would extend beyond item start/end [t=290691] + Split: add actions to split items at time selection or razor edit, crossfading to inside, outside, or center + Split: all actions to split at time selection (crossfading to inside, outside, or center) will split on razor edits, if any exist + Take markers: add actions to create or delete take marker within time selection + Take markers: avoid possible crash when editing or deleting take markers on currently-recording items + Take markers: sync comping and source lanes after deleting take marker + Take markers: sync source edits to take markers from source lane to comping lane + Take markers: reverse-sync edits to take markers from comping lane back to source lane [t=288992] + Take markers: support copying take markers via ctrl/cmd-drag + Take markers: support editing take marker position in take marker dialog + Take markers: support length parameter for take markers + Take markers: add preference for 1-5 up-rank levels (default=3), 0-1 down-rank levels (default=1) + Take markers: when adding take markers to media items in the comping lane, update the associated media items in the source lane, as well as any other comping lane items that are synced with that source item [p=2784514] + Takes: add 'at mouse' versions of actions to delete takes based on up-rank/down-rank marks + Takes: actions to delete takes based on take ranking markers only consider visible take markers + Takes: add actions to add up-ranked/down-ranked take markers at 1 second or 2 seconds before play position, if playing back + Takes: add actions to clear up-rank/down-rank take markers + Takes: add actions to cycle through up-rank/down-rank levels + Takes: add actions to split at take markers + Takes: add actions to up-rank/down-rank take or clear rankings within time selection + Takes: add context menu for take up-rank/down-rank markers + Takes: add default arrange_takemarker cursor + Takes: move take markers context submenu, now adjacent to stretch markers context submenu + Track spacers: fix removing track spacers from mixer [p=2790754] + Undo: add option in preferences to control whether MIDI event selection creates undo points + VST3: support IPluginFactory3::setHostContext with IRunLoop support on Linux + Wildcards: support lower-casing all letters of the substitution (see wildcard help) [t=267428] + Windows: improve behavior when unable to overwrite file with UTF-8 characters [t=290707] v7.16 - May 21 2024 + Actions: improve description of unknown or deprecated actions that are components of other custom actions + Audio Units: fix display of stepped parameter when minimum value is not zero [t=290386] + Automation: add preference for automation rate and parameter modulation when interpolating between points for FX that support sample-accurate automation + Automation: preserve armed state when hiding/showing envelopes + Automation: when hiding single-point default-setting pre-FX/mute/etc track envelopes, optionally deactivate the envelope as well + Batch converter: support writing project markers/regions to rendered file when converting from media item [t=290688] + Color theme: add theme elements for region/marker edge (selected, unselected) + Color theme: ensure that theme colors for selected listview rows are different from unselected rows [t=290998] + Control surfaces: add option to close devices while rendering + Control surfaces: do not send feedback to open devices while rendering + Envelope manager: when ctrl+alt+clicking visible/arm/UI columns, treat as set-exclusive + Envelope manager: when setting envelope visible, auto-scroll arrange view to make it visible + FX browser: fix undocked filter combo box persistence quirk [t=291259] + Import: when importing media with embedded tempo information into an empty project, optionally prompt to adjust project tempo to media tempo + Import: when importing media with unknown tempo, if user preference is to prompt for behavior (adjust media to project tempo or adjust project to media tempo), prompt using a best-guess tempo estimate + Lanes: when comping, copy source media take name to the comping lane copy of that media item + Localization: localize default menu names when displaying customized menus + Localization: support Frame/Measure in grid/snap window + Localization: support localization of various key names + Localization: use synonyms when searching toolbar icon names + LV2: tweak worker scheduling in order to match other hosts [t=290406] + Media explorer: add list header context menu to move column to far left, support shift+click on column header to move to far left + Media explorer: improve resizing behavior on linux + Media explorer: label channel mapping button 'MIDI' for MIDI source media + Media explorer: support adding image metadata or deleting existing image metadata for .mp3 files + Media explorer: support retaining separate channel mapping for each file, for each channel count, for all files, or not at all (options in channel mapping window) + Media explorer: when previewing stereo file with both source channels mapped to both output channels, import media with mono channel mode and +6dB take volume [p=2780410] + Media item properties: support displaying/entering item position and length in samples + Meters: fix 'LUFS-S (readout=current)' metering mode [t=290568] + MIDI editor: add action to insert CC at edit cursor in current lane + MIDI editor: fix quantize with manual swing settings (7.15 regression) [t=290472] + MIDI editor: improve corner case behavior relating to right-drag marquee and context menus + Mixer: reduce CPU overhead with master track panel docked and hidden + MP3: fix importing files with long APE metadata tags [t=290751] + Preferences: add maximum stretch marker handle size configuration + Preferences: allow resizing window, some tabs support this usefully + Project: reset master track pan width when creating new project [t=290615] + Project: show indicator on ruler if project maximum length has been enabled + Razor edit: improve display responsiveness when zoomed in to a tiny part of a razor edit [t=290605] + ReaComp: improve threshold automation behavior [p=2775220] + ReaControlMIDI: fix ReaScript and automation issues with Bank LSB parameter [t=289639] + ReaScript: add preference to copy error message to console when IDE is open + ReaScript: GetUserFileNameForRead supports trailing slash in filename in order to set initial path only + ReaScript: optimize MIDI API when modifying items with open MIDI editors + ReaScript: setting I_PERFFLAGS takes immediate effect for routing hierarchy + ReaScript: skip items on hidden lanes in GetItemFromPoint() [t=290496] + ReaScript: update FX_GetNamedConfigParm() to support querying chain_pdc_actual/chain_pdc_reporting + ReaXcomp: improve threshold automation behavior [p=2775220] + ReaXcomp: remove denormal noise from filters [p=2775795] + Recording: fix $recpass wildcard being off by one [t=289805] + Recording: improve monitoring behavior with auto-input monitoring and loop selection auto-punch when there is no selection + Region manager: fix deleting multiple markers/regions at once [t=291102] + Region manager: improve behavior when changing listview selection multiple times in a row [t=290237] + Region manager: when changing selection while filter is applied, clear selection of non-visible regions unless shift or ctrl key is down [t=290998] + Regions: support selecting regions (mirrored in region manager, affects rendering selected regions) by clicking on them in the ruler + Render: add option to preserve source start offset when rendering with media items as source + Render: apply render fade-in/fade-out properly when using 2nd pass render + Render: if option enabled to preserve metadata, preserve existing BWF metadata and ignore BWF-related .wav configuration settings [p=2777573] + Render: support $marker[001], $region[001], etc to apply offset or number of digits to marker or region number [t=290337] + Render: when preserving metadata start offset, adjust for any take start offset [p=2777732] + Save as: when using trim media, fix incorrect handling of some reversed items [t=290394] + Searching: treat UTF-8 punctuation and certain symbols as non-word characters + Split: fix grouping after action to split item under mouse [t=290454] + Tempo envelope: fix positions of inserted points when pencil-drawing tempo envelope points and the envelope contains partial measures [t=290745] + Tempo map: improve behavior when editing time signature markers (do not move items, preserve later tempo/time sig marker times) + Tempo map: support a mixed timebase which uses beats for time signature markers and time for tempo markers + Theme: fix mixer strip floating arm button [p=2778232] + Theme: properly hide mixer volume knob if clipped away + Track panels: add action to show/hide entire track control panel area [p=2776572] + Track panels: add separate actions to toggle between primary and alternate TCP widths (alternate is zero by default), or show/hide TCP area + Track panels: improve behavior of ctrl+alt record-arm button click (exclusive-sets track and any grouped tracks) + Track panels: do not send mouse clicks to window when clicking causes control under mouse cursor to change [t=288032] + Undo: fix automatic record-arm inconsistency after undo [t=290347] + Virtual MIDI keyboard: add checkbox to send all keyboard input to VKB + Virtual MIDI keyboard: improve evenness of key spacing + VST: fix for possibly incorrect VST3 .vstpreset export [t=290322] + VST: fully fix support for mapping high MIDI buses to VST3 MIDI buses [t=284552] + Windows: add preference to disable FX windows during render [t=290801] + Windows: fix various issues when user temporary path includes non-ASCII characters + Windows: improve behavior of hidden mouse cursor when tweaking TCP/MCP send/fx knobs + Windows: improve scheduling of display updates in response to input events v7.15 - April 17 2024 + Accessibility: improve descriptions for various FX/JSFX text edit fields + Accessibility: improve keyboard accessibility of various sliders via pageup/down, home/end + Accessibility: improve macOS VoiceOver keyboard focus behavior for sliders in FX, other windows + Actions: clarify that split actions that select the left-hand item also crossfade to the left of the split point [t=286185] + Actions: respect global crossfade preference when running actions to split items on grid or at markers + API: extend screenset API slightly for ReaImGui + Color theme: fix labeling of odd vs even media item background color in theme tweaker [t=289479] + FLAC: display error message when attempting to record or render to an unsupported FLAC configuration (more than 8 channels, etc) + FX: allow reordering reaper-native presets using ctrl+up/down with preset combo box focused + FX: improve pin connector dialog default size with JSFX [t=290028] + FX: parse -inf user input in various ReaPlugs dB contexts + FX: improve ReaDelay length parameter names + Lanes: fix comp areas breaking when using multiple comping lanes [t=290278] + macOS: fix mousewheel support in menus on Sonoma + macOS: improve FX plug-in resize behavior when switching monitors on recent macOS versions + Media Explorer: improve preserving non-overwritten .mp3 metadata when adding new metadata + Media explorer: support displaying embedded image metadata (via action or double-click on 'image' column) + Metadata: automatically set/clear default image type when setting/clearing image metadata + MIDI editor: improve appearance of measure start with swing grid enabled [t=283527] + MIDI editor: improve behavior of actions to move notes left/right by grid when using swing or non-1.0 playrate + MIDI editor: improve keyboard navigation when using swing grid [t=288971] + MIDI editor: improve swing grid behavior with non-1.0 playrate + MIDI editor: improve various grid/editing behaviors with 'ignore project tempo' enabled + Mixer: allow moving tracks to before, within, or after an existing spacer that is before or after the track [t=288785] + ReaScript: do not correct reversed FX min/max parameters in SetParamNormalized [t=290126] + ReaScript: fix GetThingFromPoint() when mouse is over track manager and track manager is displaying no tracks [t=290056] + Regions: fix moving/copying regions with locked media items [t=290117] + Render: support preserving existing metadata (using best efforts) when rendering master mix or tracks, not just selected media items + Splash screen: increase status granularity when scanning MIDI devices + Take markers: do not display markers that occur before the visible item start, regardless of zoom level + Theme: fix volume knob size in strip mixer + Tooltips: clear media item tooltip correctly [p=2773110] + VST: fix issues when recording automation on highly-automated plug-ins + VST: fix support for mapping high MIDI buses to VST3 MIDI buses [t=284552] + VST: ignore feedback parameter change notifications from plugins while automating v7.14 - April 4 2024 + ARA: do not inform plugins of UI-related changes when plugin UI is closed + ARA: update project media item selection information when reopening plugin UI + CLAP: when an instrument plugin is acting as FX, replace input rather than summing [t=289548] + Loudness peaks: fix display when applying item pan or take pan envelope + MIDI editor: when using mouse modifier to move note on one axis only, lock movement to one axis once the move has been initiated + Render: fix render dialog loudness display when rendering multiple regions or selected media items + Tooltips: fix lag when displaying loudness tooltip while playing back [p=2770568] v7.13 - April 2 2024 + API: C/C++ header allows renaming API call names [t=289894] + Default theme: fix 150% MCP image glitch [p=2771219] + Default theme: move MCP strip index divider up 1 pixel, fix selection dot z-order + Lanes: fix applying implied fade-in/fade-out when using lane masking + Lanes: fix fade-in/fade-out/autocrossfade behavior after running actions to crop to playing media items without preserving lanes [p=2771274] + Lanes: fix behavior of action to automatically create comp areas when lanes are collapsed [p=2771408] + Lanes: fix gluing media items when using lane masking + Lanes: fix saving/restoring lane masking state in .RPP + Lanes: prevent possible bad output when using lane masking and media items have no fade-in/fade-out [p=2771246] + Lanes: update peaks after disabling lane masking [p=2770721] + Media explorer: fix inconsistency in time selection display/calculation when project has negative start offset [t=289724] + Media items: fix display of implied fade-in/fade-out when item mix mode is 'enclosed items replace enclosing items' + Preferences: fix search focus issues with certain REAPER extensions installed + Render: fix render dialog statistics display when normalizing to common gain and not rendering master mix [t=289917] + VST: fix support for up to 128 buses [t=284552] v7.12 - March 26 2024 + Accessibility: improve accessibility descriptions in Preferences/Item fade defaults + Accessibility: improve accessibility for MIDI device list + Accessibility: improve application-key menu behavior in various listviews + Actions: improve some action descriptions for last touched FX envelope + Actions: fix media item quantize action affecting unrelated items on free item positioning or fixed lane tracks [t=289244] + ARA: report selection change to plugins when switching active takes + Automation: add preference to control whether envelopes with a single point are automatically removed when hiding [t=90282] + CLAP: fix pin state loading for plug-ins that change their channel count on state load (e.g. FabFilter) + Default theme: make auto-hide behavior of envelopes and routing buttons similar to Default 6 theme + Default theme: mixer layout B is now a reworked strip layout + Drag and drop: allow dragging FX and routing to tracks in track manager + Freeze: exit comping when freezing a track + Freeze: treat media items on fixed lanes that do not play as if they were muted items + Grouping: increase tolerance for track edit grouping to include items that start and end within 2ms of each other + Initialization: warn on startup if configuration file cannot be written to (avoid unexpected behavior when running portable installation without directory write permission, for example) + Lanes: actions to automatically create comp areas prefer media items in higher numbered lanes rather than lower numbered lanes + Lanes: action to reset lane names will reset lanes named like 'C1' if they have no comp areas + Lanes: add actions to explicitly set (rather than toggle) recording options to add lanes, add lanes in layers, or not add lanes + Lanes: add track setting for media items on higher numbered lanes to automatically mask playback of lower lanes + Lanes: display implied crossfade when a media item is masked by the fade-in or fade-out of another media item + Lanes: do not set new lanes playing when inserting multiple media items and only one lane currently playing [p=2767175] + Lanes: fix behavior of action to comp into new empty lane when comp lane already exists + Lanes: fix crash when trying to insert more than 128 lanes + Lanes: fix pasting razor edits or media items to fixed lane tracks when comping is active [t=289260] + Lanes: fix undo after changing comping lane [p=2734645] + Lanes: handle corner case when auto-removing lane from two lane track with no media [p=2757796] + Lanes: prevent creating comp areas that are fully enclosed by other comp areas + Lanes: respect setting to automatically comp new recording when in autopunch mode but recording does not intersect the time selection or selected items [t=288422] + Lanes: update display after auto-punch recording with comping enabled [t=288667] + macOS: improve peaks drawing quality in Retina mode + macOS: possible drawing performance fixes with M2/Sonoma/Metal enabled + Media explorer: add option to close window on escape key + Media explorer: support enabling, disabling, remapping individual channels for audio or MIDI + Media explorer: support manually entering time selection start/end times + Media explorer: support inserting selected portion of media into existing media item [t=268245] + Media explorer: restore most recently used channel mapping when reloading a file that was previously previewed + Media explorer: apply preview channel playback configuration to media when inserting + Media explorer: disable reverse preview actions for MIDI (has never been supported, but display was misleading) + Media explorer: display channel count for MIDI files (may require re-reading metadata from media) + Media explorer: display preview playback position, length, time selection in beats for beat-based media (MIDI, REX) + Media explorer: display ruler on media preview + Media explorer: fix APEv2 tag after writing new metadata to .mp3 files + Media explorer: fix displaying out-of-tune indicator when pitch detection is enabled + Media explorer: improve display of MIDI markers and cues + Media explorer: improve randomness of action to randomize file list + Media items: fix occasionally not displaying take markers that are at the very start of the media item + Media items: when preference enabled to clamp media item edge edits to source media start/end, and item has multiple takes, clamp to the earliest start or latest end + Metadata: automatically set/clear default image type when setting/clearing image metadata + Metadata: remember last used metadata scheme selection when reopening REAPER + MIDI: fix inserting multitrack MIDI onto existing tracks + MIDI editor: add option to not draw CC events in non-editable contexts + MIDI editor: do not preview note when clicking/dragging piano roll with modifiers that are mapped to 'No action' + MIDI editor: do not show hidden tracks in track list + MIDI editor: ensure double-click on collapsed CC lane expands the lane [t=289393] + MIDI editor: improve grid-line navigation on items with non-1.0 playrates [t=289129] + Mouse modifiers: respect arrange view override when clicking within track spacer or below last track [t=288574] + Notation editor: fix display of ties when note extends past the right edge of the screen in continuous view [t=288216] + Peaks: add display mode to color peaks by loudness (LUFS-M or LUFS-S), or display a colored loudness graph over the media item + Peaks: add option to display tooltip with peak value and loudness, when displaying loudness peaks or when loudness peaks were previously generated and cached + Peaks: add preferences to always generate and cache info for loudness, spectral peaks even if not currently displayed + Peaks: support renaming presets for spectral, loudness, spectrogram peaks + Peaks: support loading/saving/renaming/resetting display presets from '...' dropdown menu in peaks display settings window, when displaying spectral, loudness, spectrogram peaks + Peaks: support retina drawing in peaks display settings window + Preferences: add new Editing Behavior/Automation Items page, move existing preferences there + Preferences: add new Media/Peaks Generation page + Preferences: add preference for fixed lane tracks to enable media items in higher numbered lanes masking lower numbered lanes by default + Project bay: do not report unavailable FX as idle + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo('C_LANESETTINGS') [p=2763381] + ReaScript: add I_MIDI_INPUT_CHANMAP/I_MIDI_CTL_CHAN/I_MIDI_TRACKSEL_FLAG to GetSetMediaTrackInfo() + ReaScript: add Lua usage example for SendMIDIMessageToHardware() [t=276925] + ReaScript: improve default rounding of gfx.roundrect() [p=2768237] + ReaScript: improve support for newer Python versions + ReaScript: update audio status menubar text in response to GetSetProjectInfo_String with RECORD_PATH or RECORD_FORMAT [t=289432] + Render: do not apply dither to the first rendered sample if it would otherwise be zero + Render: fix peaks display when calculating loudness of selected items via dry run render [t=288907] + Render: fix render statistics chart for video renders [t=288336] + Render: respect render settings to dither/noise shape stem renders + Take markers: avoid possible crash when editing or deleting take markers on currently-recording items + Toolbars: update customized toolbar buttons after actions to display various views of the routing/grouping/region matrix window [t=288273] + Tracks: add actions to crop to playing media items (not muted, not on lanes that do not play back, not masked by other media items), or copy playing media items to new track + Transport: fix macOS retina drawing glitch with some themes [t=288253] + Wildcards: add support for $notes wildcard, resolves to the text in the Project Settings/Notes dialog v7.11 - February 10 2024 + API: fix get_config_var() quirks for Playtime 1.x compatibility [t=288171] + Envelope window: fix macOS focus issue with MIDI learn [p=2757628] + Razor edit: fix some razor edit actions applying to media items outside the razor edit [p=2757638] + ReaScript: fix TakeFX_CopyToTake for containers [t=287880] v7.10 - February 9 2024 + Accessibility: improve state indicators for routing window mute/polarity/mono/MIDI buttons + API: fix accessing metronome, master track state via projectconfig_var_getoffs/projectconfig_var_addr + API: support get_config_var(__fx_loadstate_ctx) for VST/CLAP use, see C++ header documentation + Automation: add project setting to smooth abrupt changes (square envelope points, sharp edits) on volume/pan/width envelopes + Automation: use new project setting, if enabled, for envelope smoothing for mute envelopes + Automation: improve smoothness when looping automation items with sine or parameteric LFO + CLAP: add per-plugin option to disable offsetting automation by PDC [t=287191] + CLAP: properly restore saved UI size of resizable plug-ins [t=286523] + Configuration export: support saving/restoring Media Explorer metadata caches (including metadata not yet written to media files) [t=287160] + Default 6.0 theme: add retina meter mute/unsolo/dim images [t=286642] + Envelope manager: add dockable envelope manager to complement track/take envelope window + Envelope manager: support editing all selected tracks, selected active takes + Envelope window: redesign window using a listview to list envelopes/parameters/etc + Envelope window: add combobox for filtering active envelopes, last touched FX parameters, etc + Envelope window: filter now supports matching Arm, Visible, Active, UI, Mod, Learn + Envelope window: support setting modulation for take FX + FX browser: when assigning shortcuts and alt-main section enabled, use alt-main section [t=288018] + Lanes: action to duplicate items to new lane does not set new lane playing [p=2754987] + Lanes: add actions to explicitly make all lanes big/small + Lanes: add actions to explicitly show one/all lanes + Lanes: preference to add whole recording when auto-punch recording into a fixed lane track applies regardless of whether comping is enabled + Lanes: preference to allow mouse edits in comping lane to expand media items in source lanes is enabled by default for users who have not previously edited the preference (or related preferences) + Lanes: track setting to record into first available lane does what it says, even if there is an earlier recording below the new recording + Lanes: add option (via Options menu or action) for razor edits on small fixed lane tracks to affect all lanes + macOS: fix Sonoma listview checkbox issue + Media explorer: fix control overlap when window is very small [p=2756979] + Media explorer: fix displaying out-of-tune indicator when pitch detection is enabled + Media explorer: handle active search properly when renaming file [t=286683] + Media explorer: improve tempo display when previewing MIDI + Media explorer: rename copy/paste actions as 'Copy selected files' and 'Paste files' for clarity + Meters: improve mute/unsolo indicators on retina displays with various legacy themes + MIDI: allow uppercase CC in MIDI reset configuration preference [t=258837] + MIDI: display length as both quarter notes and estimated seconds + MIDI: display metadata in source media properties dialog + MIDI: fix inserting multitrack MIDI onto existing tracks + MIDI: improve displayed length of .mid files in Media Explorer + MIDI: in source properties dialog, fix transpose setting being applied as output channel when channel filter is also applied + MIDI: prevent hanging notes when editing channel filter in media source properties dialog + MIDI: fix overlapping notes being corrected during humanization when 'automatically correct overlapping notes' is disabled [t=288033] + Mouse modifiers: fix restoring state after using ripple edit mouse modifier [t=286003] + Pan law: set default for new projects/tracks to hybrid taper [p=2753690] + Parameter modulation windows: add topmost pin for modulation windows + Parameter modulation windows: use modal window preference for initial position + Preferences: remove misleading 'ms' label on default media item fade-in/fade-out + Razor edit: fix deleting tiny media items [t=287852] + ReaScript: add Menu_GetHash(), to determine if a menu/toolbar has been customized, or if the default menu/toolbar changed after the current menu/toolbar was customized + ReaScript: get_config_var_string() can now be used to query project state in addition to global state + ReaScript: improve behavior when removing selection via arrow keys + ReaScript: improve performance of MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent() [p=2745361] + Region manager: support setting tracks to render as mono, stereo, or multichannel [t=271185] + Regions: add actions to set loop points to current, previous, or next region + Render: support displaying loudness chart after calculating track/item/media loudness via dry run render + Render: fix project name display when writing render statistics to file [t=287807] + Snap: add checkbox in snap settings to snap media item edges to source media start/end [t=192498] + Synonyms: improve handling of NOT ( list ) [p=2750549] + Tempo/Time signature marker: when adding or editing time signature, automatically reset metronome pattern if there is a previous time signature change in the project with the same numerator [t=287422] + Tracks: refresh TCP after actions to select or unselect all tracks [t=287651] + VST: default paths on new installs use system environment variables rather than absolute paths + VST: report prefetch state (for anticipative FX and pre-buffering) to FX v7.09 - January 17 2024 + Envelopes: restore looping automation item sine/parameteric LFO behavior (revert 7.08 change) [t=285838] + FX: improve preset navigation behavior when both user and default presets exist with the same name [t=270990] + Glue: fix crash when gluing empty items (7.08 regression) [t=287133] + Input FX: fix potential crash with record arm disabled and input FX UI open (7.0 regression) + JSFX: report correct initial samplerate in @init when ext_noinit is used [t=286975] + Jump to time: if primary ruler display is samples, parse user-entered 8-digit number as samples rather than timecode [t=287041] + Lanes: fix pasting razor edits on grouped tracks [t=287303] + Lanes: set target lane for insert/paste when preference disabled to set target track when clicking in arrange view, and user clicks on the current target track + Lanes: when naming/renaming lanes, support applying name to all lanes and/or replacing '#' with lane number + MIDI editor: in track list, hide MIDI media items on hidden tracks when selecting other MIDI items [t=286973] + Razor edits: fix undo after applying razor edit to envelope [t=287175] + Razor edits: fix undo of region/marker edits when deleting with ripple-all enabled [t=285967] + Recording: support $recnumber and $recnumber[N] wildcards, resolve to 1 for the first recorded file with the same name, 2 for the second, etc + Region manager: set undo point after setting region render channels + Track manager: allow searching for tracks by name in collapsed folders [t=279605] + Video: fix reverse and section playback (7.08 regression) [t=287183] v7.08 - January 9 2024 + Actions window: ignore case/UTF-8 accents when sorting by description [t=285073] + ARA: fix potential crash when loading old projects (does not affect Melodyne) [t=286524] + FX: option to not run on muted tracks also affects record-armed tracks + FX: update container-mapped TCP parameters in response to internal modulation + JSFX: fix locrian scale definition in Effects/IX [t=31862] + Lanes: actions to move items up/down by lane respect project auto-crossfade setting [p=2743624] + Lanes: action to move comp area up/down for selected items skips lanes with no media [p=2743844] + Lanes: add setting (on mouse modifiers preferences page) for media item edits in comping lane to affect media item edges in source lane (clamped to source media start/end) + Lanes: exit fixed lanes when edits move all items to one lane on track with hidden lanes + Lanes: improve MIDI editor behavior with certain combinations of preferences on fixed lane tracks [t=286332] + Linux: fix multiline vertical alignment in message boxes + Localization: use localized strings when filtering in theme tweaker [p=2698234] + Media items: fix preference to display overlapping media items as opaque [t=286664] + Menus: remove some redundant razor edit / envelope point menu entries [p=2747122] + Metadata: add option to attempt to preserve source file metadata when rendering media items [t=284174] + Metadata: preserve metadata when gluing media items if all glued items share the same source file + Metadata: preserve source media metadata when applying FX, rendering as new take, etc + Metronome: minor dialog appearance adjustments for metronome, click source properties + MIDI: add actions to set selected MIDI items to ignore project tempo [t=286721] + MIDI: add action to set MIDI media items to follow project tempo changes (undoing any previous setting to ignore project tempo) + MIDI: display minor key signature metadata correctly in Media Explorer [t=286854] + MIDI editor: add CC shape preferences to MIDI CC lane context menu [t=286929] + MIDI editor: do not display note edges beyond the edge of the media item in notation view [p=2738388] + Mouse maps: fix click-type display order when names are localized + Normalize: add option to only normalize files that are too quiet when rendering or batch-converting + Peaks building: add options to change peak building order, disable parallel building + Peaks building: build active takes before building inactive takes + Project bay: add selection mirroring and auto-scroll support for FX and FX parameters tabs + Project bay: allow disabling grouping of similar media items + Project bay: improve naming of FX with aliased names/video processors + Project bay: show containers, FX in containers in FX view + Project bay: show fade in/out size for very small fades + Project bay: support expanding/collapsing groups via left/right keys + Project bay: update FX parameter names when parameters change + Razor edits: fix editing multiple envelopes at once using multiple razor edits and automation items [t=286719] + ReaScript/JSFX: optimize mouse hit testing for gfx_getchar(65536), add 65537 mode to skip hit testing [p=2745361] + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaItemInfo("C_ALLLANESPLAY") + ReaScript: allow setting a negative take marker offset via SetTakeMarker() [t=267197] + ReaScript: document more GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo() attributes + ReaScript: fix return value of MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int() [t=286306] + Region manager: fix adding selected tracks to render matrix [t=271185] + Regions: improve behavior when moving regions with tempo changes [t=285738] + Retroactive MIDI record: use correct offset when inserting all available events and first event was recorded during playback + Ruler: do not move edit cursor when right-clicking marker lane [t=201914] + Stretch markers: add option in preferences/item fade defaults to control default stretch marker fade size + Stretch markers: fix playback issues with a fade size of 0ms + Stretch markers: fix quality issues with ramped rates near 1.0 [p=2742890] [p=2744008] + Take FX: fix issues with batch converter and glue/render actions when PDC and project playrate are both in use + Take FX: fix sample-accurate automation accuracy when using take start offset and project playrate + Tempo envelope: when inserting empty space, ensure tempo remains the same at the start of the moved content [t=286359] + Toolbars: fix tooltips when using text icon and "use as tooltip" disabled [t=286219] + Tracks: handle clicks on volume, pan, width label as if they were clicks on track control panel background [t=286237] + Tracks: add preference to set target track for insert/paste when clicking in arrange view [p=2743123] + Undo: improve memory tracking over 4GB + UTF-8: various logical sortings correctly handle various accented characters [t=285073] + Video: lower CPU use with very large numbers of video items in project [t=284760] + Video: support video processors within FX containers + Virtual MIDI keyboard: show arrow-key checkbox at smaller widths [t=286102] + VST: fix macOS/Linux keyboard message sending issues + Windows: use new EV authenticode certificate v7.07 - December 12 2023 + Actions: add action to move edit cursor to left edge of visible arrange view or MIDI piano roll + Actions: add action to toggle preference to limit media item edge edits to source media content + Actions: improve logic of GR/LUFS metering toggle actions when tracks have mixed states + Actions window: reset/copy actions in alternate sections also reset/copy global override states + Automation items: improve edge point shapes and loopability for sine and parametric LFO types [t=285838] + API: allow plug-ins to register default-global keyboard assignments via gaccel_global or gaccel_globaltext + ARA: improve retaining edits through undo/redo + CLAP: prevent misbehavior when preference enabled to flush FX on loop [t=285644] + Default theme: layout updates + Display: improve cursor paste location indicator on free item positioning and fixed lane tracks [p=2738141] + Dynamic split: add action to immediately dynamic split items based on most recent settings + Editing: add preference to limit edge/crossfade edits to source media content for unlooped media items (checkbox in mouse modifiers preferences) + Empty items: improve performance with 'stretch to fit' and large amounts of text + FX: preserve parameter linking if applicable when copying/pasting FX + FX containers: fix loss of pin names and parameter mappings when pasting FX [p=2739005] + FX containers: fix behavior of single-FX-chain mode when moving FX out of container + FX containers: fix various action support for FX in containers [t=286119] + FX containers: preserve mappings, parameter links, envelopes etc when moving FX to/from containers + Lanes: improve behavior when lanes contain multiple copies of the same source media with different take envelopes [p=2734244] + Lanes: click unsynced media item button to copy edits to a new source lane (existing behavior) + Lanes: ctrl/cmd+click (or right-click) unsynced media item button to copy media items back to original source lane + Lanes: alt/opt+click (or right-click) unsynced media item button to discard edits and replace with source lane media + Lanes: improve behavior when comping looped media items with per-take automation [p=2733428] + Lanes: action to comp into a new copy of lane automatically copies edited media items to new lane and re-comps + Lanes: action to minimize lane usage respects track edit grouping + Lanes: add action, menu item, mouse modifier to refresh out-of-sync comp areas + Lanes: add actions to exit fixed lane view, show only one lane, set small lanes, or set big lanes for all fixed lane tracks in the project + Lanes: add action to remove empty comp areas + Lanes: add selected-tracks versions of actions to delete comp areas, delete empty comp areas, delete comp areas including media + Lanes: add support for copying all edited media items back to source lanes, or discarding all media item edits and replacing from source lanes + Lanes: comping button on a razor edit in the comping lane containing no items will choose a suitable source lane rather than creating an empty lane + Lanes: delete unsynced comp areas before running action to minimize lane usage + Lanes: fix behavior of action to select item under mouse when lanes are collapsed [t=285725] + Lanes: fix comping into a new copy of lane with MIDI media [t=285639] + Lanes: fix re-syncing multiple media items when some items have source media in the lane immediately below and some do not + Lanes: fix some edge cases where comp areas un-sync when edges barely overlap [p=2739194] + Lanes: respect track grouping when running action from unsynced comp area right-click menu [p=2735636] + Lanes: support "Add comp area at time selection" when right-clicking existing comp area on track showing only one lane + Lanes: support comping media items with "auto-stretch at tempo changes" enabled [p=2740986] + Linux: add drag/drop preview [p=2737763] + Linux: improve support for ini files which are symlinks [t=283160] + macOS: improve system memory use/free statistics in performance meter + Markers/Regions: support importing markers with negative time positions [t=286152] + Metadata: clarify that MPEG 7.1C channel layout is equivalent to SMPTE 7.1 + Metadata: correct descriptions of MPEG 7.1 channel layout metadata + Metadata: improve descriptions of channel layout metadata [t=284455] + MIDI editor: account for media item left/right trim when sizing to fit contents + MIDI editor: display lane information in track list + MIDI editor: display media item position in track list if multiple media items share the same name + MIDI editor: display MIDI take names in Contents submenu + MIDI editor: do not list media items in non-visible, non-playing lanes in MIDI editor track list + MIDI editor: fix tooltip for "CC selection follows note selection" button [t=285697] + MIDI editor: sort media items in track list by lane + MIDI editor: when editor follows track selection, follow lane selection as well + MIDI editor: when switching active MIDI source, ensure the source is visible in the editor + Normalization: retain separate target values for peak vs loudness normalization in various dialogs + Preferences: improve help text for "automatically color" settings in Preferences / Appearance / Peaks/Waveforms + Razor edits: add action to select media items within razor edit areas + ReaScript: action to open ReaScript documentation defaults to Lua view + ReaScript: add support for GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_LANENAME:n") + ReaScript: fix TakeFX_Show container support [t=286120] + ReaScript: GetSetMediaItemInfo("C_LANEPLAYS") returns -1 if media item is on a non-visible, non-playing lane on a non-fixed-lane track + ReaScript: GetSetMediaItemInfo("I_FIXEDLANE") always returns 0 for non-fixed-lane tracks + ReaScript: support GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo("I_TAKEFX_NCH"), to get/set the number of take FX channels [t=286031] + ReaSurroundPan: add 7.1 non-SMPTE channel layout [t=284455] + ReaSurroundPan: support up to 128 inputs + Regions: improve description of menu item to set loop points to region [t=286025] + Render: respect source track render channel request when rendering via master [p=2740422] + Toolbars: restore support for customizing both icon and tooltip + Toolbars: restore previous tooltip behavior for various actions + Tracks: always change track selection when clicking lane buttons, unless modifier keys are down + Tracks: fix moving tracks above spacers when the spacer is above the first track in the project [t=285749] + Tracks: when preference enabled to change track selection when clicking track controls, ignore modifier keys when processing track selection + WALTER: support setting/clearing custom controls via wildcards e.g. 'clear tcp.custom.*' or 'clear tcp.*' + Windows: use new authenticode certificate v7.06 - November 27 2023 + Accessibility: add control descriptions for video encoder configuration + Accessibility: add descriptions for various search-related fields + Accessibility: add option in Preferences/Plug-ins to include descriptions of parallel/bypass/offline state in FX names + Accessibility: improve Media Explorer accessibility descriptions + ARA: improve handling of unlooped media with negative start-in-source offset [t=285131] + Automation items: fix glue/delete preserve points for some cases with very small AIs + Automation items: fix incorrect values when gluing AIs with small overlaps + Automation items: improve sizing of label area [t=284771] + Automation items: add per-FX-envelope option to control how overlapping AIs are combined + Automation items: fix envelope context menu when right-clicking near overlapping AIs [p=2737483] + Auto save: do not process auto-save during mouse edits + Comp areas: do not switch source lane when right-clicking to open context menu + Comping: fix comping looped source media + Comping: improve behavior when inserting empty space or copying regions [p=2734194] + Comping: ensure comp areas are synced on every undo point and project save + Comping: support resetting comp area to a different source lane when right-clicking on media item re-sync button + Comping: when media is selected on both the source lane and comping lane, do not move comp area when slip-editing [p=2733376] + CPU metering: add option to view use as percentage of core (e.g. 4.0%c) + CPU metering: make readouts more consistent, use dynamic precision depending on values + Dynamic split: add modes to add stretch markers to items rather than replace + FX: improve take FX position reporting to plug-ins (including ARA) when using PDC [p=2734271] + FX: fix automation quirks with non-1.0 project playrate on plug-ins following PDC (v7 regression) + FX: fix quirks moving/copying single FX when single-FX chain mode is enabled [t=277429] + FX: improve drag/drop FX chain selection behavior when chain is not visible [t=284973] + FX: improve wording/checked-state indicators for bypass/offline menu items + FX: show indicator for first FX in parallel group + FX containers: always report tweaked plug-in context for last-tweaked parameter even when parameter is mapped [p=2733387] + FX containers: auto-expand container on mouseover drag in chain + FX containers: fix bypass automation of items in containers + FX containers: fix wet and delta solo automation for containers within containers + FX containers: fix undo-related issues with automation + FX containers: fix issues with bypass/wet/delta envelopes when adding additional parameters + FX containers: improve display in TCP/MCP FX context menu [t=284678] + FX containers: improve JSFX default sizing [t=285309] + IDEs: do not go to edit cursor when saving [t=285086] + JSFX: ensure JSFX name cache is generated if needed on startup [t=285490] + JSFX: fix stereo pair autodetection for auto-routing build [t=285144] + Keyboard: improve Windows/macOS cross-import keyboard support for US keyboards [t=284753] + Lanes: action to reset lane names will reset lanes named like 'C1' if they have no comp areas + Lanes: fix crash when trying to insert more than 128 lanes + Lanes: fix drag/drop with certain lane counts [p=2733354] + Lanes: fix editing vertical edge of razor edit on fixed lane tracks + Lanes: fix moving comp areas to lower-numbered lanes via razor edit [p=2733413] + Lanes: fix play cursor drawing glitch in certain situations [p=2734248] + Lanes: fix possible mouse click miss when track is greatly zoomed in [p=2735023] + Lanes: fix undo after changing comping lane [p=2734645] + Lanes: fix undo potentially resetting overlapping recording preference [p=2737625] + Lanes: fix resetting lane height when moving items across tracks in certain situations [p=2736745] + Lanes: if recording exceeds maximum number of lanes (currently 128), place recording in last lane + Lanes: ignore items in hidden lanes in various navigation and other actions [p=2733398] + Lanes: improve action to move items up to minimize lane usage + Lanes: improve behavior when auto-punch recording and setting enabled to record into first available lane [p=2731993] + Lanes: improve shift+click media item selection behavior [p=2733811] + Lanes: improve visibility of unsynced media item button in default theme + Lanes: recalculate auto-crossfades after actions to move items up/down by lanes + Lanes: when preference enabled to vertically offset overlapping items, items respect original lane order if track formerly displayed fixed lanes + Linux: use case-insensitive searching when finding JSFX by filename [t=285490] + Localization: support Container and Video processor names in FX browser + Media explorer: allow inserting into active sample player when RS5k is in a container + Media explorer: fix setting option to normalize preview volume to -12LU from action window [t=285395] + Media explorer: obey preference to not move edit cursor when inserting media + Metadata: Double-clicking 'description' field opens multi-line editor by default (note that right-click on any value field also opens multi-line editor) + MIDI editor: add actions to open/switch to MIDI toolbars 9-16 [t=285543] + MIDI editor: fix step sequencer for VKB input and MIDI inputs with high IDs [rr=17y0f7z] + Mouse modifiers: fix assigning 'add items to selection' to media item left-click [t=285480] + Preferences: always open mouse modifier preferences to the most recently viewed context + Project: preserve settings when loading projects saved before v7.0 with 'New recording that overlaps existing media items / Creates new media items' enabled [t=285116] + Project bay: fix extra display tag info on video processors + ReaComp: improve peak metering accuracy [t=223980] + ReaScript: add focused, last_touched, chain_sel, parent_container, container_item.X, container_map.add.fxid.parmid, container_map.get.fxid.parmid attributes for Track/TakeFX_GetNamedConfigParm + ReaScript: fix backwards compatibility in group membership flags [t=277048] + ReaScript: GetFXEnvelope automatically updates UI in response to creation + ReaScript: GetFXEnvelope will no longer return envelope contexts for FX parameters that have modulation but no envelope [t=284945] + ReaScript: GetFXEnvelope/TakeFX_GetEnvelope auto-map parameters to parent container if necessary [t=284400] + ReaScript: GetTouchedOrFocusedFX returns obviously-invalid values when returning failure [p=2733147] + ReaScript: improve behavior of deprecated GetLastTouchedFX() when FX in container was last touched and parameter was mapped + ReaScript: improve FX-type prefix matching of TrackFX_AddByName et al [t=285430] + ReaScript: TrackFX_CopyFXToTrack/etc select moved/copied FX in chain when chain is not visible [t=284973] + ReaScript: update envcp when toggling parameter modulation via API [p=2733149] + ReaXcomp: fix potential deadlock when adding band [t=285407] + Recording: actions to mark last recording pass as favorite or for deletion will mark the current recording if there is no previous recording pass + Recording: action to mark last take as favorite or for deletion affects only currently-recording looped items, not previously recorded items + Recording: improve consistency of action to add take marker to currently-recording media item [t=284953] + Recording: improve handling of user deleting or reordering tracks while recording [t=284363] + Recording: improve reliability of action to quick-add take marker while recording in MIDI overdub mode + Regions: recalculate region display overlap after undo [t=276254] + Text filtering: support Unicode combining accent when matching strings [t=284752] + Track panels: improve FX parameter multi-row size calculation + Track panels: improve retina/hidpi drawing of lane controls for non-hidpi-aware themes [p=2732013] + Track panels: fix display glitch when reactivating project tab and TCP is narrow [p=2734249] + Video: add action to toggle fullscreen + Video: allow dshow_depr to be enabled explicitly for extensions other than wmv/wma/avi/asf [t=269473] + Video: ignore m4a files when using option to use video from background projects + VST: add preference to disable out-of-process plug-in scanning (for developer use when debugging plug-ins, not recommended for end users) v7.05 - November 12 2023 + Comping: fix items in source lanes occasionally displaying as grouped + FX containers: reduce stack use for nested containers + Lanes: fix lane delete actions v7.04 - November 12 2023 + Accessibility: improve labels for volume/pan fields in track routing window + Actions: when editing custom actions, display 'unknown or deprecated' for unknown component actions + Comp areas: fix weirdness when running action to move comp areas up/down on grouped tracks with no targeted comp areas [p=2731934] + Comp areas: handle re-enabling comping after media item edits cause comp area to be in sync with a different source lane [p=2732173] + Comping: always display lane name when showing only one lane; display lane up/down controls on mouseover + Comping: fix comping media that is decoded by a video decoder [p=2731245] + Comping: fix take offset error when editing media items while comping [p=2732163] + Comping: improve behavior when source media has negative start-in-source offset [p=2732559] + FX containers: enforce a reasonable limit on visible nested containers [p=2731384] + FX containers: improve drag and drop behavior when dragging from chain to container [p=2732273] + Lanes: add action to move items up to minimize lane usage + Lanes: clear comp area controls mouseover when mouse leaves arrange view + Lanes: fix moving media items on higher-numbered lanes [p=2731912] + Lanes: fix pencil-drawing with certain numbers of lanes [p=2732116] + Lanes: improve behavior when deleting lanes that have razor edit areas [p=2732254] + MIDI loopback: open devices immediately when creating new device pair + Theme: tweaks and transport HiDPI fixes + Tooltips: improve visibility for floating toolbars and some other scenarios + Undo: fix potentially incorrect automation when undoing track deletion [t=284881] v7.03 - November 7 2023 + Comp areas: actions to move comp areas up/down re-selects items after running + Comp areas: actions to move comp areas up/down skips lanes that only have source media within the comp area fadein/fadeout + Comp areas: actions to move comp areas up/down re-comps items if they are not already in sync + Comp areas: fix glitch when rapidly dragging comp area from right to left [p=2726070] + Comp areas: improve handling of unlooped media items that are longer than the media source [p=2725228] + Comp areas: when deleting comp areas and media, avoid leaving tiny pieces behind + Comping: actions to toggle comping set the track to fixed lanes, create a comping lane if the track has never had one; otherwise re-enable most recently used comping lane + Comping: action to delete comp areas and re-comp ignores crossfades [t=284286] + Comping: action to delete media within comp areas and re-comp skips lanes with no media + Comping: allow setting source lane by right-clicking comp area + Comping: improve behavior when comp areas contain multiple copies of the same media [p=2726836] + Comping: when moving comp areas up/down via buttons or actions, skip empty source lanes + Comping: when re-enabling comping, handle edits in the comping lane that were made while comping was disabled [p=2729225] + Envelopes: improve organization of context menu + Envelopes: remove redundant 'Tension:' from mouseover tooltips + Envelopes: mouseover tooltip on overlapping automation items displays both current and combined item values + FX: actions to apply first track or take fx also bypass all take or track fx, whichever FX chain is not being rendered [p=2726302] + FX containers: fix parameter modulation issues in certain instances [p=2730461] + FX containers: fix possible incorrect undo state when recording new automation [t=284335] + FX containers: improve accessibility for nested containers by allowing left/right arrows in chain list to navigate up/down hierarchy + Keyboard sections: avoid incorrect menu modifiers being generated when editing alternate sections + Keyboard sections: fix temporary override behavior with modifier keys [p=2726244] + Keyboard sections: improve behavior and default mapping of ESC when copying main action assignments + Lanes: actions to delete comp areas have no effect if comping is disabled + Lanes: action to reset lane names preserves comp lane identifiers, but resets comp lane numbers + Lanes: add actions to explicitly show or hide fixed lane buttons + Lanes: add action to delete source media within comp areas and re-comp for selected tracks + Lanes: add menu item, action to delete all lanes except for the clicked lane + Lanes: add preference to show/play only one lane by default + Lanes: display lane collapse button when track is tall enough, regardless of user setting for empty space at bottom of track [p=2726084] + Lanes: display media item re-sync buttons when lanes are collapsed [p=2727052] + Lanes: fix behavior of toggle action to set track to fixed lanes when multiple tracks are selected with mixed states + Lanes: fix crash when right-clicking comp lane that has no comp areas [p=2727154] + Lanes: fix lane size changing when moving media items out of and back into fixed lane tracks [p=2726086] + Lanes: fix occasionally pasting razor edits into the incorrect lanes [p=2726481] + Lanes: fix pencil-drawing media items on tracks with hidden lanes when multiple lanes are playing + Lanes: fix recording overlapping media on tracks that were formerly set to fixed lanes + Lanes: recording behaviors are equivalent for a track that has never had lanes vs a track that was formerly in fixed lane view + Lanes: when disabling fixed lanes, only retain hidden lane information if there are hidden media items or items on multiple lanes [p=2726131] + Lanes: when reordering lanes, only affect other selected tracks with the same number of lanes [p=2726910] + Lanes: when showing/playing only one lane, ignore actions that would result in no lanes or multiple lanes playing + License import: improve wording and explanation of old license keys + macOS: fix toolbar switching actions for various toolbars [t=284681] + Marquee: clear envelope selection if envelope is selected and marquee is largely outside of envelope [t=284171] + Menus: fix 'move to folder' menu items after customizing menu [t=284219] + MIDI editor: fix displaying time/value in the correct place [p=2726975] + MIDI editor: when setting enabled, set channel for new events on mouseup rather than mousedown [p=2727380] + Navigator: do not display items in hidden lanes [t=284539] + Paste: allow pasting media items onto a specific lane when pasting items on multiple tracks [t=284056] + Preferences: fix disabling backup preferences + Preferences: fix setting configuration of default item fade length + Razor edits: display vertical guidelines when creating razor edit areas + Razor edits: improve horizontal guidelines when editing on free item positioning or fixed lane tracks + ReaScript: gfx.getchar(65536) returns additional flag if mouse click would hit window [t=284395] + ReaScript: add set_action_options() for Lua/EEL2 which allows customizing behavior when re-running an already-running script + ReaScript: fix get_action_context() for alternate keyboard sections [p=2727422] + ReaScript: MIDIEditor_GetTake/EnumTakes() will return NULL rather than take in an invalid item [t=284387] + ReaScript: optimize CountSelectedMediaItems/GetSelectedMediaItem + ReaScript: simplify script exported from mouse modifiers preferences + ReaScript: support setting script toggle state via set_action_options() + ReaScript: improve IDE suggestion mouse/mousewheel/scroll behavior + ReaScript: improve IDE help auto-navigate on F1 for some functions + Recording: add recording option to add overlapping media items in layers, replicating v6 recording option 'Add media items' + Track reordering: add more options in Preferences/Editing Behavior/Mouse to control folder creation via drag/drop + Track spacers: action to insert spacer after tracks skips hidden folder children [p=2727198] + Video: support VLC 3.0.19+ + WALTER: fix loading custom images from subdirectories in certain themes [p=2726746] + Wildcards: $hour12 resolves 12:xx as 12 rather than 00 [t=284470] v7.02 - October 25 2023 + Actions: fix behavior of action to paste at mouse position when mouse is over track spacer [t=284042] + Accessibility: fix API issue with MIDI editor last_clicked_cc_lane + Color theme: rename 'Inactive take overlay color/mode' to 'Inactive take/lane overlay color/mode' to clarify that these elements affect inactive fixed lanes (lanes that are not playing) + Comp areas: fix action to create comp area at mouse when track is not selected [p=2725233] + Comp areas: fix behavior when deleting edge between two adjacent comp areas [p=2723290] + Comp areas: fix left-click mouse modifiers to set loop points to comp area [p=2723284] + Comp areas: fix resync button display when track is small or unsynced items are overlapping + Comp areas: handle re-comping media items that are fully faded in or faded out [p=2725217] + Comp areas: respect project item locking when editing comp areas + Comp areas: respect track grouping when re-syncing media items [p=2724215] + Comp areas: when resyncing all edited media items, consolidate overlapping items + Comp areas: when resyncing individual media items, do not resync overlapping items + Comping: update comp areas after replacing media [p=2724687] + FX: fix crash when single-FX-chain mode enabled and dragging FX from chain to nowhere [t=283777] + Grouping: improve behavior of dual edge editing when media items are grouped [t=283998] + JSFX: add options: prealloc=* or prealloc=size, useful if a plug-in wants to force memory to be allocated at compile-time + JSFX: fix bug with top channel in channel_mapper [t=283773] + JSFX: improve watch window filtering, allowing both REAPER filter logic plus expressions such as refs=1 or value>1 etc + JSFX: do not set image dirty when using gfx_measurestr/etc + Lanes: add lane collapse button right-click menu item to disable/re-enable fixed lanes + Lanes: add track setting to show/hide lane buttons (right-click or alt-click lane collapse button) + Lanes: allow clicking above or below lane button to initiate dragging/reordering lanes without changing lane play state [p=2725245] + Lanes: display razor edit comp area control differently when clicking would re-sync rather than comping + Lanes: enable option to record into first available lane even when layering lanes [t=283867] + Lanes: handle section/reversed media properly when comping [t=283957] + Lanes: improve display of lane names in lane button menu + Lanes: improve display of overlapping media items when a fixed lane track is taken out of fixed lane view [p=2723489] + Lanes: improve lane area display and mouse interaction with non-100% layouts + Lanes: improve shift+click selection behavior on fixed lane tracks + Lanes: respect setting to record into the first available lane when recording multiple loops into an empty track [p=2724969] + Lanes: when 'record into first available lane' is enabled, skip comping lanes if any + Lanes: when disabling comping, handle special case where a 2nd empty lane is displayed and autoremove lanes is enabled [p=2725237] + Lanes: when showing only one lane, support switching to any other lane via lane button right-click menu + macOS: fix file extension when exporting mouse modifiers as ReaScript + macOS: fix Sonoma routing window combo box bugs [t=283872] + Media items: actions to set item colors also clear any per-take colors [p=2723344] + Media items: display tiny items on collapsed folder tracks when item selection indicator is enabled + Media items: hide item selection indicator when track height is small + Metadata: do not discard currently-being-edited metadata when the user clicks away [t=284012] + MIDI: fix export timing issues [t=283898] + MIDI: increase retroactive recording history size from 128KB to 1MB + MIDI: when option enabled to set channel for new events when clicking a note, ensure the new channel passes the MIDI filter [p=2723907] + MIDI editor: fix inconsistent text colors of CC lane description + MIDI hardware: better support user-generated reaper-midihw.ini files with whitespace around equal signs [p=2721555] + Mixer: fix embed FX layout bugs [p=2723714] + Preferences: fix changing media item background/peaks display color when theme does not override [p=2725825] + Preferences: support setting track lane buttons hidden by default + Razor edits: support relative snap [t=283820] + Razor edits: if snapping to grid at any distance, also snap to the original, unsnapped position + Razor edits: remove razor edit areas when hiding envelopes [t=284003] + ReaComp: fix reset of RMS size via doubleclick [p=2723224] + ReaLimit: fix 1-pixel incorrect drawing error on odd embedded-UI widths + ReaScript: fix GetSetMediaTrackInfo("C_LANEPLAYS:N") when setting value [p=2724132] + ReaScript: fix setting media item bottom half mouse modifiers from API + ReaScript: GetThingFromPoint() returns 'spacer_N' for spacer before track N + ReaScript: do not set image dirty when using gfx.measurestr/etc + ReaScript: fix gfx.circle rounding [t=284033] + Super8: improve performance when starting recording on multiple channels simultaneously + Super8: use new prealloc feature for improved initial realtime performance + Theme: inline editor and item hidpi fixes, MCP indenting fixes + Toolbars: add preference to disable all toolbar animations + Track panels: refresh when setting/changing MIDI hardware outputs in various contexts [t=280959] + Track reordering: improve folder behavior when dragging over a track that has envelopes visible + Track reordering: make folder-creation drag/drop behavior closer to that of 6.81 + Tracks: if inserting a track at the end of the project and the last track is a folder with hidden collapsed children, add the track outside the folder + Track spacers: fix various behaviors when spacer size is customized + Track spacers: improve behavior when manually adjusting height of track that is displaying big lanes and track spacer height has been customized to a large value [p=2724027] + Virtual MIDI Keyboard: show all available keyboard assignments [t=283801] + Windows: fix RAM use metering on Windows 11 [t=284006] v7.01 - October 19 2023 + Actions: report toolbar button feedback for deprecated mouse modifier actions [p=2721945] + Comp areas: fix some potential undo glitches [p=2722176] + Comp areas: improve behavior when copying regions that contain comp areas + FX containers: do not migrate modulation/linking to parent when pasting/moving FX [t=283626] + Grid: respect 'measure' grid setting when splitting item on grid, moving cursor by grid, etc [p=2722052] + JSFX: fix performance issue with gain reduction scope resized very small [t=282577] + JSFX: hide loudness meter maximum value display when meter is tiny [t=283539] + Lanes: display comping button on razor edits in fixed lane tracks even if there is only one lane + Lanes: do not display comping button on razor edits when fixed lanes have been hidden + Lanes: improve behavior when moving/copying items between tracks with collapsed lanes [t=283682] + macOS: fix default theme font + Parameter modulation: fix parameter linking when copying FX to tracks with existing FX [t=282137] + Paste: fix pasting multiple media items into empty project with setting enabled to paste into separate tracks + ReaScript: correct GetMediaTrackInfo() parameter from "I_LANESCOLLAPSED" to "C_LANESCOLLAPSED" [p=2722531] + ReaScript: fix setting of FX param.X.plink.effect + ReaSurroundPan: optimize initialization process + Super8: fix possible audio errors when recording very long loops + Theme: fix squashed record arm buttons + Track groups: split items on grouped tracks if most of the item is within the bounds of the selected item [t=283664] [p=2719354] + Track panels: correct multichannel input label/tooltip [t=283594] + Track panels: fix hidpi text size for lane labels and TCP embedded FX labels [t=283747] + Track templates: warn if FX are offline on import [t=257672] + Video: fix video processor editor mousewheel issue on macOS + Visual spacers: improve behavior when adjusting track height and visual spacer height has been set to a high value [p=2722567] + Visual spacers: prevent envelope lane height affecting spacer size when spacer size has been customized to a large value + VST: fix undo point addition for some plug-ins when changing parameters via TCP controls/API [t=281778] v7.001 - October 16 2023 + MIDI editor: fix setting channel dropdown [t=283592] + Default theme updates (TCP margin fixes), macOS font tweaks v7.0 - October 16 2023 + Actions: add action to color all takes that share the same source media with the same color + Actions: add action to select all media items that use the same source media + Actions: add action to paste tracks/items at mouse position + Actions: prevent healing an unlooped item with a copy of itself [p=2647801] + Actions: actions to move items up/down/top/bottom will act on razor edit areas, if any exist + Actions: add actions to apply first track or take FX to items (can be used to render ARA FX) + Actions Window: hide actions like 'set default mouse modifier for [context] to [action]' from actions list, instead use ReaScript SetMouseModifier('context_name', keycombo, 'action_name'), deprecated actions will still work though + Actions Window: add meta-actions to allow running (some) actions in background project tab contexts + Actions Window: allow setting a parameter value for keys bound to MIDI CC/mousewheel actions + Actions Window: show custom action toggle state as enabled/disabled if all component actions that report a toggle state are enabled/disabled [t=229048] + Actions Window: store descriptive comments about shortcuts in ReaperKeyMap/reaper-kb.ini + Actions Window: add 'Options' button to action window + Actions Window: add menu items to import, export, reset, clear keyboard shortcuts for the current section + API/ReaScript: support ShowConsoleMsg() from multiple threads + API/ReaScript: add actions to toggle console window visiblity, clear console window; console window log persists when closing/reopening window + API/ReaScript: add CleanItemLanes(), to recalculate fixed lane arrangement and remove unused lanes at bottom of track after moving or editing media items + API/ReaScript: add FX_GetNamedConfigParm(container_count) for getting number of FX in container + API/ReaScript: TrackFX_/TakeFX_ APIs can access container and sub-container FX via documented addressing scheme + API/ReaScript: preserve FXID when cutting/pasting FX, saving/loading RfxChain + API/ReaScript: add EnumInstalledFX() + API/ReaScript: add GetTouchedOrFocusedFX(), support addressing FX containers, deprecate GetFocusedFX2() and GetLastTouchedFX() + API/ReaScript: add MIDIEditorFlagsForTrack(), to get/set pitchwheel range and snap settings + API/ReaScript: add set/getNamedConfigParm container_map.add, param.X.container_map.* + API/ReaScript: add support for GetSetMediaTrackInfo() I_NUMFIXEDLANES, I_LANESCOLLAPSED, C_LANEPLAYS, I_SPACER + API/ReaScript: add support for GetSetMediaItemInfo() I_FIXEDLANE, B_FIXEDLANE_HIDDEN + API/ReaScript: much faster API validation for takes and envelopes [t=283024] + API/ReaScript: fix gfx.drawstr() on multiline content drawing with negative Y offset [t=282702] + API/ReaScript: GetTrackFromPoint() also returns the fixed lane under the mouse, if applicable + API/ReaScript: gfx.setcursor() can specify named theme cursors without specifying numeric ID + API/ReaScript: support using full (unlocalized) action description in Get/SetMouseModifier(), example: SetMouseModifier('Media item left drag', 0, 'Move item') + API/ReaScript: update from Lua 5.3.5 to Lua 5.4.6 (may affect existing ReaScripts) [t=281435] + API/ReaScript: update TakeFX/TrackFX_Get/SetPinMappings() to support more than 64 mappings + API/ReaScript: add GetSetTrackGroupMembership() support for MEDIA_EDIT_LEAD, MEDIA_EDIT_FOLLOW + ARA: support pooling edits by source media, so edits can automatically affect all media items that share the same source media + ARA: support pooling or not pooling ARA edits by default (old projects will always load with edits unpooled) + ARA: pooled edits will not be preserved when loading a project created with REAPER 7+ into an older version of REAPER (the old version will show a 'project token not recognized: ARAMOD' warning) + ARA: display pooled edit button for media items that share ARA edits (similar to pooled MIDI behavior) + ARA: list analyzed media files and pooled/unpooled count in FX + menu + ARA: add actions to select media items with pooled ARA edits, remove items from edit pool, return items to edit pool + ARA: improve stability of ARA edits when editing media items (splits, copies, cut/paste, etc) + ARA: fix possible hang when ARA plugin analyzes media with negative start-in-source offset + Audio: support up to 128 channels per track, 128 channels of I/O per plug-in + Audio: allow mapping ReaRoute/loopback devices as regular channels + Backups: add configuration for path to auto-save unsaved projects + Backups: default to saving up to 50 timestamped projects in Backups directory for new users + Backups: optionally save timestamped backup projects to Backups directory, auto-saved projects to AutoSaves directory + Backups: optionally keep last X copies or X unique days of copies of timestamped backups + Batch Converter: allow user-entered file extension if it is compatible with the format (.m4v for .mp4, etc) + Batch Converter: correct extension handling when option enabled to overwrite source files + CLAP Plugins: automatically scan reaper_resource_path/UserPlugins/FX for .clap plug-ins + CLAP Plugins: fix recording automation in touch mode [t=279975] + Click Source: fix glitch at start of playback with take FX that use PDC [t=277406] + Color Theme: new Default 7.0 theme + Color Theme: add preference/theme element for small themed indicator on selected media items + Color Theme: add theme elements for various fixed lane display features (buttons, text, etc) + Defaults: display media item volume knob, FX button, mute button by default + Defaults: enable preference to record media, copy imported media to project media directory by default + Defaults: MIDI editor defaults to one editor per project + Defaults: default to OpenGL for video output + Defaults: video media defaults to low-resolution audio peaks, for improved responsiveness + Defaults: disable automatic fadein/fadeout for imported media by default + Defaults: disable 'right-click deletes notes' MIDI editor preference by default + Defaults: mouse-drag on crossfade intersection moves the split point left/right by default, rather than adjusting fade curves + Defaults: use project peaks directory by default + Defaults: ReaComp defaults to 4:1 compression ratio + Defaults: ReaEQ adds default HPF band 5 (disabled by default) + Defaults: ReaEQ changes default bandwidth for low/high shelf + Defaults: built-in sliders respond to mouse click anywhere in the slider window, not just within the thumb image [p=2699292] + Dynamic Split: properly handle leading/trailing pad when splitting grouped tracks [p=2714123] + FX: support processing multiple plug-ins in parallel + FX: flush plug-in buffers when bypassing VST or CLAP plugins + FX: always run track/track FX while playback is stopped, if the UI is visible [t=273647] + FX: always run input FX if the UI is visible + FX: optionally run FX when muted if the UI is visible + FX: fix many last-touched-parameter actions to work with per-take, input FX + FX: show more descriptive names for track/take channels in pin connector dialog + FX: support parameter modulation for input FX, monitor FX + FX Containers: support sub-chains of FX with configurable input/output/processing channel sizes, configurable parameter mappings + FX Containers: support configurable channel feedback + FX Containers: support internal modulation of parameters, using parent modulation/automation as baseline for any container-local modulation + FX Oversampling: add preference to auto-disable oversampling for record arm-affected tracks + FX Oversampling: avoid subsample delays in signal when delay compensating [t=277936] + FX Oversampling: fix slight errors in passthrough MIDI timing when using per-instance oversampling and latency compensation + FX Oversampling: improve accuracy of timing information passed to plug-ins when using chain oversampling + FX Sidechain: allow drag/drop sidechain creation to FX in containers, floating windows + FX Sidechain: when creating sidechain via drag/drop to FX, always add/route to new track channels, reconfigure pin mappings for sidechain if FX has 4 inputs + Grouping: add option (enabled by default) for track media item grouping to affect only items that start and end at the same time (rather than any enclosed media item) + Grouping: improve behavior when splitting media items on grouped tracks [p=2719354] + JSFX: add ext_gr_meter to support reporting gain reduction to the host (set to non-positive values in @init and @block) + JSFX: make output metering pre-wet/dry/delta-solo + JSFX: support plug-in defined compile-time configuration parameters + JSFX/ReaScript/Video: % (modulus) operator supports 64-bit values on arm64 [t=282237] + Keyboard: add multiple alternate main keyboard sections, add actions to switch between them persistently or momentarily + Lanes/Comping: support fixed-lane tracks, to arrange media items in fixed lanes + Lanes/Comping: support setting individual lanes to play back or not play back + Lanes/Comping: support automatically recording overlapping media to separate lanes, either layered (multiple lanes play back at once) or not (only the last recorded lane plays back) + Lanes/Comping: v6 option for overlapping recording to create new media items is replaced by option to add lanes; playback behavior is identical to v6 + Lanes/Comping: support minimizing, maximizing, or collapsing track lanes + Lanes/Comping: support adding lanes by dragging media to a hashed 'parking area', automatically removing empty lanes + Lanes/Comping: support naming individual lanes, resizing lane name area + Lanes/Comping: support reordering fixed lanes by dragging lane buttons up/down + Lanes/Comping: support targeting a specific lane or free item position when pasting media items and razor edits + Lanes/Comping: add many actions to support editing, manipulating, playing back, comping, and coloring items in fixed lanes + Lanes/Comping: add mouse modifier contexts for fixed lane header buttons, fixed lane comp areas (including click/double-click contexts) + Lanes/Comping: add many theme elements for fixed lane and comp area display + Lanes/Comping: support recording into specific lanes or new lanes + Lanes/Comping: add actions to explode items in lanes to tracks, implode items on tracks to lanes, optionally creating comp areas + Lanes/Comping: existing actions to switch active take (T/shift-T by default) will switch the comp area under the mouse up or down as well + Lanes/Comping: add import option to add multiple media on fixed lanes on a single track + Lanes/Comping: tracks that are grouped for media/razor edits are also grouped for lane actions and edits + Lanes/Comping: when exiting fixed lane view, lanes that are not playing are hidden; hidden lanes are restored when re-entering fixed lane view + Lanes/Comping: create a comping lane by double-clicking or right-clicking the lane button, or clicking the comping button on a razor edit, or using arrange view mouse modifiers + Lanes/Comping: while comping, mouse-drag in source lanes to create comp areas; comped media is copied to the comping lane + Lanes/Comping: comp areas create editable copies of source media + Lanes/Comping: mouse modifiers for comp areas include behaviors to change comp area source lane, limit comp areas to media item edges, move media items along with comp areas, attach comp area edges to adjacent comp area edges, create time selection including pre-roll/post-roll for previewing + Lanes/Comping: while comping, edits to media item edges/fades/crossfades in comping lane will also affect comp areas (comp areas fades/crossfades can be individually edited this way) + Lanes/Comping: while comping, edits that cause comping-lane media to go out of sync with source-lane media will display a re-comp button on the comping lane media + Lanes/Comping: clicking re-comp button will copy edited media to a new source lane, to use as an alternative edit along with existing source media + Lanes/Comping: optionally support editing source media while comping (edits immediately affect the comping lane) + Lanes/Comping: add options to automatically create comp areas for new recording while comping + Lanes/Comping: ensure that new recording is in the same lane for all grouped tracks [p=2720419] + Lanes/Comping: when recording with time selection auto-punch into a new lane, optionally add the entire new recording, but comp only within the time selection [p=2676770] + License: display license valid-through version in About/Purchase window + Loopback: add audio loopback support (Preferences/Audio) for up to 256 channels + Loopback: when recording from loopback MIDI/audio channels, do not compensate audio device latency + macOS: improve menu item modifier descriptions for various menus + macOS: optionally display last user-run action in REAPER title bar + Media Items: allow mouse editing take markers by clicking anywhere within the text, as well as on the marker itself + Media Items: avoid snapping to a grid point that is in a different direction from the mouse move + Media Items: do not autoscroll when adjusting media item contents [p=2706019] + Media Items: improve interactions between auto-crossfade project setting and crossfade preferences when trimming content behind media item edits + Media Items: limit overlap and crossfade when splitting at time selection or razor edit [p=2699919] + Media Items: improve multiple selection behavior when editing crossfade or shared media item edges [t=282099] + Media Items: limit crossfade edits consistently when moving left or right [p=2661922] + Media Items: show tooltip when hovering over pooled MIDI button + Media Items: store fade-in/fade-out length with greater precision in project files + Media Items: support healing items even if one or both contains empty takes + Media Items: support healing splits even if items do not have the same active take lane + Media Items: when option enabled to offset overlapping media items vertically, arrange media items that start at the same time in the order they were created [t=279000] + Metadata: support multi-line render metadata (right-click value cell to open multi-line editor) [t=282304] + Metadata: support unsynchronized lyrics metadata via ID3 and VORBIS tags + Metadata: cancel metadata edit entry box when user scrolls metadata list + Metadata: attempt to parse XMP markers for terse display in media source properties dialog + Meters: add per-track option to display gain reduction from VST or JSFX plug-ins that report gain reduction to the host + Meters: add gain reduction metering preferences in Appearance/Track Control Panels + MIDI: support up to 128 MIDI buses per track + MIDI: add action to send explicit note-off messages for every channel/pitch combination to every MIDI output and plugin + MIDI: improve MIDI device preferences pane + MIDI: do not automatically re-color MIDI media items when doing pooled copy + MIDI Devices: support up to 128 input/output devices + MIDI Devices: add ability to create multiple native MIDI loopback devices (single audio block delay) + MIDI Devices: allow ignoring devices to prevent them from using up device ID space + MIDI Devices: add per-device option to not warn when unable to open device + MIDI Editor: add option for editor selection to follow track selection in arrange view + MIDI Editor: add option to set the channel for new events when selecting a single note or CC event (improves MPE editing support) + MIDI Editor: support vertical zoom/scroll in CC lanes + MIDI Editor: support pitchwheel lane semitone range, snap-to-semitone + MIDI Editor: improve support for renaming CC lanes + MIDI Editor: add option to prevent mouse edits of single CC events from moving past other CC events + MIDI Editor: add preference to display empty space at top/bottom of CC lanes + MIDI Editor: display time/value in CC lanes + MIDI Editor: improve options to allow/disallow CC curve shapes in sustain, bank, LSB lanes + MIDI Editor: fix deselecting CC events when clicking lane outside envelope, when preference enabled to draw/edit immediately on mouse click + MIDI Editor: if 'show only events that pass filter' disabled, allow setting any channel for new events [p=2720147] + MIDI Editor: remove snap-to-center for mouse edits in CC lanes (double-click a value to center it) + MIDI Editor: when switching active MIDI item, adjust vertical scroll if all notes would be offscreen + MIDI Editor: when using one editor per project or per track, reopen editor at the same screen location for all MIDI items that share the editor + MIDI Quantize: automatically quantize media content start position to PPQ when quantizing MIDI [t=279531] + MIDI Quantize: reset quantization for unselected notes when switching from 'all notes' to 'selected notes' in quantize dialog + MIDI Quantize: when creating new items, always snap media item position to PPQ [t=271205] + MIDI Quantize: improve behavior of no-chase playback modes to handle media items with non-quantized starting positions [t=271205] + Mouse Modifiers: add multiple arrange view mouse modifier override sections, to define new behaviors when left-mouse-dragging in arrange view + Mouse Modifiers: set override A to marquee selection behaviors, override B to razor edit behaviors, override C to comping behaviors, override D to time selection behaviors by default (all are fully customizable though) + Mouse Modifiers: add actions, toolbar buttons to activate/momentarily activate/toggle/clear mouse modifier overrides + Mouse Modifiers: add menu action to export modifiers for the current context as a ReaScript [p=2699692] + Mouse Modifiers: support user-defined custom toolbar button tooltip for arrange view override contexts + Multiproject: if =REF markers specified in both projects, use as a manual synchronization point + Multiproject: use project time offsets to synchronize video and playback between project tabs + Pitch shift/timestretch: add multi-mono and multi-stereo options for applicable algorithms + Pitch shift/timestretch: support more than 48 channels with Elastique [t=181279] + Preferences: add new Envelope Colors preferences page, support custom envelope colors based on envelope name + Preferences: add new Project/Backups preferences page + Preferences: add new Item Fade Defaults, Item Loop Defaults preferences pages + Preferences: add new ARA preferences page + Preferences: add new Scrub/Jog preferences page + Preferences: add new Zoom/Scroll preferences page + Preferences: add button to Preferences/Project to open project settings dialog + Preferences: add preference for envelope lane height as a percentage of track height, when zooming vertically (default 50%) + Preferences: add preference for adjusting scrub/jog volume gain + Preferences: add preferences for default fixed lane track configuration (big/small lanes, etc) + Preferences: add preferences for crossfade behavior for various contexts (splitting, reording, etc) + Preferences: add preferences for track meter display defaults + Preferences: remember last selected mouse modifier context when closing/restarting REAPER + Project: changing autocrossfade or overlapping-recording options also sets default setting for new projects + Project: use HMSF if set as a secondary project time unit + Project: show play/record indicators for background tabs + Project: add actions to reorder project tabs, actions to switch to specific or previously-selected tabs + Raw PCM Media: add button to source properties to reload media after editing .rsrc sidecar file + Razor Edit: copy selected part of fade-in/fade-out if any part of the fade is included in the razor edit + Recording: display loop counter during recording + Recording: optionally apply autocrossfade when new recording overlaps existing items and adding takes [t=276274] + Recording: optionally apply autocrossfade when loop-punch recording and adding takes [t=275518] + Recording: fix aligning takes when recording pass starts in the middle of a looped section [p=2636585] + Recording: when loop recording, do not split recorded media even if a full loop pass was not recorded + Render: inform user when saved render format is not available + Render: fix persistence of preference to embed XMP markers [t=263105] + Render: respect preference to close render window when done, even when normalizing (but leave the window open when dry run rendering regardless of the preference) + Render: support forcing mono/stereo/multichannel render for master mix via region render matrix + Render: support rendering raw PCM (.sd2), including sidecar definition file + Render: support marker/region wildcards consisting of separated name=value pairs using $marker(name)[separator] and $region(name)[separator] (see wildcard help) + RX2: fix memory leak when exploding items + Samplerate Conversion: update r8brain-free to v6.3 + Super8: support 1-48 channels (default 8) + Takes: add actions to mark previous recording pass for deletion, delete takes that are marked for deletion + Takes: avoid potential crash when editing take markers and media item source file is not available + Tempo/Time Signature: inserting time at start of project uses initial tempo marker rather than project tempo setting [t=280453] + Tempo/Time Signature: if project timebase for tempo/time signature envelope is set to beats, action to insert time will preserve existing tempo/time signature changes [t=279580] + Toolbars: support optional animation or blinking for toolbar buttons + Toolbars: animate ripple-edit, mouse modifier override toolbar buttons by default + Toolbars: support up to 32 main toolbars, 16 MIDI toolbars + Track Folders: add preference to hide tracks in a folder when the folder is fully collapsed + Track Folders: add option for track folder collapse button to cycle child track heights between various combinations of normal-sized, small, collapsed, and hidden + Track Folders: add action to show/hide children of selected folder tracks + Track Folders: consistently refer to collapsed folders as 'collapsed' rather than 'compacted' + Track Folders: add actions, menu items to move tracks to new or existing folder track + Track Folders: gray out folder tracks in track context menu if all selected tracks are already within that folder + Track Folders: when inserting tracks after a folder whose children are all hidden, insert after children + Track Spacers: add support for customizable spacers between tracks + Track Spacers: display track spacers in mixer when mixer tracks are displayed in the same order as TCP + Track Spacers: when multiple contiguous tracks are selected, spacers will be added at the start and end of the set + Track Spacers: support moving/copying track spacers with mouse, dragging tracks to before/after/within spacers + Transport: add support for Measures.Beats as secondary time unit [t=283214] + Transport: when parsing user-input time, always treat 8-digit numbers as hhmmssff + Video: add option to disable video per-media-item + Video: optionally display video from background projects if current project lacks video [t=273317] + Video: support project setting for YUV preview/conversion gamut: BT.601 (previous versions), BT.709, BT.2020 + Video: add preference to use standard (accessible) OS editing controls for video code + WALTER: themes can create custom controls by using 'custom tcp.custom.xyz [label] [action ID] [accessibility description] [button_image_name]' in layouts + WALTER: custom controls can be text fields or buttons, may support .font, .color, .margin + WALTER: add various scalars/elements/images + WALTER: add warnings, enable via 'warnings all' or 'warnings pedantic' line (only supported when loading a non-zipped theme) + Web Control Surface: reduce web server latency + Windows: do not try to style-match tab-child windows [t=283126] + Windows: update manifest to declare UAC configuration and compatibility for new Windows 8+ features (improves support for some plug-ins) + Zoom/Scroll: consistently support small control device moves, such as from a trackpad or trackball + Zoom/Scroll: map shift+alt+mousewheel to 'scroll vertically one page' by default + Zoom/Scroll: rename actions to scroll horizontally/vertically to match behavior (scrolling forward vs reversed) + Zoom/Scroll: do not change envelope height when resizing tracks via mouse drag + Zoom/Scroll: support vertical scroll step as percentage of track height or percentage of arrange view height + Zoom/Scroll: add actions to toggle track zoom height to default; cycle track zoom height between minimum, default, and maximum + Zoom/Scroll: add actions to toggle or cycle track zoom to maximum, even if maximum is not 100% of arrange view height + Zoom/Scroll: if maximum vertical zoom preference is 100% or less, keep the focused track entirely onscreen while zooming + Zoom/Scroll: if track height is greater than screen height, mousewheel scroll on TCP scrolls by screen height + Zoom/Scroll: allow mouse-centered vertical zoom to target the interior of a track v6.83 - October 11 2023 + CLAP: fix recording automation in touch mode [t=279975] + CLAP: round MIDI velocity values returned from plugins [t=282782] + Crossfades: fix grouped crossfade edits potentially coming ungrouped in certain situations [p=2719056] + Drag and drop: fix potential crash [t=283153] + JSFX/EEL2: fix function return value passing to variadic functions on arm [t=283146] + lv2: fix support for patches defined in manifest + macOS: fix potential metal drawing glitches when changing from retina to non-retina layouts + macOS: fix minor retina drawing errors + Marker/region manager: support importing multiple markers/regions with the same time position + Media items: improve multiple selection behavior when editing crossfade or shared media item edges [t=282099] + MIDI editor: reset note start time when switching quantization to note end or length only [t=279033] + MIDI editor: do not display inactive takes after switching takes [t=278959] + MIDI editor: enable solo feature for position-in-measure and length settings in MIDI filter + MIDI editor: fix undo when editing left edge of parent item [t=282888] + MIDI editor: improve color matching when coloring notes by track or media item + MIDI editor: various note-length setting actions now auto-extend MIDI items according to preference + Preferences: if the current color theme overrides media item coloring preferences, display the theme-set preferences (grayed out) in Preferences/Appearance/Peaks/Waveforms + Preferences: use actions window synonyms option when searching + Project metadata: do not commit metadata if user presses escape key while editing + Project tabs: improved tooltip positioning [t=282853] + Razor edits: copy fade-in/fade-out if any part of the fade is included in the razor edit + ReaScript: properly syntax highlight Lua hex-fp numbers [t=283252] + ReaScript: update parameter modulation window when changing parameter link settings [t=283206] + ReaScript: preserve FXID (if unique to project) when pasting FX/importing track templates + Recent projects: if holding alt/opt when opening a recent project from menu, load with FX offline + Recording: fix take record pass related functionality when loop recording [t=283127] + Render: improve error message when saved render format is not available [t=282191] + Takes: do not auto-force-offline inactive takes which are surrounded by one or more empty takes + Track manager: improve resizing behavior on macOS + Track panels: improve cursor feedback when reordering tracks/making folders + Track panels: tweak folder drag destination area to be middle third of left fifth of TCP + Track reordering: improve drag and drop behavior when dragging a track in-place + Track templates: fix incorrect loading of certain track template content (e.g. some video processors) [t=281970] + VST: order MIDI output from plugins to prioritize plugin-generated bank select messages [t=282171] + VST: support VST3 preset paths on Linux + Windows: fix keystrokes potentially being ignored immediately after alt+mousedrag v6.82 - August 23 2023 + Accessibility: improve labels for time signature edit window + Actions: add 'unpool' / 'un-pool' as default synonyms + Actions: detect and support multi-word synonyms [t=278803] + Actions: ignore leading/trailing non-word characters when matching synonyms [t=281502] + API: better support for extension-created click sources and multi-project support + ARA: fix possible hang when ARA plugin analyzes media with negative start-in-source offset + Batch converter: support preserving metadata when converting from media items [t=260528] + CLAP: fix incorrect measure start value sent to plugins [t=281032] + FX: fix issues when per-FX PDC mode is combined with auto-bypass [p=2700214] + FX: improve performance metering responsiveness when muting tracks [t=281827] + JSFX: support EEL2 preprocessor include() + JSFX: reduce memory use for multiple instances of plug-ins that load images [t=276120] + Localization: fix a few missing localizations [t=271122] + Localization: allow using semicolon as a synonym delimiter if first character of synonym list is a semicolon + LV2: non-automatable patch parameter support including atom:Path filename selection [t=252480] + macOS: fix various retina-related display glitches (e.g. zoomed-in item labels) + macOS: optimize Metal drawing for various contexts, improving behavior for some multimonitor M2 systems [t=280085] [t=280242] + Metadata: snap BPM auto-detected from filename to samplerate + Metadata: support 5.0 and 6.0 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE channel layouts [t=281187] + MIDI editor: improve mousewheel event adjustment via action [t=281886] + Mixer: improve click descriptions for send context menu + Mouse: envelope control panel respects preference to ignore mousewheel on all faders + Mouse: respect preference to reverse mousewheel when scrolling TCP [p=2699501] + Navigator: display items correctly in free item positioning tracks + Preferences: move preference to control track parenting when mouse-dragging to Editing Behavior/Mouse page + Project bay: display bridged status in performance column, allow filtering to match this status + Project bay: do not delete folder when un-retaining media in multiple selection [t=281828] + Project bay: support dragging media from project bay to add-track area + Project bay: when in FX tab, filtering searches preset, developer, type + Project bay: when matching FX, allow words to be matched from different columns + Project tabs: improve display of monitoring FX button when there are many project tabs [t=280658] + Project tabs: show full project path and info in tooltip [t=276194] + Raw PCM media: add button to source properties dialog to reload media (after editing .rsrc definition file) + ReaScript: allow gfx_showmenu() without gfx_init() on Windows [p=2697068] + ReaScript: support EEL2 preprocessor include() + ReaScript: reduce memory use for common images [t=276120] + ReaScript: optimize Lua table watching + Tabs: show tooltips for tabs that have truncated text + Take: fix various behaviors when reversing take via action [t=280742] + Windows: fix UTF-8 issues in various combo boxes [t=279632] v6.81 - July 4 2023 + Accessibility: improve description of default track record settings button in preferences + Accessibility: add preference to use standard (screen-reader accessible) OS editing control for video processor code + Accessibility: improve keyboard navigation of video processor presets + Actions window: add 'second/2nd' as default synonyms + Actions window: allow removing shortcut by hitting delete while shortcut list focused + API: fix inconsistent rounding for TrackFX_FormatParamValue on bypass envelopes + ARA: fix potential click at media item end when ARA plugin affects timing of output + AU: fix restoring UI size for AUv3 plugins + Command line: add batch file converter config file parameter to limit CPU core usage [t=279669] + Custom menus/toolbars: fix adding multiple actions at once [p=2682322] + FX: when adding multiple FX at once to per-take FX, ensure the track has enough channels + Import: if media file contains tempo metadata and filename also suggests a tempo, prefer the metadata tempo + Import: when tempo-matching, respect tempo embedded in metadata even if the resulting file length is a fractional number of beats [t=275512] + Linux: multiple-instance checking automatically detects and ignores separate installs + macOS: improve multiple-instance checking (option in preferences/general, automatically detect separate installs) + Media items: improve precision when mouse-editing take markers + Metadata: attempt to resolve embedded image file relative to project path + MIDI: allow entering text events of any length [t=273491] + MIDI: fix potential skipped or doubled MIDI notes when splitting by channel [t=278852] + MIDI: fix re-importing MIDI that was exported from REAPER with linear tempo changes [t=279354] + ReaSurroundPan: support manually entering non-normalized envelope point values [t=280414] + Save as: when using trim and stretch markers, better handle corner cases [t=280192] + Silence removal: fix behavior when processing multiple media items on the same track [t=279498] + Track icons: improve cross-platform compatibility with subdirectory resolution [t=279438] + Video: improve UI for audio preferences in video source properties dialog v6.80 - May 27 2023 + Actions: add action to set snap offset for item under mouse to mouse position + Arrange: improve auto-scroll behavior when adjusting scrollbars + Audio Units: possible fix for occasional crash when loading plug-in state [t=278544] + Automation items: support toggling automation items following project default behavior without changing other settings [t=278999] + CLAP: do not apply plugin PDC/latency to MIDI events if the plugin produces MIDI output [t=278898] + CLAP: fix interpolating parameter values in first buffer block after playback start [t=279157] + CLAP: prevent adding duplicate parameter change events to event queue + CLAP: support enumerated parameters with arbitrary range [t=278754] + CLAP: add clap_get_reaper_context() API + Command line: support passing reascript on command line, for example: 'reaper.exe projectfile.rpp scriptfile.lua' + Command line: support inserting media or running reascripts in already-running REAPER instance, for example: 'reaper.exe -nonewinst media.wav scriptfile.lua' + Customize menu/toolbar: display full action description in menu/toolbar entry context menu + FX: improve anticipative FX scheduling to improve performance with slow media disks + FX: improve performance of anticipative FX multiprocessing on folder tracks that use PDC [t=227950] + FX: improve performance of anticipative FX multiprocessing in various other routing contexts + Handscroll/zoom: improve various behaviors [t=246061] + Linux: fix context menu in video output when OpenGL is used + Localization: fix UTF-8 text in auto-trim/split dialog [p=2678222] + macOS: add option in prefs/buffering/advanced to view or change open-file limit + macOS: support controlling existing instance of REAPER via command line (parity with other OSes) + Media explorer: do not interrupt project peak building when closing media explorer [t=278830] + Metadata: support LRC channel configuration in WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE metadata [t=278826] + MIDI: fix import of .mid files containing unused bytes after the end of the MIDI data + MIDI: support entering blank string for default name for in-project MIDI media items + Mixer: if preference disabled to change track selection when clicking track control panel buttons, do not change track selection when clicking master track meter in the mixer + MP3: fix off-by-one-sample initial latency when decoding [t=279307] + MP3: make end of file peaks display consistent with other types + ReaControlMIDI: support loading sysex message from file [t=278648] + ReaScript: improve Lua documentation for some third-party functions [t=248191] + ReaScript: improve documentation for Track/TakeFX_GetPreset() [t=270988] + Regions: add action to select/unselect all regions for rendering + Render: flush FX when normalizing audio during video render [t=278518] + Render: resolve '..' in render file name [p=2673158] + Render: support $directory, $directory2, etc wildcards, representing the project directory parent (parent's parent, etc) on disk + Searching: fix incorrect matching of latin-1 characters in various filter fields [t=278801] + Takes: changing active take via mouse affects grouped media items and tracks even if those tracks are hidden [t=278470] + Track panels: add preference to use shift key to control whether drag and drop of track panel creates a folder + Video: fix typo in blitter feedback preset + VST: do not apply PDC to MIDI if the plugin generates MIDI events, even if the plugin does not process MIDI input + VST: fix bridged VST3 initial sizing on Windows [t=276169] + Windows: re-support 2GB+ ReaperThemeZip and ReaperConfigZip files (6.57+ regression) [t=242227] v6.79 - April 23 2023 + API: allow renaming FX via TrackFX_SetNamedConfigParm(renamed_name), also support FX_GetNamedConfigParm(original_name) [t=276873] + API: fix Take/TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(fx_type) for CLAP plugins + API: improve responsiveness of MIDI_EnumSelEvts() etc with MIDI listview open [t=277095] + API: update UI in response to setting various send parameters [t=278144] + ARA: mark project dirty when the plugin informs REAPER that the audio modifications have changed + FX: avoid audio-thread reset of FX when moving between chains with different oversampling settings + FX: improve behavior with certain FX and parameter changes when in automation-read mode [t=278152] + FX: rename-FX window uses modal window positioning preference + FX: fix possible crash when oversampling used with classic per-FX PDC [p=2666792] + FX: include saved chains in Browser, All Plugins view + Hardware outputs: improve quality when muting/unmuting tracks that have hardware outputs + IDEs: improve syntax highlighting around EEL2 preprocessor-text + JSFX: effects can now check reaper_version and max_nch from their preprocessor + JSFX: fix loading JSFX from subdirectory of project Effects directory [t=274578] + JSFX: fix project state for high numbers of sliders with very large values + JSFX: fix state encoding of more than 64 sliders with no preset name set + macOS: improve selection-related performance of list views with many visible items (Media Explorer, MIDI Event List, Project Bay, etc) + macOS: work around Ventura multimonitor issue by deferring initialization of windows until after applicationDidFinishLaunching: completes + Media Explorer: add actions to edit metadata tags + Menus: allow customization of MIDI CC lane context menu prior to first display [t=278076] + MIDI: add preference for media item name wildcard format for in-project MIDI items + MIDI: handle text meta-messages (like track title) when importing type 1 MIDI files that do not contain a tempo track [t=278193] + MIDI epxort: allow configuring PPQN when exporting project MIDI + MIDI export: avoid creating non-standard .mid files with high PPQN divisions + MIDI import: prevent hang when importing corrupt midi files + MIDI import: fix possible off-by-one-tick timing of event at end of track [t=278370] + Multimonitor: improve behavior of floating windows opening to secondary monitors + Multimonitor: improve behavior when repositioning offscreen windows + Notation: improve PDF export support for latin-1 characters in lyrics, etc [t=276251] + Pencil drawing: fix potential unsafe memory access when drawing new MIDI items + Pin connector window: improve scrollbar behavior + ReaScript: EEL ReaScripts can now check reaper_version from their preprocessor + ReaVerb: fix gain issues with resampling of certain impulse response files [t=277406] + Recording: improve record pass logic and $recpass wildcard [t=277944] [t=254484] + Render: fix embedding performer, songwriter, ISRC metadata in CUE files [t=277790] + Routing window: improve display of new destination channels in menu [p=2666998] + Sends: add options to have sends, hardware outputs unaffected by mute/solo + Sends: apply mute fades to post-fader sends when muting/unmuting tracks + Subprojects: fix potential crash when pasting subproject and copy media on paste is enabled [t=278130] + Super8: add optional per-channel fadeout of configurable loop-length multiple [t=275137] + Super8: avoid small glitch when stopping the last channel + Super8: fix incorrect behavior when the same CC is used to record multiple channels [t=260223] + Super8: improve quality and performance of reverse function [p=2646530] + Super8: use quadratic fades when starting/stopping playback (previously exponential) + Take envelopes: improve matching logic when copying envelopes from take to take via drag and drop + Terminology: update various pre-FX labels to be 'Pre-Fader (Pre-FX)' + Tooltips: improve behavior with inactive windows [p=2666362] + Tooltips: improve behavior with toolbars and inactive application + Track grouping: support changing group color in track grouping parameters dialog + Track grouping: support removing track from all other groups in track grouping parameters dialog + Track grouping matrix: only display tooltips when mouse is over a meaningful area + Track metering: when using pre-fader metering, show meters for muted/unsoloed tracks + Undo: restore saving of project extension state in undo, extensions should be updated to only include undo-relevant state in these config blocks [t=277781] [p=2514972] + Vertical zoom: fix (yet again) zooming logic for certain themes + Video: effects can now check reaper_version from their preprocessor + VST: add compatibility setting to ignore VST3 setDirty calls + VST: fix compatibility with VST3 plugins that report track context, like Console 1 [t=264048] + VST: fix for VST3 that respond to query requests as mono [t=278182] + Web interfaces: more_me supports track names that end in spaces [t=278143] + Windows: x64 installer now installs drivers for both x64 and x86 if ReaRoute enabled v6.78 - March 14 2023 + Accessibility: improve description of render postprocessing (normalize/limit/fade) + Actions: add action to maximize height of selected items in free item positioning mode + Actions: fix time selection sometimes being cleared when running action to set tempo from selection [t=266880] + FX: enable actions for last tweaked parameter for non-track FX + FX: show built-in VST/AU/LV2 preset names in FX browser/project bay [t=276743] + FX: fix loading of REAPER presets for VST shell plug-ins in FX browser/Project Bay [t=276743] + FX: show video processors in project bay + FX: show video processor presets in FX browser + MIDI: auto-name new MIDI items similarly to new audio media items, without "untitled MIDI item" + MIDI: snap edge edits to start/end points of non-looping but pooled MIDI items + MIDI editor: improve performance when removing MIDI items/switching editor contexts [t=274637] + MIDI editor: fix window position saving when maximized/zoomed on Linux/macOS + MIDI editor: screensets include maximized/zoomed window state + MIDI editor: when restoring screensets, obey preference for opening all project or all track MIDI + Project tabs: doubleclick empty area in tab list to create new tab [t=263589] + Render: $marker wildcard matches the first marker within the rendered time range, or latest marker before the start [t=276600] + Render: display correct file length in render statistics chart when using custom project playrate [t=276806] + Render: display peaks for the file that is selected in render statistics list view + Render: fix displaying extra rows in render statistics when using secondary render format and rendering multiple files [t=276837] + Snap: do not snap to phantom loop points of non-looping items [t=276830] + Track panels: improve tooltips for FX bypass button with no FX + Vertical zoom: fix issues with themes that have duplicate common heights defined [t=276801] + VST: change 12/14/16 channel mode priority to default to 6.75 behavior [t=276901] + Windows: fix keyboard focus on various rename windows v6.77 - March 1 2023 + MIDI editor: restore 6.75 behavior of and improve 'toggle show MIDI editor windows' action [p=2653827] + Notation editor: adjust sensitivity of scroll action to match piano roll [p=2653327] + ReaScript: get_action_context() can now return floating point for relative CC values (fix for 0 value from 6.76) [p=2654195] + ReaScript: correct region navigation APIs when used on background projects [t=276610] + Track heights: fix toggle maximum vertical zoom action with large maximum value set [p=2654223] + VST3: make MIDI learn/PC support opt-in for existing project compatibility (right click on I/O button) [t=276684] v6.76 - February 28 2023 + Accessibility: improve tab ordering of various child windows + Actions: preserve precision when modifying MIDI CC events via meta-actions + Actions: prevent healing an unlooped media item with a copy of itself [p=2647801] + API: fix return value for Take/TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm fx_type on video processors + Appearance: improve many small text/control alignment issues + Appearance: fix theme rendering bugs with overlay images + Audio Units: prevent rebuild of parameter list during render [p=2644358] + Automation: add Options/Preserve trailing values when recording automation [p=2643787] + Automation: improve behavior when recording and looping + Automation: improve performance when writing mute automation + Automation items: add preference to record to existing non-selected automation items + Automation items: various fixes related to recording to automation items + Automation items: when recording automation creates new items, create smaller items if they intersect existing items [p=2645093] + Automation items: correctly handle start offsets when inserting/removing time in/from project via action or region move [t=263582] + Automation items: improve end-of-automation item chasing logic [t=253541] + Automation items: improve glue/draw behavior when in automation item-only envelope mode [t=254996] + Automation items: simplify description of 'always record to automation items' option + Automation items: when moving, obey media item snap start/end option [t=276017] + Automation items: when using trim-behind to split automation items, obey pool-on-split setting [p=2645486] + Automation items: fix possibly incorrect results when using AI-only mode, chase non-FX envelopes to AIs [t=276371] + CLAP: fix saving of pin mappings in configuration, other bugs + CLAP: support build multichannel routing action + Editing: fix copying grouped media items on hidden tracks [t=275709] + Fades: add preference to not create fades larger than X pixels when splitting (pre-6.69 behavior) [p=2651527] + FX: improve behavior when the audio device asynchronously changes samplerate while loading a project + FX: improve locking behavior when rescanning VST3/AU parameters + FX: update arrange/envelope panel UI after plug-in changes parameter count/info + IDEs: improve indentation behavior when copying/pasting multiple lines [t=275533] + IDEs: improve shift+click selection logic [t=275575] + Linux: fix cursor blinking in single-line edit controls and comboboxes + Linux: fix hit testing/focus issues with some window managers when using back-to-back modal dialogs + Linux: improve focus issues when opening modal windows via click/doubleclick + Linux: improve keyboard behavior in MIDI editor grid/etc comboboxes + Linux: make listview right-click behavior match macOS/Windows + Lyrics.lua: support UTF-8 text editing + macOS: allow numpad enter to close various modeless windows [t=276154] + macOS: improve behavior of enter/return keys in non-REAPER FX plug-in windows [p=2650299] [t=257570] + Media item properties: improve behavior of enter/return key (applies and closes if not docked, use shift modifier to only apply) + Media item properties: improve tab order + MIDI: do not chase NRPN when seeking or splitting + MIDI: fix incorrect extension of non-looped MIDI item in overdub mode [t=276255] + MIDI: fix potential issue with sorting (and CC reset) when using input monitoring and media [t=275945] + MIDI: global option to not chase MIDI note-ons also prevents chasing of MIDI CC/PC/pitch [t=206865] + MIDI: when disabling note chasing via option, fix cases where note starting exactly at edit cursor may not get played + MIDI: fixed looped item detection when splitting MIDI items [t=275958] + MIDI: add preference to disable CC/PC chasing when splitting MIDI items + MIDI editor: improve mousewheel behavior with fast moves [t=276111] + MIDI editor: rename named notes/drum map action for consistency with menu items + MIDI editor: when extending item by adjusting loop point, set item length to match tick-rounded source length [t=257512] + MIDI editor: overhaul screenset behavior [t=273783] + Mouse: improve precision of mouse gestures and mousewheel when bound to actions + MusicXML: fix gracenote export [t=276361] + MusicXML: fix import of tempo and gracenotes + Notation editor: improve handscroll behavior + Notation editor: improve mousewheel scroll behavior [t=276111] + Notation editor: improve scroll calculation logic [t=211293] + Performance: avoid audio underruns in background projects when reordering project via region move + Project bay: fix issues with the occasional dynamically generated menu item performing the wrong action + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String() RECORD_FORMAT APPLYFX_FORMAT OPENCOPY_CFGIDX [t=275666] + ReaScript: add SendMIDIMessageToHardware() + ReaScript: fix Ctrl+A-Z return values for gfx_getchar() on macOS [t=275451] + ReaSynth: fix text field behavior with automated parameters [t=276571] + Render: allow resizing render process/statistics window + Ripple editing: when inserting time in project via action, avoid adding redundant tempo markers [p=2643628] + RPL import: support importing multiple .rpl files at once via file browser + RPL import: improve user interface when duplicates are present + Solo: alt+clicking solo buttons on soloed tracks now toggles solo type, improve solo menu behavior [t=273468] + Take implosion: allow items to be imploded into multiple overlapping items [t=153354] + Take implosion: improve slight-overlap detection logic + Take markers: fix drawing glitch with vertical scroll [t=275366] + Transport: improve time readout/status readout cross-platform alignment (updates default theme) + Undo: don't include tcp/mcp fx/send list offsets in undo state + Undo: exclude registered project extension state from undo [p=2514972] + Undo: fix latent undo changes being added when inserting new tracks [t=276071] + Undo: undo points are now added for snap items actions [t=276517] + Undo: fix incorrect reset of group override on undo/redo [t=276116] + Vertical zoom: overhaul, allow more fractional zoom state + Vertical zoom: add preference for maximum vertical zoom + Vertical zoom: add new and default actions for mousewheel zoom that do not snap to theme-defined sizes + VST3: support 7.1.4, 9.1.4, and 9.1.6 speaker layouts (for FabFilter etc) + VST3: fix detection of Surge XT (and other VST3 with sidechain inputs) as instrument + VST3: respond to MIDI PC/Learn on plug-ins that have no MIDI input buses + Windows: fix return key behavior on various buttons including Preferences v6.75 - February 3 2023 + Audio Units: fix compatibility with some plug-ins (6.74 regression) [t=275560] + MIDI: when trimming items on split, remove duplicate CCs, chase PC [p=2642901] v6.74 - February 2 2023 + Accessibility: improve descriptions of ReaEQ/ReaPitch/ReaDelay enabled buttons + Accessibility: improve ordering of controls in GetUserInputs() API + Accessibility: set description for FX active (bypass) checkbox + Accessibility: improve keyboard navigation/screen reader behavior for sends in track routing menu + Accessibility: improve screen reader behavior for hardware output list in track routing menu + Accessibility: add higher-contrast default I-Beam (time selection) cursor + Actions: add action to play/stop (move edit cursor on stop) + Actions: respect group-disable setting in action to duplicate items [t=272939] + Actions: improve description of action to glue items to match menu description [t=275171] + Actions window: add join/heal, during/while as default synonyms + Actions window: update toggle states in response to actions [t=247947] + Actions window: when sorting by command ID, sort by identifier string [t=275016] + API: add midi editor play cursor preview override API for PlayTime + API: avoid performance issues due to old SWS versions flooding with calls to RefreshToolbar() + API: SetMouseModifier(ctx,-1,-1) will reset all modifiers to default for that context; SetMouseModifier(-1,-1,-1) will reset all modifiers to default for all contexts + API: add GetInputActivityLevel() + API: add support for audio control signal x2/y2 parameters in FX_GetNamedConfigParm() [t=274236] + Audio Units: fixed bridged plug-in parameter unit names and tail time change detection + Audio Units: respond to kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList to update parameter list at plug-in request + Audio Units: support custom string displays for parameters [p=2456294] + CLAP: fix default path list on Windows [t=274405] + CLAP: support text_to_value to improve manual editing of envelope point parameters + Defaults: change snap-to-nearby-media-items to by default only snap to items on the same track as the current item + Dynamic split: respect track edit grouping when splitting grouped items + Envelope point editor: fix disappearing shapes after editing tempo/mute envelopes + Filtering: fix matching of accented characters at start of search filter + Filtering: support matching Unicode Latin Extended-A characters when searching for unaccented characters + Freeze: when freezing, preserve MIDI-only receives [t=275106] + Freeze: when freezing to mono/stereo, preserve audio sidechain receives [t=275106] + FX chain window: add menu item to cut FX including automation + FX chain window: improve list focus behavior when renaming instance + Grouping: reset automatic track grouping to default when creating new project + Group manager: fix redundant refreshes + IDEs: improve international keyboard support + IDEs: improve home-key behavior (thanks Giorgos Vougioukas) + IDEs: fix inconsistency in column indicators, improve behavior of Ctrl+End (thanks Giorgos Vougioukas) + IDEs: improve autocomplete behavior when using EEL2 namespaces [t=274334] + IDEs: improve behavior of panes and undo/redo [t=274972] + IDEs: smarter selection of suggested items on initial mousemove [p=2629534] + IDEs: suggest list does not respond to mouse movement when inactive [t=275197] + IDEs: fix loss of X position when scrolling vertically in some instances [t=274248] + JSFX: add mem_multiply_sum(), mem_insert_shuffle(), get_host_placement() [jss=mem_multiply_sum] [jss=get_host_placement] + JSFX: improve gfx_getchar() to return discrete unicode values when available [jss=gfx_getchar] + JSFX: extend slider_automate() to allow for touch recording [jss=slider_automate] + JSFX: if 'tags: instrument' is present in header, treat as an instrument [sdk=js/js.php#tags] + JSFX: improve manual editing of envelope points for parameters that have named values + JSFX: per-sample and per-automated-block performance optimizations + JSFX: support log/exp-scaled sliders for controls, specify :log or :log=offset after step size [sdk=js/js.php#slider_shaping] + JSFX: support polynomial-scaled fader scaling, default is square, specify :sqr for x^2 or :sqr=3 after step size + JSFX: support up to 256 sliders per FX, longer parameter names, very long lines [t=272052] + JSFX: throttle calls to gfx_showmenu() to prevent accidental annoyance [t=272767] + JSFX: support EEL2 preprocessing [sdk=js/preproc.php] + JSFX: update Super8, channel mixer to use preprocessor + Localization: improve support for various loudness-related displays + LV2: do not unload plug-in bundles on macOS or Linux [t=274448] + LV2: fix potential crash on macOS UI destruction [t=274448] + LV2: improve manual editing of envelope points for parameters that are named enums + macOS: fix ampersand drawing in tooltips [p=2628462] + macOS: improve compatibility of 'Open source file' mouse modifier dragging [p=2636376] + Media explorer: add action to calculate peak volume for all media (will skip files that have already been calculated) + Media explorer: do not allow shortcuts panel to be resized to exactly zero [t=215631] + Media explorer: fix action to open file in explorer with certain paths [t=274502] + Media explorer: fix button appearance on Linux when using DPI scaling + Media explorer: improve handling of RfxChain and FX preset files [t=265842] + Media explorer: support editing metadata via right-click menu for .mid files [t=274771] + Media item properties: improve start-in-source display in certain stretch marker scenarios [t=274036] + Media items: always account for media item label drawn above item when calculating vertical offset for overlapping items [t=272679] + Media items: fix potentially-dropped MIDI events at end of item [p=2625908] + Menu/toolbar editor: increase width of listview columns [p=2636334] + MIDI: when trimming items due to split, chase CC/pitch/etc + MIDI list editor: fix mousewheel action bindings [t=275224] + Mixer: add Cut menu items to FX context menu + Mouse modifiers: fix potential crash when deleting track via user-assigned action from media item click/razor edit click + Mouse modifiers: fix support for binding actions with small ID numbers to click/doubleclick contexts + Notation editor: fix UI quirks when the piano roll is set to project synchronized time base [t=260878] + Notation editor: improve layout when resizing, make limits affected by size [p=2032295] + Paste: improve behavior when pasting .RfxChain/.fxb/.vstpreset files into track or item context + Preferences: add setting in Preferences/Seeking to seek playback when clicking on media items + Preferences: fix searching when starting from a preferences page that is added by an extension [t=274326] + Project load: always show details of unrecognized project tokens + Razor edits: add action to enclose media items in separate razor edit areas for each selected media item, rather than a single razor edit enclosing all selected media items + Razor edits: add mouse modifiers to move razor edits without contents horizontally/vertically/on one axis only + Razor edits: add option to move edit cursor on razor edit change + Razor edits: fix adjusting media item length when using timebase beats (position only) [p=2627203] + Razor edits: fix envelope cut/paste (6.72 regression) + Razor edits: fix some behaviors when pasting razor edit areas to master track [p=2627688] + Razor edits: fix action to move razor edit areas up/down/forward/back without contents for master track [p=2630344] + Razor edits: fix restoring master track razor edits on project load + Razor edits: fix undo for razor edits on master track envelopes [p=2630348] + Razor edits: handle master track in action to move nearest razor edit edge to cursor [p=2630311] + Razor edits: improve behavior when "overlap and crossfade media when finalizing razor edits" enabled [p=2623951] + Razor edits: only copy fade-in/fade-out if the start/end of the media item is included in the razor edit + Razor edits: prevent moving razor edit areas to tempo envelope when using mouse modifier to move razor edit area ignoring envelope type [p=2627676] + Razor edits: support cut/copy/paste on project play rate envelope [p=2629413] + ReaEQ: correct label for band bandwidth parameter + ReaScript: add EEL2 mem_multiply_sum(), mem_insert_shuffle() [jss=mem_multiply_sum] + ReaScript: extend gfx.getchar() to return discrete unicode values when available + ReaScript: support EEL2 preprocessing [sdk=js/preproc.php] + Recording: fix $recpass000 wildcard when used in the middle of the filename [t=222312] + Recording: fix potential extra count-in measure being added with round-to-measure checked [t=274889] + Recording: improve behavior with MIDI replace recording mode + Render: display render statistics as list view in render progress window + Render: improve tab order around output format configuration + Render: support $takemarker(name) and $takemarker(name)[separator] wildcards [t=275011] + Render: swap order of close and back buttons after successful render + Render: update dialog when changing render region selection [t=274119] + Render: support wildcard case conversion for Unicode Latin Supplemental and Latin Extended-A accented characters [t=274162] + Routing window: display track parent name in routing dialog title + Routing matrix/track wiring: show if signal is present on audio/MIDI inputs + Routing matrix: improve record input selection indication on multichannel record inputs + Timestretch: add new ReaReaRea mode that uses randomized overlapped windows and project resampling mode [t=266425] + Timestretch: improve ordering of modes menu + Tooltips: prevent tooltips from occuring when window is inactive [t=233380] + Track grouping: items on edit-grouped tracks follow mouse-click take selection changes [t=274295] + Track grouping: prevent grouping razor edits on master track [p=2627694] + Track grouping manager: fix Unicode characters in group names on Windows + Track manager: fix visibility of collapsed child tracks when filtering [t=275048] + Track manager: fix gridline display when hiding columns on Windows [t=274194] + Undo: consolidate undo points when inserting multiple FX via action [t=274365] + Video: add get_host_placement() + Video: support EEL2 preprocessing [sdk=js/preproc.php] + Virtual MIDI keyboard: fix entering center note via keyboard + Virtual MIDI keyboard: improve keyboard navigation + Virtual MIDI keyboard: remove space from note names + VST: add compatibility setting to pass channel silence flags to VST3 plug-ins [t=274038] + VST: detect VST2 shell plug-in synth status using same logic as non-shell plug-ins + VST: improve multiprocessing performance with UADx plug-ins + VST: re-map automation by parameter ID if parameters change due to restartComponent + Windows: improve ASIO channel defaults, remember channel configuration per device + Windows: do not allow setting default ASCII keybindings to global, require manual remap first [t=275243] v6.73 - December 24 2022 + Actions window: fix synonym search matching at end of string (e.g. colour$) + Actions window: searching matches various accented characters against their non-accented equivalents [t=272828] + Actions window: refresh after script or plug-in action added + Audio devices: fix input/output audio channel aliasing when only removing highest I/O [t=273424] + Click source: fix hang on invalid tempo entry [t=271451] + Grouping: fix items on the same track being treated as grouped for edge edits [p=2625098] + Grouping: improve grouped edge editing behaviors [t=273993] + Grouping: improve some corner case behaviors when track media/razor edit groups are used in addition to automatically grouping selected tracks + Grouping: respect FIPM position when applying track edit grouping to edge edits [p=2625897] + IDEs: improve international keyboard support on Windows + Linux: fix support for {} and other keys in various text fields [t=273412] + macOS: fix support for {} and other keys in various text fields + Master VU: fix setting red threshold dB [t=270710] + Media explorer: avoid temporary freeze when accidentally doing a tiny drag from file list or playback preview area + Media explorer: faster searching of exact words + Media explorer: searching matches various accented characters against their non-accented equivalents + Media items: improve display performance when media items have many take markers outside the visible bounds of the item [t=273948] + Peak building: fix 6.72 regression where peaks would fail to complete building for some media [t=273919] + Razor edits: fix deleting areas on master track envelopes with ripple-all-tracks enabled [p=2625216] + Razor edits: fix grouped preview on FIPM tracks + Razor edits: fix pasting envelope areas to master track + ReaControlMIDI: label "GP Slider 1" as "CC 16+48 (GP 1)", etc [t=274048] + ReaScript: add MEDIA_EDIT_LEAD/MEDIA_EDIT_FOLLOW to documentation for GetSetTrackGroupMembership, etc + ReaScript: improve gfx.getchar() international keyboard support + Render: improve speed of writing outfile.render_stats.html when rendering many regions at once [t=273917] + Routing: improve display of parent send channel dropdowns + Split items: when creating fade-in/fade-out, limit generated fade length to 25% of arrange view width v6.72 - December 19 2022 + Actions: add action to view envelopes for last touched track/item + Actions: deselect unaffected items when running action to split items [p=2578578] + Actions: improve description of action to force item spectrogram display [t=253641] + API: add FX NamedConfigParm chain_oversample_shift, chain_pdc_mode, instance_oversample_shift, force_auto_bypass + ARA: verify that pitch/tempo analysis is available before querying [t=272818] + Automation items: fix behavior of action to split items without changing selection + Batch converter: support multi-mono conversion, to split stereo or multichannel audio to multiple mono output files + Batch converter: support $chid wildcard, replaced by channel number or description (C, L, R, LFE, etc) + Batch converter: when splitting multichannel audio, append .c1, .c2, etc to output filenames unless $chid wildcard is supplied + CLAP: quantize stepped parameters before updating plugin [t=273794] + Custom actions editor: improve support for very long action names on Windows + Free item positioning: allow editing FIPM position and height for multiple selected/grouped items at once + FX: add additional descriptions to auto-bypass-related compatibility settings + FX: chain window options for FX instance oversampling always show/apply for selected FX + FX: rename per-plugin-instance auto-bypass option to 'Force auto-bypass' + FX: slight reorganization of chain window menu + Grouping: support track media/razor edit groups, including leader/follower groups + Grouping: add and modify track media/razor edit groups via grouping matrix, track group manager, and track group settings dialog + Grouping: media item edits on group-leader tracks will affect media items on all group-follower tracks, as if the media items were grouped + Grouping: actions that split selected media items respect track edit grouping regardless of media item length/overlap + Grouping: razor edits on group-leader tracks will be mirrored on all group-follower tracks + Grouping: don't open "grouping for selected tracks" dialog if no tracks are selected + Grouping: enable "selecting one item selects group" by default for new projects + Grouping: fix media item deselection with regular item groups [p=2579153] [p=2576299] + Grouping: increase size of media item group display border + Grouping: allow edge editing of offscreen grouped items + Grouping: mouse-copy affects grouped items regardless of item selection + Grouping: mouse modifier to toggle item selection respects grouping when selecting or deselecting [t=259823] + Grouping: right-click in grouping matrix opens group settings dialog for already-selected tracks, rather than auto-selecting tracks + Grouping: when setting/unsetting free item positioning, also modify grouped tracks + Grouping: prevent editing item if any grouped item is locked + Grouping: when "automatically group selected tracks for media/razor editing" and "mouse click/edit in arrange view changes track selection" both enabled, clicking on selected track will not deselect other tracks + Grouping: add actions and toolbar/TCP context menu options to automatically group all tracks, or selected tracks, for media/razor editing + Grouping: add actions to create track media/razor editing group from selected tracks, or remove selected tracks from group + Grouping: add actions to enable/disable individual track groups + Grouping: add buttons to track group settings dialog to open track group manager and grouping matrix + Grouping: add razor edit left-click mouse modifier to remove one area ignoring track grouping + Grouping: add theme element for auto-grouped track indicators + Grouping: support customizing track group colors + Grouping matrix: add option to show/hide flags in matrix + JSFX: fix potential editor crash when switching tabs + Localization: add some missing menu/toolbar names to language pack template [p=2614276] + Master VU: fix RMS stereo loudness readout when RMS window length has been customized + Media explorer: fix possible noise at end of time selection playback [t=273221] + Media items: add preference to arrange overlapping media items in the order they were created [t=273275] + Media items: double-click on item volume knob affects all selected items + Media items: fix free item positioning resize behavior [p=2623729] + Mouse modifiers: add left-click modifiers to select item and move edit cursor ignoring grouping + Mouse modifiers: add media item left-click modifier to toggle item selection ignoring grouping [t=259823] + Mouse modifiers: set default media item shift+alt (shift+opt) click behavior to create razor edit area (useful when using track media/razor edit grouping) + Mouse modifiers: adjust item contents and left or right edge affect all selected/grouped items with edges that align + Mouse modifiers: edit item fade-in/fade-out with relative edge grouping only affects selected items, not grouped items (same behavior as item edge editing) + Normalize: remove arbitrary +60dB ceiling on normalization adjustment when rendering or batch converting [t=273878] + Notation editor: fix custom note notation action description [p=2600993] + Peaks building: fix potential spectral peaks calculation crash on memory allocation failure [t=273846] + Razor edits: fix editing with ripple-all-tracks enabled [p=2624525] + Razor edits: fix some behaviors with "ripple-all affects tempo envelope" enabled [p=2624873] + Razor edits: fix behavior when moving razor edits on similar envelopes on contiguous tracks [p=2623833] + Razor edits: support razor edits on master track envelopes (except tempo envelope) + ReaScript: allow passing small integer values as KbdSectionInfo parameter to APIs as shorthand to access section by ID [p=2619501] + ReaScript: improve GetActionShortcutDesc Lua signature [p=2619708] + ReaScript: improve JSFX name matching in TrackFX_AddByName() [p=2621360] [p=2622666] + ReaScript: support GetSetTrackGroupMembership() with "MEDIA_EDIT_LEAD" and "MEDIA_EDIT_FOLLOW" + Region/Marker Manager: fix display glitch when resizing + Region manager: when not displaying track dropdown list nested by folder, indent tracks in folders + Render: fix minor memory leak after rendering + Render: large WAV file behavior for new users defaults to auto wav/RF64 rather than auto wav/wave64 + Routing/Grouping/Render matrix: dynamically adjust margins to fit text + Routing/Grouping/Render matrix: improve appearance of folder expand/collapse icons + Routing diagram: fix some hardware input/output UI quirks + Routing diagram: increase width of UI in response to localization + Tooltips: fix incorrect channel labels for mono-sourced sends/hardware outputs [t=273656] + Track/Region/Group Managers: always select row on click + Track/Region/Group Managers: only open dropdown lists and dialogs on double-click + Track/Region/Group Managers: support resetting custom colors to default + Track/Region/Group Managers: support setting items to random colors + Track/Region/Group Managers: decrease margins for ease of use when docked + Track/Region/Group Managers: prevent re-sorting list while editing + Track Group Manager: add menu actions to add/remove selected tracks (note, action is incompatible with option to select tracks when selecting group) + Track Group Manager: add option to display track dropdown list nested by folders + Track Group Manager: add columns to show/hide groups in TCP and mixer + Track Group Manager: add option to add/remove child tracks when adding/removing folder track to group + Track Manager: add column to display track group membership, double-click to open track group settings dialog + Track Manager: add column to expand/collapse folders + Track Manager: add option to show/hide/group child tracks when showing/hiding/grouping folder track + Transport: use time signature when estimating tempo from time selection for tooltip + Video: increase maximum parameter count to 40 + Video: support scrollbar for processor knob bank + Video: use hidpi/retina drawing for processor knobs + VST: fix VST2-to-VST3 state migration + VST: remove VST3 input bus silenceFlags support (added in 6.71) due to poor plug-in support (REAPER feature to auto-bypass on silence is unaffected) [t=273788] [t=273802] v6.71 - November 28 2022 + API: process hook functions for actions that are executed via WM_COMMAND or KBD_OnMainActionEx + Batch converter: attempt to preserve original image metadata if possible + Batch converter: do not override user-added metadata when preserving source metadata + Batch converter: maintain converter-specific metadata rather than using project metadata + CLAP: add support for CLAP plugins + CLAP: support "cockos.reaper_extension", which returns a reaper_plugin_info_t structure for REAPER API access (see reaper_plugin.h) + FLAC: fix occasional failure when embedding image metadata in rendered FLAC file + FX: add project setting to auto-bypass plug-ins that report tail length, with user-defined silence threshold + FX: add per-instance setting to auto-bypass plug-in (uses automatic tail detection if plug-in does not report tail length) + FX: add compatibility setting to force automatic tail detection, allowing plug-ins to opt-in to project auto-bypass + FX browser: improve configuration for hiding duplicate plug-ins of different types + FX browser: when hiding duplicates, ignore trailing channel counts + JSFX: add ext_tail_size in order to support auto-bypass + JSFX: update many built-in FX to support auto-bypass + Linux: improve keyboard handling for plug-ins + Localization: support localizing layout category names, wiring diagram labels, etc [p=2599980] + Localization: support longer action names in action dialog/custom actions editor + Localization: fix UTF-8 in time-signature marker editor combo box on Windows + macOS: fix various incorrectly displayed keyboard shortcuts in menus [t=273068] + Media explorer: greatly improve search speed with large databases [t=270722] + Media import: ignore numbers that look like sample rates (e.g. "48k") when attempting to interpret tempo from filename + Media items: arrange overlapping items by the order the items were added to the track [p=2613674] + Metadata: fix possible mislabeling of generic metadata in source properties dialog and media explorer + Metadata: optionally include metadata in render and batch converter presets + Metadata: support embedding ID3 tags in .aiff files + Metadata: support displaying embedded metadata images (cover art, etc) in MP3, FLAC, WAV, AIFF source properties dialog + MIDI: fix recording of multiple takes via retroactive record [t=272770] + Preferences: add rendering option to disable auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/etc + Project bay: add FX menu item to toggle auto-bypass + ReaPlugs: support silence-processing optimizations + ReaScript: improve get_action_context() (see documentation) + ReaScript: add GetEnvelopeUIState() + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String MARKER_INDEX_FROM_GUID: support [t=272406] + ReaScript: add param.X.[learn|lfo|acs|plink|mod] to [Track|Take]FX_[Get|Set]NamedConfigParm capabilities + ReaScript: add VIDEO_CODE and vst_chunk/vst_chunk_program/clap_chunk to [Track|Take]FX_[Get|Set]NamedConfigParm capabilities + ReaScript: add SetTrackUI[Volume/Pan/Width/Mute/Solo/RecArm/InputMonitor/Polarity] with grouping options and fewer side effects than their CSurf_ equivalents + ReaScript: add support for numerous keyboard/action-related APIs that were previously C-only + ReaScript: allow accessing envelopes for FX parameters that have modulation but no envelope points + ReaScript: extend SetProjectMarkerByIndex2 to allow deferred re-sort of project markers [t=272406] + ReaScript: update InsertMedia/InsertMediaSection to support modifying RS5k on arbitrary track index, improve docs + ReaVerb: fix deconvolution tail trimming + ReaVerb: support deconvolution of more than 2 channels [t=272747] [p=2600567] + Render: do not automatically set render source to render matrix when opening region manager [t=272752] + RS5k: fix undo state issues via RS5k manager script [t=272617] + Sends: optimize processing when sends are effectively inactive + Video: fix resource leak in WMF colorspace conversion [t=269797] + Video: make action to clear cache/re-render frames asynchronous from decoding [p=2614512] + Video: restore 6.69 and earlier behavior of _0 in gfx_evalrect() [t=272800] + VST: do not use VST3 bus silenceFlags if buggy compatibility mode is set + VST: activate/deactivate VST3 busses on the fly in response to pin mapper changes + VST: move more of PDC buffer initialization to playback start + WAV: prioritize displaying higher-confidence text from embedded cue data [t=272956] + WAV: support reading/writing BW64 files (ADM metadata is ignored) + Web interface: fix fancier.html record armed track detection with a single track [t=272428] v6.70 - November 15 2022 + Actions: add various actions to render multichannel (parent send only) stems + Custom action editor: increase column width for long action names [p=2613434] + Envelopes: improve redraw of envelope panel and track panel knobs with touch automation + Localization: support localizing menu/toolbar names, metronome dotted strings [t=271122] + macOS: improve behavior when reordering treeview items by dragging + Metadata: fix possible mislabeling of generic metadata in source properties dialog and media explorer + Mouse modifiers: sort list of contexts by name [twtr=1583750824177856512] + MP3: fix corruption of embedded chapter metadata when mp3 media goes offline [t=272284] + Razor edits: when duplicating razor edit area, ignore preference to crossfade on finalizing razor edits [t=272630] + Razor edits: fix crash when pasting over a grouped item + Razor edits: fix splitting on multiple razor edits on the same media item + ReaScript: improve behavior with Track/TakeFX_AddByName() for JSFX [t=271878] + ReaScript: support RENDER_TARGETS_EX in EEL2/Lua [t=272114] + Render: add option to render only track channels that are sent to parent + Render: avoid creating paths for rendered files when dry-run rendering [t=272323] + Video: add action to clear cache/re-render frames [t=270994] + Video: fix potential resource leak in WMF encoder + Video: improve gfx_evalrect, adding _slice, _slices, _slice_size, _span variables + Video: fix VLC defaulting to RGB colorspace before first frame is decoded v6.69 - October 24 2022 + API: add support for GetSetProjectInfo_String("RENDER_TARGETS_EX"), which returns the list double-null separated ("RENDER_TARGETS" is semicolon-separated) + Batch converter: fix support for " by default, for consistency + Media item fades: when not using relative edge edit mouse modifier, edit selected item fades only if the fade start and end both line up with the edited item + Metadata: fix deadlink to XMP metadata specification + MIDI editor: support CC shapes when playing back unsynchronized from project transport [p=2593482] + MIDI editor: support CC shapes when scrubbing + Notation editor: more drawing corner case fixes [p=2585984] + Pan: fix stereo pan calculation at narrow pans with certain pan laws (6.65 regression) [t=270792] + Project load: display more descriptive warning messages when non-automatable parameter has automation [t=268362] + Project load: slightly improve warning message when project elements are not recognized + Razor edits: improve reassignment of item groups after split and delete in certain scenarios + Razor edits: preserve item grouping when cutting or deleting razor edits with ripple-all-tracks enabled + ReaScript: add support to SetRegionRenderMatrix() to force number of rendered channels + ReaSurroundPan: do not include channel number when automatically naming channels from receives [p=2596582] + Render: after user-cancelled render, render statistics actions and API functions return nothing v6.67 - September 7 2022 + Actions: add action to build selected item peaks if necessary + Actions: respect preferences to trim media behind items, or auto-crossfade, when running action "move to media source preferred position" [t=270296] + AIFF: support reading ID3 metadata embedded in .aif files [t=270431] + Batch converter: add dropdown to choose how many CPU cores to use + Custom action editor: allow longer action names to display when window is resized large [t=270195] + Filenames: allow more than 10,000 similarly named filenames to be generated + FX CPU Metering: improve full accounting of CPU use (from oversampling, bypass envelope, etc) + Glue: ensure per-take FX are reinitialized prior to glue [t=269131] + JSFX: allow reading #dbg_desc from code [t=270068] + JSFX: fix timing of MIDI Arpeggiator [t=269926] + Linux: fix right-doubleclick behavior in MIDI editor keys [p=2592921] + Linux: fix doubleclick in track area going to correct context [t=269854] + Localization: add a few missing localized strings [p=2586604] + Localization: fix langpack definition for new media import page help text + Localization: improve appearance of envelope window with width scaling [t=270191] + Localization: improve auto-sizing/scaling for controls embedded in various file open/save dialogs [p=2589871] + Localization: improve control auto-resizing on Windows when used with dialog scaling [t=269228] + Localization: improve macOS handling of strings that have a key prefix for Windows [p=2585852] + Localization: support media explorer size units + macOS: improve mouse hit testing/cursor testing consistency on retina displays/subpixel input devices + Media explorer: enable metadata editing menu items for .aif [t=270084] + Media explorer: fix incoherent file size display for certain sizes [p=2591068] + MIDI: add actions to insert retroactively recorded MIDI + MIDI: fix incorrect ordering of certain notes in MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent + MIDI: improve MIDI replace recording corner cases + MIDI: when recording new MIDI items, show all CC data in one lane [t=270404] + MIDI: update arrange view when changing CC lanes in MIDI editor [t=270404] + Peak building: avoid full peakbuild rescan when inserting media + Peak building: optimize for very large projects [t=266953] + Performance meter: add option to show FX CPU as worst-block (for diagnosing problematic realtime plug-ins) + Performance meter: display track media CPU use (includes resampling, take FX, timestretch, etc) + Project bay: add option to disable grouping similar FX in FX tab + Project bay: add option to show track numbers in track column + Project bay: add performance column to FX tab + Project bay: avoid unnecessary metadata cache flushing + Project bay: display idle status for FX when applicable + Project bay: preserve selection when changing FX online/bypass, presets + Project bay: default new folders to expanded + Project metadata: support sorting metadata list by category + Razor edits: fix media item mouse modifier to extend razor edits to item [p=2585455] + ReaScript IDE: improve handling of maximize state/docking/etc [t=269228] + ReaSurroundPan: fix influence of height speakers in Auro 11.1 and 13.1 setups + Region manager: add option to add/remove child tracks to render list when adding/removing parent + Region manager: option to display track dropdown list nested by folder is disabled by default + Region manager: support sorting by "Info" column + Region manager: when not displaying track dropdown list nested by folder, indent tracks in folders + Region render matrix: support forcing individual track+region combinations to mono/stereo/multichannel render by right-clicking in region render matrix + Region render matrix: support selecting regions (for rendering selected regions) via click on region number or context menu + Region render matrix: simplify context menu + Region render matrix: recalculate scrollbar size/position when expanding/collapsing tracks or when region names change [t=270076] + Render: add button to display rendered file in Media Explorer + Render: don't automatically replace .mp4 extension when setting video or audio encoder to "none" [t=269863] + Render: fix embedding markers when rendering selected media items and project has customized start offset [t=270010] + Routing/Grouping/Region render matrix: remove "view mode" options from context menu, because dropdown is always available + Routing/Grouping/Region render matrix: improve appearance with very long track/group/region names [t=269963] + Routing/Grouping matrix: improve appearance of folder expand/collapse icons + SD2/PCM/RAW: support reading preferred file position from resource file (after importing .sd2 file, run "move to media source preferred position" to move imported files to their position in the original project) + Spectral edits: fix hit testing of the bottom edge of the last channel [t=269951] + Spectral edits: increase the size of edge/corner hit test regions slightly + User prompts: use OK/Cancel for various proceed/cancel prompts rather than Yes/No [t=251472] + Video: fix re-enabling DirectShow media reading on Windows using dshow_depr [t=269473] + Video: fix video FX when applied to MIDI files that have a playrate greater than 1.0 [t=269925] + Virtual MIDI keyboard: highlight notes being played by armed track inputs + VST: fix VST2 to VST3 migration state conversion + VST: fix VST2 to VST3 migration mapping for plug-ins with non-alphanumeric characters in their names [t=269523] + VST: fix incorrect parameter changes being sent to bridged VST3 in certain instances + VST: avoid crashing reaper when a bridged VST3 crashes [t=270087] + VST: do not show default preset name of 'Program 1' for plug-ins that do not have multiple programs + VST: improve locking behavior when loading presets [t=269869] + Windows: fix shortcut creation for DX plug-ins [t=270111] + WMF: use .m4a extension when rendering audio-only MPEG-4 files v6.66 - August 17 2022 + FX: fix UI glitches when showing offline FX in chain view (6.65 regression) [p=2586072] + Linux: improve behavior of listview clicks to listview images and manager fields + Linux: improve listview column alignment to match other platforms + Master metering: fix RMS stereo loudness readout when RMS window length has been customized + Media: support Sound Designer II audio files (add .sd2 extension so REAPER can identify the file) + Media: when loading .sd2 files on macOS, copy resource fork to plain file "mediafile.sd2.rsrc" for portability to non-macOS systems + Media: import files with .L/.R/.pcm/.raw extensions as raw PCM audio + Media: when importing raw PCM audio (including .sd2), use best-guess audio parameters and warn with instructions about how to fix incorrect playback + MIDI: fix stuck notes when using replace recording [t=269470] [t=255728] + Notation editor: fix various drawing glitches [t=269232] + Notation editor: improve hit testing of dynamics/custom notation [t=269376] + Preferences: move media/video and media/import preferences to separate pages + Project settings: fix enabling/disabling pan law gain compensation in project settings advanced tab (6.65 regression) [p=2586016] + Render: fix applying render fades when project start time is negative and also applying brickwall limiter [t=269619] + Render: improve behavior of option to automatically increment rendered file name [t=269586] + Routing/grouping matrix: improve appearance of folder expand/collapse icons v6.65 - August 12 2022 + Audio Units: fix support for AUv3 musical time/tempo/transport state callbacks + Automation items: fix behavior of action to split automation items without changing selection + Configuration files: fix various issues for FX shortcut/safemode/etc settings on plug-ins/themes with odd filenames + Envelope window: improve appearance of scrollbars with retina displays + FX: add option to use space key to start/stop transport in plug-in text edit fields [t=268837] + FX: add oversample options to floating FX window context menu + FX: fix generic UI when last parameter is an enum + FX: improve syncing displayed value in generic UI [p=2583032] + FX: optimize performance with many docked-but-invisible FX chains [t=267313] + FX: when changing compatibility settings, update all matching FX instances + FX: encode envelopes name in project file, for use when loading with FX offline [t=269009] + FX browser: allow configuring defaults per-plugin of want-all-keyboard, TCP/MCP embedding, and oversampling + FX browser: move compatibility settings to submenu + Grouping Matrix: right-click in grouping matrix opens group settings dialog for already-selected tracks, rather than auto-selecting tracks + Linux: improve behavior of text edit fields with control-key shortcuts + macOS: support decoding .rx2 files on native Apple Silicon + Media: sort Insert Media file description/extension dropdown list in alphabetical order + Media items: fix flickering when moving media items across tracks and "automatically display affected envelopes" is enabled + Media Explorer: support typing in preview volume + MIDI Editor: actions to move edit cursor by grid respect snap settings + Mouse modifiers: add razor edit mouse modifier to move or tilt envelope (fine adjustment) + Pan: explicitly support sine taper, linear taper, and hybrid taper pan functions [p=2571092] + Pan: special case -3dB and -6dB pan laws to be exactly equivalent to constant power (-3.01..dB) and constant gain (-6.02..dB); preserve existing settings in existing projects + Pan: fix implementation of hybrid taper pan law when applying gain compensation + Pan: document ReaScript/API settings for pan law flags + Pan: simplify pan law preferences + Pan: fix pan function evaluation when playback is stopped [p=2571736] + Pan: improve calculation of hybrid taper pan law with certain manually entered pan laws (thanks ErBird) [p=2572055] + Pan: only list deprecated pan mode in pan law dialog if the project already has pan mode set that way + Razor edits: ignore razor edit areas on envelopes when running action to crossfade media items [p=2579146] + ReaGate: implement string-to-parameter conversion for threshold + ReaLimit: fix continuous automation recording [t=268807] + Region/Marker Manager: fix display glitch when resizing window + Render: add post-render button to display rendered file in Media Explorer + Routing/Grouping/Render Matrix: dynamically adjust margins to fit text + Routing/Grouping/Render Matrix: add context-specific help, accessible via the (?) button + Theme: fix 3 small issues [p=2581377] + Theme: fix mixer send knob 150%-scaled image + VST: fix return value for IContextInfoProvider::setContextInfoValue + VST: add IContextInfoProvider3 support + VST: support IComponentHandler2::setDirty [t=268392] + VST: improve space key behavior with various plug-ins (e.g. Softube) + WALTER: fix h (height) variable in tcp.fxembed context [p=2584238] + Windows: improve alt-key behavior relating to menu activation and cursor updating v6.64 - July 13 2022 + Batch converter: allow window to be resized to a smaller minimum height + GIF: fix memory leak when decoding files that have per-frame color maps + GIF: reduce memory use when decoding gif files with many frames + Help menu: sort documentation menu by filename [t=268485] + JSFX: set undo point after calling set_pinmapper_flags() + JSFX: sstillwell/randomizer supports 0x90 velocity=0 note-offs [p=2575240] + JSFX: support automating and undo for user mix volume sliders in channel mapper plugin [t=266268] + Master track: fix loudness meter readout tooltip + Media explorer: add loudness column, loudness calculation + Media explorer: add option to normalize preview volume to -12LU (adjusted for mono media if needed) if loudness has been calculated + Media explorer: add separate actions to calculate peak volume, loudness, or dry run statistics + Normalization: respect take channel mode when normalizing media items to target loudness [t=268290] + ReaScript: add CalcMediaSrcLoudness function + Region manager: sort take markers in project time order + Region manager: support selecting marker/region by name by typing in list view on Windows [t=268219] + Render: add menu item/action to display HTML render statistics with file paths hidden [t=268031] + Render: display project title and author in HTML render statistics, if they are set + Render: display RMS-RA (RMS-based dynamic range) measurement when LRA (LUFS-based dynamic range) is not calculated + Render: if no render file name is saved with the project, command line and queued renders use the project name as the output filename [t=258746] + Render: re-enable bounds dropdown if needed after loading render preset [t=268430] + Render: simplify loudness statistic preferences + Render: improve render statistics calculation CPU usage + Render: support fade-in/fade-out length, shapes + Resampling: fix r8brain-free hang when used with invalid samplerates [t=268643] + Theme: improve rounding for knob stacks [p=2575187] + Wave64: fix writing of floating point Wave64 files that lack channel ordering information (6.62 regression) + Windows: restore 6.61 alt-key behavior (to be revisited) [p=2577622] v6.63 - July 3 2022 + Batch converter: fix issues with Audio Units that use PDC [p=2574402] + Render: document $markernumber wildcard (it has been supported for a long time, but not documented) + Windows: fix project parsing regression from 6.62 [t=268406] v6.62 - July 1 2022 + Actions window: update shortcut list when editing an existing shortcut + Automation: improve behavior when using write mode auto-reset at loop/end of project [t=268217] + Batch converter: when preserving existing metadata, also attempt to convert to metadata schemes the target file format can accept [t=267540] + FX: clearer description in FX I/O context menu of whether plug-in delay is compensated or not [t=267823] + FX: improve parameter link behavior (midi CC and loading project, or linking with invalid parameters) [t=250096] + FX: ensure FX parameter modulation/linking are preserved after undo after loading FX chains via external drag/drop [t=267697] + Linux: auto-apply values entered into JSFX text fields + Linux: fix support for Shift+Space + Linux: improve submenu activation usability [t=267864] + macOS/Linux: cleanup internal thread management, avoid potentially incorrect pthread_join calls + Media explorer: add support for column width/order presets (in column header right-click menu) + Media explorer: add actions to load column presets + Normalization: prevent media from going offline during normalization even if user switches focus away from REAPER [t=268059] + Notation editor: fix occasional missing naturals [t=267973] + Pan: fix UI glitches when changing pan mode [p=2572042] + Project markers: add menu item to select marker in Region/Marker Manager; display selected markers slightly differently in ruler + Razor edits: fix trim action when multiple razor edits exist on the same media item or automation item [t=267402] + Razor edits: fix editing when partial measures exist in project [p=2572470] + ReaControlMIDI: fix incorrect parsing of leading 0s as octal [t=266904] + ReaEQ: avoid tiny and unmeasureable changes to configuration state on load/save [t=268198] + ReaEQ: improve realtime performance immediately following configuration load + ReaVerb: add text to indicate which file to browse for when deconvolving on macOS [t=267881] + Render: add support for rendering between project markers + Render: improve speed of offline render with muted/unsoloed tracks [t=267271] + Render: save/restore tail length with render presets [t=264018] + Spectral edits: add mouse modifier to create new edits + VST: fix sample accurate parameter changes with bridged VST3 plug-ins + VST: round VST2 VstTimeInfo::samplePos to nearest sample [t=268181] + WAV: allow writing FP with extensible multichannel speaker configuration + WAV: when writing non-PCM files, include extension size to conform to spec and prevent SOX from warning + Windows: avoid creating filenames that start with a space character [t=267882] + Windows: improve behavior of space bar in edit controls (including plugin-created controls) + Windows: improve alt-key behavior relating to menu activation v6.61 - June 17 2022 + Actions: fix potential crash when running action to normalize selected items with no items selected + Drawing: various drawing integer overflow fixes with non-sensical values [t=267310] + Envelopes: fix pencil-drawing take envelopes on stretched media items in certain situations [t=267716] + FX: ensure FX parameter modulation/linking are preserved after undo after loading FX chains [t=267697] + FX browser: include LV2i in Instruments list [t=267835] + Master track: fix loudness meter readout tooltip label in mixer + Media explorer: add a hidden accessible text field for pitch detection output + MIDI: fix exporting type 1 MIDI that has both embedded cues and key signature changes [p=2569390] + MIDI: fix key signature export [t=267626] + ReaSamploMatic5000: add Media Explorer options to set a MIDI note or channel to assign when inserting media into sampler, incrementing if inserting on new track + ReaSamploMatic5000: add Media Explorer option to assign MIDI note based on detected pitch when inserting media into sampler + ReaSamploMatic5000: when inserting into sampler and detecting pitch, assign sampler pitch start rather than note start (so the sample can be played at different pitches, correctly tuned) + ReaSamplomatic5000: add pitch detection + ReaSamplomatic5000: display note names for pitch offset + ReaSamplomatic5000: if sample detected pitch is out of range of pitch start parameter, add octaves to note start parameter as needed [p=2549739] + ReaSamplomatic5000: support sorting sample list by detected pitch + ReaSamplomatic5000: support typing in sample pitch + ReaSamploMatic5000: when inserting media from media explorer into an existing sampler instance, obey preferences to apply volume/pitch adjustment + ReaScript: fix Track/TakeFX_AddByName() matching existing instances when using FX-type prefix [t=267548] + Recording: fix pre-fx/pre-fader output recording when live FX multiprocessing is disabled + Render: always display one momentary, one short-term, and one integrated render statistic in render dialog + Render: fully cancel render queue when user clicks "cancel all" [t=267732] + Render: make clearer in preferences that either LUFS or RMS, both not both, will be calculated/displayed for a given period (momentary, short-term, or integrated) + Spectral edits: fix incomplete loading of certain complex shapes + Spectral edits: prevent resizing regions into entirely negative space + Spectral edits: when inserting a new edit, select the edit by default + Theme: hit test vol/pan/width labels last even when they are above other controls [t=267524] + Undo: do not process deferred undo points if in the middle of a mouse edit + Video: fix some WMF decoding issues that were un-fixed by a different WMF decoding fix in v6.60 + Video: hopefully improve WMF compatibility further + Video: fix performance/stability issues when using AVFoundation decoding on a track that does not use media buffering [t=267563] + VST: improve initial size behavior with plug-ins that adjust size when UI opens (Kee Bass) + Windows: improve appearance of checked bitmap menu items (fades, note head shapes, etc) v6.60 - June 8 2022 + API: extend hwnd_info hook API to allow disabling global hotkeys for a particular context + Crossfade editor: fix grouped item editing behavior when editor is open [t=266599] + Envelopes: fix incorrect envelope edit when moving media items across tracks with ripple-all enabled and moving envelope points with media items [t=267039] + FX: allow resizing FX windows beyond screen size on Windows + FX: improve automation-recording behavior with PDC when set to stop at end of time selection [p=2562770] + Grouping: when splitting grouped items, group all items that start at effectively the same time as the split point, rather than items that start after the split point [t=264639] + macOS: disable automatic key equivalent localization on macOS 12.0+ + Media explorer: new user-added columns default to "custom" rather than "read-only" [t=267357] + MIDI: fix looped playback issues with partial blocks and multiple simultaneous note-ons + MIDI: if notation option "key signature changes affect all tracks" is enabled, embed key signature changes when exporting type 1 MIDI files [t=264803] + Mouse modifiers: fix enabling/disabling snap modifier during drag while creating marquee or razor edit area [p=2567049] + ReaFIR: clamp manually-edited point gain to graph range [t=267449] + ReaPlugs: improve end-of-touch automation support when tweaking sliders with keyboard/mousewheel + Recording: add per-track setting to record track output pre-FX or post-FX/pre-fader + Render: fix HTML render charts when files/markers/regions contain some special characters [t=267349] + Render: slight memory use improvement when resampling during render + Splash: improve status messages when loading FX [t=155245] + Splash: add option to skip splash screen animations on startup + Video: optimize opening of extra pooled audio decoders (do not try decode modes that previously failed) + Video: improve video preview display when using various edit modes [t=264785] [p=2566992] + Video: improve WMF decoding compatibility [t=267260] + Video: work around WMF bug when decoding certain files, by falling back to other decoders [t=266959] + VST: automatically end touch automation recording if configuration window is closed + VST: improve plug-in scanning process (especially macOS NI plug-ins) + WALTER: using front for mcp.extmixer now brings extmixer background higher in the Z-order + Windows: fix issue when rapidly clicking new project tab toolbar button [t=267507] v6.59 - May 30 2022 + Actions: add actions to move/copy contents of time selection to edit cursor [t=211511] + Batch converter: add menu item to display converted file properties + Click source: fix saving default shape setting + Color theme: apply mute/inactive/locked theme overlay to outer margins of media item background images + Free item positioning: do not normalize media item heights when cut/copy/pasting to FIPM track [t=266897] + FX: allow setting FX instance oversampling for multiple items at once in chain view [p=2559966] + FX: prevent unintended drag/drop of FX when quickly clicking on multiple track FX buttons in a row + Linux: fix crash on startup when loading docked FX [t=267250] + macOS: fix appearance of modal windows when switching to/from dark mode [t=266894] + macOS: when using default system output device, detect device changes (e.g. from plugging in headphones) [t=266073] + Media explorer: add actions to sort file list by specific columns + Media explorer: display favorite state during searches [p=2532705] + Media explorer: support adding user-defined tags (any plain text, like "Instrument" or "Quality") + Media explorer: user-defined tags will be cached locally and can be written to media files for some media types + Metronome: correctly use default-project samples when creating a new project and previous project had samples set + MIDI editor: add undo points when changing time selection via alt+right drag [t=266591] + Opus: when rendering, ensure user-entered bitrate is in range [t=266870] + Opus: improve final packet rounding to minimize padding when encoding [t=266870] + Opus: support encoding floating-point values greater than +0dB + Opus: use smaller default frame size when encoding + Performance: reduce audio thread interruptions when moving/copying contents of project regions + Razor edits: add mouse modifiers to select razor edit area and time together, in track, media item, and media item edge contexts + Razor edits: handle mouse modifier mapped to "no action" by passing through to underlying context + Razor edits: more precise peaks drawing at razor edit edges during mouse edits + ReaInsert: slight thread scheduling optimization + ReaScript: support GetMediaFileMetadata(src, "Generic:BPM") to get any existing BPM metadata + ReaVerb: fix channel tool total channel count configuration state save/restore [t=266889] + Recent projects: add option to control whether projects are added to recent list when loading + Recent projects: add option to disable 'Save copy of project' being added to recent list + Recent projects: add option to have old project removed from recent list when using 'Save new version of project' + Render: when rendering MPEG-4, use .mp4/.m4v/.m4a extensions by default depending on whether audio/video streams exist (can be changed in render dialog if desired) + Render: improve normalization speed when rendering audio-only MPEG-4 + Resampling: prevent excess RAM use when resampling during recording/render/bounce when output is mp3, opus, or MPEG-4/WMF [t=267175] + Routing matrix: fix macOS resize drawing glitch + Save-as: convert/trim will now convert .m4a files [t=267101] + Startup: detect when an incomplete upgrade/install occurred and warn user [t=266914] + Theme: fix minor sidebar issue in default theme [p=2562506] + Theme: restore old display behavior of pre-version 5 themes with transparent media item background images [t=266958] + Theme: update theme tweaker description for shared theme color [t=267111] + Theme: fix corner case of parsing .] in WALTER [t=266668] + Theme: treat 'scalar==vector' in WALTER comparisons as 'scalar==vector{0}' rather than 'scalar==0' [p=2557841] + Track routing window: fix display issues with UTF-8 localizations [t=266967] + Video: allow encoding video-only m4v/mov when using AVFoundation + Video: fix potential use-after-free memory error when using video processors and multiple copies of the same source + Video: improve ffmpeg bitrate controls for various codecs + Video: support passing ffmpeg command line options directly when rendering + Video: simplify WMF encoding settings + VST: add option to allow multiple plug-ins with the same VST3 UID16 [p=2560921] + Windows: add projects to system-wide recent documents list on save v6.58 - May 18 2022 + Auto-save: improve error messages [t=62857] + Drag and drop: fix color of insert-new-track indicator text [p=2556218] + IDEs: use 6.53-style sorting for watch lists [t=266700] + JSFX: update classic volume adjustment JSFX to use a step size of 0.1dB + LV2: support compatibility setting to ignore state-change notifications [t=266424] + Media explorer: fix My Computer view when localized [t=266458] + Media items: allow clicking item notes and item properties buttons on locked items + MIDI editor: fix mouse modifier to delete touched notes when moving mouse very slowly [p=2555629] + Performance: reduce redraws when moving mouse over envelope lanes + Razor edits: fix potential display flickering after certain actions/zoom/scroll [t=265219] + Razor edits: fix potential incorrect drawing when zoomed in very far + Razor edits: add undo points when clearing selections + Razor edits: prevent selections from being lost when loading a project with missing media + ReaFIR: fix inconsistent processing of first block of audio + ReaScript: make Lua handling of unspecified Optional const char* parameters consistent with EEL2, other data types [t=266405] + Render: support rendering region matrix via master [t=265457] + Render: fix normalizing render when rendering video with WMF + Render: if render bounds set to "selected regions" and no regions are selected, render all regions + Render: improve render speed when rendering stems or regions via master [p=2551835] + Render: always display one momentary loudness measurement and one short-term loudness measurement in HTML charts + Render: optionally display project regions/markers in HTML charts + Render: remove option to render to .wmv or .wma files; there's no reason to use these file formats as containers for modern codecs [p=2557603] + Video: decode mono audio to stereo when using WMF + Video: fix various video decoding issues when using WMF [t=266535] + Video: fix rendering embedded AAC 4-channel audio when using WMF + Video: fix rendering video with certain colorspace/size combinations when using WMF [t=266503] + Video: support embedding multichannel audio in MP4 video when using WMF + Video: support rendering video-only or audio-only mp4 when using WMF + Video: improve error message when AVFoundation encoder fails to initialize + Video: support rendering multichannel AAC when using AVFoundation + VST: avoid duplicate entries when multiple instances of a VST3 UID16 are found with different filename parts [t=266362] + VST: support scanning Windows .vst3 bundles that have the system filesystem attribute set [p=2556345] v6.57 - May 7 2022 + Appearance: add separate preferences for drawing labels above media items, and hiding media item labels, at specific media item heights + Appearance: do not draw media item labels above the item if the item would be smaller than the label + Drag and drop: improve preview display when dragging to insert-new-track area [t=266091] + Drawing: improve drawing performance with thousands of very small items (6.54 performance regression) [t=266082] + FX: zero out PDC-compensated FX delay samples [t=265883] + FX: show combined oversample rate in chain view when both chain and instance oversampling are used + FX browser: allow removing LV2-created categories [t=265322] + lv2: support URL encoded filesystem specifications [t=265942] + macOS: add gen_vol*_dark and gen_pan*_dark theme elements for macOS dark mode [p=2549269] + macOS: fix horizontal mouse drag on mixer send controls [t=266121] + Media explorer: do not try to copy directories via drag/drop [t=265174] + Media items: actions to activate previous/next/etc take do not affect locked media items + Media items: allow opening and editing per-take FX on locked media items, but not alt/opt+click to delete all FX + Media items: allow vertical autoscroll when moving/copying items using certain customized mouse modifiers [p=2551896] + Media items: fix take marker display with certain zoom settings [t=266231] + Media items: improve interaction between item height preferences when using free item positioning [p=2552306] + MIDI editor: improve behavior of mouse modifier to delete all touched notes when moving the mouse quickly + MIDI editor: support loading raw sysex from file in sysex edit window + MIDI editor: use fixed-width font for sysex edit window + Notation editor: improve positioning of accidentals in chords [t=265378] + Opus: ensure all samples are flushed to file when rendering at sample rates other than 48k + Peaks: fix various sample-level view glitches [t=213166] + Performance: reduce realtime CPU use when repositioning edit cursor with playback stopped [t=265983] + Performance: improve recovery from media buffering underruns when using heavy per-item processing + Preferences: include more information/help in video decoder details window + Razor edits: fix editing bug when razor edit contains MIDI items in project with timebase time and partial measures [p=2554747] + Razor edits: simplify display of pre-edited razor edit areas [p=2552009] + Razor edits: add mouse modifiers to move areas disabling or temporarily enabling ripple edit + Razor edits: fix mouse-position-dependent snapping [t=265343] + ReaScript: increase precision of razor edit start/end position as returned by GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_RAZOREDITS") [t=266177] + Recent projects: add option to display customized project title (set in Project Settings/Notes) in recent projects menu and prompt [t=225274] + Recent projects: add option to display either file part or full path in list + Render: fix issues with peaks and dither when channel counts are conformed by output (e.g. multichannel forced to stereo by CD or DDP render) + Render: respect option to add rendered files to project when preference enabled to return to render settings window after render [t=266061] + Render: support rendering to mp3 (as primary or secondary output) when processing at sample rates higher than 48k + Render: when rendering selected regions, if no regions are selected, render all regions + Render: improve error message details + Theme: add theme elements for inactive takes, applied separately from elements for muted/not-soloed tracks/items + Timestretch: add new Rrreeaaa (polyphase synthesis) stretching mode, useful for artistic stretches + Undo: improve undo behavior for actions/scripts that did not previously set the correct undo flags + Video: support native decoding and rendering of .wma, .wmv, and mpeg-4 audio/video via Windows Media Foundation + Video: support embedding FLAC audio in WMF-encoded MP4/M4V (Windows 10 and later) + Video: improve performance when using video-only or audio-only media + Video: support encoding audio-only or video-only files with ffmpeg + Video: update Grid of Videos preset + Video: deprecate DirectShow video decode mode, must be manually re-enabled in preferences + VST3: clear all parameter info on kParamTitlesChanged [t=265989] + WALTER: allow specifying mcp.extmixer and master.mcp.extmixer to front command v6.56 - April 25 2022 + Media items: allow autoscroll when moving/copying items using certain customized mouse modifiers [t=265871] + Media items: allow copying per-take FX from locked media items + Media items: do not allow opening, deleting, or copying to per-take FX of locked media items + Render: fix stereo/multichannel metering (6.55 regression) [p=2550803] + RF64: fix duplicate display of embedded cues [t=265078] v6.55 - April 23 2022 + Accessibility: fix toolbar accessibility quirks + Accessibility: improve MSAA get_accFocus behavior for media explorer toolbar and envelope window + ARA: support older versions of Melodyne [t=265683] + Audio Units: fix UI issue with some plug-ins (6.54 regression) [p=2549829] + DDP: allow enabling dither when rendering [t=265581] + DDP: improve help text [t=244730] + FX: add oversampling indicator to floating FX windows + FX: clarify labels of oversampling settings [t=265642] + FX: option to hide FX chain window until FX are added (6.54 addition) is ignored if the Add-FX window is already visible [t=265693] + Media items: allow copying, selecting locked items (6.54 regression) + Metadata: list only WAVEEXT metadata tags under common scheme / channel configuration [p=2549344] + Razor edits: fix moving envelope areas across tracks that do not contain a matching FX parameter or send envelope [t=265671] + Recording: fix MIDI overdub recording potentially being affected by the next recording pass [t=252884] + Render: support HTML render statistics chart without internet connection + Render: automatically resize render statistics chart to fit browser window + Render: display LRA range in HTML render statistics chart + Render: display rectified peaks for reference in HTML render statistics chart + Render: graph maximum rather than average loudness per pixel in HTML render statistics chart + Render: rename render window "stats" button to "stats/charts" + Theme: fix TCP/MCP text colors for classic themes [t=265636] + Undo: fix undo points when adding tracks via new (in 6.54) drag-to-top-of-track option [p=2550309] + Undo: fix undo points generated by actions that move media items to/from hidden tracks [p=2550492] v6.54 - April 19 2022 + Actions: account for reverse volume grouping when running action to adjust track volume [t=264649] + Actions: add actions to move media items to/from hidden child track + ARA: update API to version 2.1, with ARM support + Audio Units: improve resizing behavior of AUv3 plug-ins + Audio Units: fix potential AUv3 crash when plug-in outputs MIDI events on Monterey + Audio Units: call AudioUnitUninitialize() when unloading + Batch converter: update display immediately after removing all files + Batch converter: fix in-place conversion for non-boot macOS volumes [t=264848] + Free item positioning: fix minor time selection display issue [p=2538153] + Free item positioning: glued items inherit FIPM y-positioning + Free item positioning: improve interaction between free item size edits and mouse modifiers (remove hardcoded behaviors of some modifier keys) + Free item positioning: when recording in free item positioning mode, only adjust existing item y-positions if necessary + FX: add per-FX instance and per-FX chain oversampling options (if both chain and instance are set, the higher of the two is used) + FX: change Add-FX window pane configuration (horizontal vs vertical layout) via context menu, don't change configuration on double-clicking the divider + FX: improve value editing and default values for wet/bypass/delta envelopes + FX: when opening FX chain for a track that has no FX, by default show the Add-FX window rather than the empty FX chain window (option in Preferences/Plug-Ins) + Import: add option in Preferences/Media to target the top part of a track to insert new track(s) to receive the media + Import: on drag-import, offer to replace media source only if snapped start position of imported media is within an existing media item [t=184239] + Logical sorting: improve sort order of various characters in Media Explorer and other windows (underscore, hyphen, number, UTF-8, alpha) [t=264382] + Media buffering: update playback more promptly (bypass some media buffering) when changing item takes, mute states + Media explorer: add action to delete file with prompting + Media explorer: fix updating database metadata when database is not on the local filesystem + Media items: replace "show overlapping items in lanes" option with "offset overlapping items vertically" + Media items: add preferences for item vertical overlap percentage and opacity + Media items: add preference for minimum height to display peaks + Media items: change default item mix behavior to "items always mix", existing projects and user default project settings are unaffected + Media items: don't display cursor feedback when mouse is over controls of locked items + Media items: update mouse click prioritization to prefer opaque unselected items over transparent selected items (prevent clicking controls that are behind other items) + Media items: improve interaction between preferences to show/hide free item positioning, show/hide media item labels at certain track heights + Media items: locked items do not autocrossfade with unlocked items + Media items: prevent editing take envelopes when item is locked + Menus/Actions: update menus and actions to refer to "takes" instead of "take lanes", to avoid ambiguity + Metadata: support WAVEEXT channel layout tag "L R C LFE Ls Rs" instead of "L R C LFE Lsd Rsd" [p=2547580] + MIDI editor: fix editing left edge of notes, inserting new CC events, some other behaviors when editing looped item with start offset [t=264881] [p=2545303] + MIDI editor: fix note velocity sweep-editing when moving the mouse quickly [t=264954] + MIDI editor: reload custom .ReaScale function when opening a new project + MIDI editor: restore grid type properly in quantize window when quantizing with swing [t=265280] + MIDI inline editor: improve action window targeting behavior [t=156124] + Projects: support loading multiple projects in recovery mode [t=234059] + Projects: master hardware outputs are saved with project default settings + Razor edits: add click-context mouse modifiers to move areas up or down without contents + Razor edits: improve stretch-editing automation items in ripple-edit mode [p=2545359] + Razor edits: razor edits on free item positioning lanes snap to item tops/bottoms, do not necessarily span the entire track height + Razor edits: add "razor edits affect all track envelopes", separate from "move envelope points with media items" + Razor edits: fix incorrect group selection edge highlight when razor editing + Razor edits: fix behavior when stretching right edge of razor edit with ripple edit enabled and automation items later on the track [p=2543398] + Razor edits: fix flickering display after running action to cut selected area of items [t=265219] + ReaControlMIDI: increase length of sysex dump displayed in log from 1k to 8k bytes + ReaEQ: expose global gain as an automatable parameter + ReaInsert: do not allow processing if FX oversampling is used + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo("I_FREEMODE"), deprecate GetSetMediaTrackInfo("B_FREEMODE") + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_RAZOREDITS_EXT"), to get/set free item positioning bounds + ReaScript: fix GetThingFromPoint handling of hidden envelopes [t=264823] + ReaScript: fix reaper.AddRemoveReaScript() on Windows when script path contains forward slashes [t=264181] + ReaSurroundPan: fix action to set input names from sending tracks when FX pin mapping has been customized [t=264484] + ReaSurroundPan: improve display when configuration changes so that inactive channels/speakers are displayed in the list + ReaSurroundPan: when inserting as take FX, increase FX output pin count to match track channel count if needed [t=265248] + Recording: respect option to always add takes to new recording when looping + Recording: when preference enabled to add recorded media at each loop, defer adding media during mouse editing [p=2543669] + Render: display graph of loudness values of rendered file in HTML statistics view + Render: apply PDC to rendered output when master track FX is set to ignore PDC or hardware-output-PDC + Reverse items: improve behavior of reverse items as new take with audioless video items [t=265238] + Super8: allow up to 500ms of RDC + Tempo envelope: context menu action to insert point respects default point shape (linear or square, curved shapes are not allowed on tempo envelopes) + Tempo envelope: don't snap to beats when editing points if project snap is disabled + Tempo envelope: warn if user enters time signature numerators/denominators out of range [t=265162] + Theme: add theme overlay color, blend mode for muted/unsoloed/inactive or locked media items and tracks + Track manager: display track channel count + Tracks/media items/razor edits: many internal changes to support future media item lane functionality + Video: fix behavior when enabling/disabling audio on all project video sources + Windows: add additional uninstall information to system v6.53 - March 29 2022 + Actions window: improve warning messages when a key is mapped to an action that no longer exists + API: FX_SetParam/FX_SetParamNormalized do not send notifications when called from audio threads + Batch converter: fix reading output file format when running from command line [t=264731] + Envelope window: make checkbox controls keyboard accessible + Freeze: fix freezing multiple tracks with non-overlapping media items and certain render preferences [p=2540145] + Freeze: when unfreezing an edited track, prompt user whether they would like to transform the frozen items + macOS: improve command shortcut display when the same menu item exists in multiple places [t=264065] + macOS: improve keyboard focus behavior when focused window is disabled + macOS: improve return-key behavior for plug-in text entry fields + Media explorer: add themeable colors for media explorer grid/markers, pitch detection text + Media explorer: make toolbar keyboard accessible (tab to toolbar, left/right/space) + Media explorer: use media item background color for preview peaks background + Media explorer: prevent crash when previewing .rpp without proxy built (6.52 regression) + Metadata: support embedding images in ogg, opus files when rendering or converting + Metronome settings: improve accessibility of hardware outputs button + MIDI editor: fix behavior when drawing notes and humanize window is open [p=2540147] + MIDI inline editor: add missing actions to action list [t=263976] + MIDI inline editor: fix marquee drawing bugs when mapped to left-drag + Peaks: fix building of peaks for section/reversed items (6.52 regression) [t=264718] + Peaks: fix spectrogram calculation errors (6.52 regression) [t=264583] + Peaks: improve quality of zoomed-out spectrogram display + ReaScript: add Main_SaveProjectEx, to save project or track template with a specific filename and options [t=261802] + ReaSurroundPan: account for channel mapping when running action to set input names/colors from sending tracks [t=264484] + Recording: improve behavior of note-ons sent during count-in (6.48 behavior restored) [p=2540157] + Subprojects: do not show project notes when rendering a project proxy + Tempo markers: respect mouse modifier when set to "no action" [t=264585] v6.52 - March 23 2022 + Actions window: match UK spellings of various words when searching + Automation items: when looping in latch mode, ensure there is an automation item to record into [t=263124] + Batch converter: add option to force single-threaded processing + Batch converter: fix minimum window size when Windows display scaling is used [t=264256] + Custom menus: fix menu after reset to default on macOS + FLAC: update to libflac 1.3.4 + FX: fix display of ReaLearn UI on macOS + JSFX: fix channel mapper/downmixer text alignment on non-retina macOS displays + macOS: improve default extension behavior of save dialog on newer macOS systems [p=2538902] + Media Explorer: add option, toolbar button to display detected pitch while previewing files + Media Explorer: add actions, option to adjust pitch by +/- 1 cent + Media Explorer: support toolbar/menu feedback for actions to set pitch to X semitones + Media Explorer: shift+drag applies the previously selected pitch knob behavior (rather than always applying either continuous or semitone changes) + Media Explorer: improve transition smoothness when adjusting preview pitch via actions + Media Explorer: add preference to preview .RPP files + Media Explorer: add preference to suppress auto-render of proxy when previewing .RPP files [t=260947] + Media Explorer: when renaming .RPP file, also rename matching .RPP-PROX file [t=263798] + Media Explorer: fix context menu issues when media explorer is opened via keystroke + MIDI editor: add actions, menu items to load/unload .ReaScale files + MIDI peaks: fix under-draw issue in continuous scrolling [twtr=1499242508328443904] + Notation editor: action to identify chords considers all notes playing, not just notes that start at the target time position [t=263540] + Notation editor: allow user-provided chords (from .ReaScale files) to override default chord names [p=2534376] + Notation editor: don't show track/measure settings menu on left-click [t=238093] + Notation editor: treat click on measure start area as a click on the first beat of the measure, even if there is a key signature or time signature change + Opus: fix memory leak when writing files and resampling + PCM: extremely minor tweaks to rounding when writing PCM in all formats + PCM: improve LSB rounding when writing 24-bit and (17-23)/24-bit encodings of WavPack/FLAC [t=263082] + PCM: fix incorrect truncation when writing 16-bit WavPack files [t=261535] + Peaks building: display remaining file statistics rather than remaining items + Peaks building: improve behavior when reordering tracks/items + Peaks building: improve multiprocessing use (4 or more cores when available) + Peaks building: optimize spectral peaks/spectrogram calculation + Project settings: add dropdown menu to support setting/resetting project start offset and project start measure + ReaFIR: add automatable parameter to adjust gain of EQ/threshold/noise profile curve + ReaPlugs: show longer, more descriptive parameter names + Render: add action to re-display statistics from most recent render in web browser + Render: add option to display/not display RMS in render statistics + Render: add option to automatically return to render setup window when render is finished [t=264054] + Render: enable "save settings" button when changing render tail setting + Render: ensure progress bar and stats are updated after rendering very short regions + Render: gray out add-metadata button when "embed metadata" is unchecked + Render: greatly improve render speed when rendering many regions at once + Render: avoid extra work relating to updating status in dock on macOS + Text drawing: fix cropped glyphs for some fonts/italics combinations [t=262915] + Theming: in themes that overlap controls and track icons, draw track icons below controls + Wildcards: support $channels wildcard in render, batch converter, and bounce + Windows: add legacy_filebrowse=1 .ini file option to use old file browsing open/save API for accessibility purposes v6.51 - March 5 2022 + Batch converter: fix incorrect conversion when converting multiple media items [t=263866] + Batch converter: only show "scan subdirectories?" prompt once when importing multiple folders [p=2533273] + Global key bindings: do not treat non-editable combo boxes as text fields + MIDI: fix dropped events at certain tempo changes (6.50 regression) [t=263897] + MIDI editor: prevent note edits jumping to the previous/next loop iteration when snapping [t=261839] + Pan: ensure that "linear scale above -3dB" checkbox is enabled [p=2532677] + Razor edits: fix grouping of existing items after pasting razor edits with "trim content behind" enabled [t=263654] v6.50 - March 3 2022 + API: allow accelerators to hook keyboard for more windows including mixer, navigator, etc [t=263487] + Batch converter: support converting multiple files in parallel, utilizing multiple CPUs + Batch converter: improve responsiveness and RAM usage when converting a large file list + Batch converter: display the number of files and directories in the file list + Batch converter: display progress bar if conversion takes more than a short time + Batch converter: add when adding directory to file list, prompt to include subdirectories as well + Batch converter: add option to use source subdirectory structure to create output directories + Batch converter: add option to overwrite original files + Batch converter: add option to suppress notification when finished + Batch converter: add "save settings" button (does not save file list) + Batch converter: reorganize controls to separate settings that are not included in presets + Batch converter: include dither, noise shaping settings with presets + Batch converter: add preset menu item to clear all converter settings + Batch converter: add context menu actions to fit file list columns to screen, open input or output path, display input media properties + Batch converter: after canceled conversion, convert and remove buttons offer to affect only converted/not-yet-converted files, or all files + Batch converter: change default output file pattern to "$source-converted" + Batch converter: delete incomplete output file on user cancel + Batch converter: don't embed project-specific metadata + Batch converter: preserve very long metadata correctly + Batch converter: support $track, $tracknumber, $itemnumber wildcards, which will resolve to the project state at the time the media item was added to the file list [t=262781] + Batch converter: update $samplerate wildcard correctly when changing sample rate + Batch converter: allow FX to change processing channel count via pin connector dialog or JSFX channel mapper/downmixer + Batch converter: fix lost FX tail setting when closing/reopening dialog + Defaults: set default master track pan mode to stereo balance for new projects + Defaults: save/load master track pan law, pan mode with default project settings + FX: allow JSFX channel mapper/downmixer to change monitoring FX processing channel count + FX: improve behavior of FX drag/drop and TrackFX_CopyToTrack() etc when copying FX to a later slot on the same chain [t=263461] + FX: fix incorrect project save/load of parameter modulation and linking when applied to ReaPlugs (6.48 regression) + Media: improve zoomed-in peaks performance, especially on compressed media + Media: improve performance when using large block sizes and small media buffer settings + Media explorer: fix peaks display build restarting when seeking with output routed to a track [p=2532186] + Media explorer: improve seek behavior when autoplay, start-on-bar, and tempo matching are all enabled + Media explorer: refresh display correctly after completing search [t=245536] + MIDI: do not remove duplicate note on/off events on import [p=2527130] + MIDI: send note-off for active notes when seeking [t=260429] + MIDI: fix incorrect event duplication when exploding certain MIDI content by channel [t=261174] + MIDI: improve tick-to-sample rounding + Mouse modifiers: display and group media item lower half actions similarly to media item actions in preferences dropdown + ReaScript/JSFX: fix displaying strings containing multiple newlines in a row [t=263537] + Render: ensure peaks display is fully updated for each rendered region + Render: fix enabling/disabling render loudness statistics from completed render dialog + Undo: ensure undo point is created after running action to remove content behind items [t=263577] + VST: report channel index namespace context to plugins [t=263201] + VST: fix some misbehaving UI sizing plugins [p=2531463] v6.49 - February 20 2022 + Media items: fix loading auto-stretch markers (6.48 regression) [p=2529349] v6.48 - February 20 2022 + Actions window: fix issue with SWS cycle action editor on macOS/Linux (Windows will require sws update) [p=2527059] + Custom actions: fix adding actions to custom action via keyboard + Custom menus: fix support for more than 32 submenus per menu + Custom menus: fix support for more than 1024 menu items per menu + Custom menus: in customize menus/toolbars window, leave OK button enabled even if there have been no changes [p=2526098] + FX envelopes: copy/move envelopes correctly between instances of ReaSurroundPan with different configurations [p=2526379] + JSFX: channel_mapper uses dropdown instead of +/- buttons to set number of channels + Knobs: improve vertical alignment of wet/dry knobs + macOS: disable input event throttling by default + macOS: fix ExecProcess() handle leakage [t=263197] + macOS: fix knob background drawing after switching to/from dark-mode + macOS: fix Metal issue where an occluded window would end up stale on M1/macOS 12 + Media explorer: cancel metadata edit if file list is scrolled + Media explorer: prevent unnecessary scroll-to-left when browsing + Media item properties: update volume/pan slider on double-click [t=263028] + Media item ruler: always label item start and end if possible [t=262144] + Media items: fix possible incorrect calculation when running action to clear and recalculate auto-stretch at project tempo changes + Media items: fix possible stretch marker corruption when applying auto-stretch at tempo changes [t=257439] + Media items: recalculate auto-stretch markers when undoing tempo envelope edits [t=257439] + Media items: set default normalization mode to peak for new users + OSC: send track width when in balance pan mode [t=263359] + Preferences: search function also searches mouseover help text + ReaLimit: rename "link" control to "constant gain" + ReaLimit: set default threshold and ceiling both to 0dB + ReaScript: do not run scripts from cwd rather than reascript path [t=262921] + ReaScript: IDEs allow changing font name via ide_font_face= in reaper.ini + Render: fix persistence of preference to embed XMP markers [t=263105] + Render: fix rendering to mp3 when sample rate is set higher than 48k [t=263248] + Render: support jumping to loudest sample in project after render (including dry run render) + Takes: fix theme preference to display colored bar on active take when empty, not-displayed take lanes exist [t=262607] + VST: set ChannelContext channel index context correctly for track 1 [t=263201] + VST: fix various UI sizing quirks v6.47 - February 11 2022 + Actions: improve performance with large numbers of custom actions + Actions: increase maximum number of custom actions/reascripts + Actions: improve sizing behavior of actions window with langpack-adjusted button sizes + CPU metering: add option (FX chain and performance meter menus) to view CPU utilization as 1.0c = one core fully utilized + Envelopes: do not select following envelope point when deleting via mouse click [t=262564] + Glue: improve handling of fades that overlap with other items [p=2519694] + JSFX: fix Volume Adjustment plugin smoothing the first playback block [p=2521345] + macOS: improve performance of bridged plug-ins + macOS: refresh various controls when switching to/from dark mode [p=2517137] + macOS: run media/anticipative FX worker threads in realtime/audio workgroup if Time Critical priority is set (may be useful for M1 Pro CPUs) + macOS: fix Cmd+A in metadata edit, explorer, and track manager fields + Markers: fix importing markers from .csv when marker names contain quotation marks [p=2524419] + Media explorer: add customizable toolbar + Media explorer: move "insert media", "auto-play", "start on bar" controls to default toolbar + Media explorer: actions to tempo match half-speed or double-speed act as toggles + Media explorer: action to show media properties will display properties for last selected item if there is no current preview media + Media explorer: add action to show/hide toolbar + Media explorer: add optional media information box + Media item properties: double-click always resets take volume to unity or pan to center + Media item properties: prevent normalize button from creating multiple windows + Media items: add action to calculate loudness of selected items not including FX or track settings + Media items: don't display render window VU meters when calculating loudness of selected items via dry run render + Menus/Toolbars: replace Save/Close buttons with OK/Cancel/Apply + Metadata: support encoding of very long/complex metadata strings in projects [p=2522469] + MIDI: handle splits and edge adjustments properly when MIDI items span partial measures [t=260847] + MIDI editor: move edit cursor on actions to navigate to previous/next note + MIDI editor: improve non-synchronized playback behavior when changing project tempo + MIDI learn: revert to pre-6.37 behavior of allowing targeting non-visible FX parameters [t=260737] + Notation editor: fix scrub mouse mapping [t=218135] + Playback: disable monitor signal fade-out on stop when preferences are configured to play FX tails on stop + Project bay: fix display of shell VST3 plug-ins loaded by UID16 [t=262265] + Razor edits: display envelope value when editing, in addition to % change [t=262983] + Razor edits: fix inadvertently setting envelope point shape to linear on toggle envelopes [p=2525258] + ReaScript: add midi_init() which allows re-initialization of single MIDI devices + ReaScript: improve GetMediaFileMetadata() support for long strings + ReaScript: MIDI_GetEvt/Note/CC/TextSysexEvt with negative event index now return false + ReaScript: support longer input to GetSetProjectInfo_String("RENDER_METADATA") [p=2521173] + Render: add checkbox to only normalize files that are too loud [t=261667] + Render: add menu items (under render dialog stats button) to change which render statistics are displayed + Render: allow trailing spaces in directory names on macOS/Linux [t=262788] + Render: fix reset of normalization mode/channel count when undoing certain actions (6.43 regression) [t=262585] + Render: preserve very long metadata when rendering [p=2524169] + Resampling: fix incorrect processing at end of item in r8brain free mode [t=262303] + Theme: improve display of 4 digit track numbers when using default theme + Undo: fix undo of markers edited in ripple all and various nudge actions [t=262028] + Video: add project_timeoffs variable + Video: fix incorrect restart of peaks building when editing project during peaks build [t=262058] + Video: improve text overlay preset (can also display timecode, add fit background to text parameter, change defaults) + Volume readouts: better distinguish between values very close to 0dB and 0dB exactly + WALTER: add trackidx (0 is master, 1 is first track, <0 is unknown/invalid), ntracks (<0 if invalid) for track contexts + Windows: fix signing of 32-bit executables and include git revision in win32 build + Windows: prevent opening multiple "set media item playback rate" dialogs + Windows: output usage help to stdout (if available) as well as displaying in a popup window v6.46 - January 19 2022 + Automation: fix potential incorrect automation when envelopes disabled outside of automation items [t=240584] + Batch converter: fix normalization (6.44 regression) [t=262025] + Batch converter: resolve item-related wildcards properly when converting a media item that originated in a different project [t=261724] + Control surfaces: fix OSC control of FX wet/dry knob [t=261531] + FX: add actions to clear delta solo for all FX on selected tracks or all FX in the project + Import: add cancel button to multiple media item import dialog + JSFX: fix set_pin_mapping() high-bit issue + macOS: fix arrow key keyboard navigation issues for various windows (6.43 regression) + macOS: fix keyboard focus after closing transport selection/bpm edit boxes + macOS: improve appearance of routing matrix in dark mode and default theme + Media items: fix adjusting media to tempo suggested by filename or metadata when inserting via action + Media items: add actions to normalize items to common gain, or separately, using most recent settings + Media items: show warning or error (depending on context) when some items could not be normalized + Metadata: add ASWG dialogue projection level field + Metadata: add OGG, Opus to displayed list of render formats that support Vorbis metadata + Metronome: fix count-in issue at 180bpm 3/4 [t=261495] + MIDI: add actions to reload track support data (bank/program files, notation, etc) for individual MIDI items or all items in the project [t=261642] + MIDI editor: improve scroll behavior when adjusting zoom [t=254669] + MIDI editor: improve zoom to content action behavior [t=261214] + MIDI inline editor: improve default note view sizing + mp3: close .reapindex files when media is set offline [t=261537] + ReaScript: Lua built-in print() function output is visible using DebugView on Windows [t=261902] + ReaScript: fix incorrect fuzzy matching in TrackFX_AddByName() etc [t=261799] + ReaScript: improve gfx_blit() documentation [t=261610] + RS5k: fix incorrect resampling at end of sample (most obvious with r8brain free) + Theme: fix layout actions for single-character layout names [t=234937] + Tracks: if tracks are removed while renaming a track in TCP/MCP, close edit field + VST: do not allow scanning root directories on macOS/linux (revert 6.44 change) [p=2514467] + WavPack: fix incorrect truncation in 16-bit mode [t=261535] + Windows: fix DirectX plug-in preset menu + Windows: fix new VST path addition on 64-bit v6.45 - January 9 2022 + Media items: use very fast peaks normalization if possible rather than reading source media (6.44 regression) + Normalize: do not crash if normalization loudness analysis is canceled by user v6.44 - January 7 2022 + Actions: add "erase" as a default synonym for delete/clear/remove + Actions: do not warn on program startup if too many custom actions exist (only warn when creating) + Control surfaces: fix CSURF_EXT_SETSENDVOLUME notifications when in write mode and fader-scaled envelopes + Custom action editor: fix entering certain characters on macOS [t=249471] + Glue: if format supports BWF, write start offset when exploding multichannel audio to new files [t=261219] + JSFX: fix memory bounds checking on aarch64/armv7l [t=261271] + JSFX: fix gfx_showmenu() related issues (deadlock when undo point added, possible crash when MCP embedded) [t=261548] + JSFX: if REAPER has an external editor configured for .jsfx, use for open in external editor button + JSFX: improve 32-bit x86 implementation (consistent rounding with other architectures) + JSFX: scripts can write to #dbg_desc to write debug messages visible on main plug-in UI [t=260727] + JSFX: show code sections in IDE right-click menu + JSFX: show context information about built-in variables in IDE + JSFX: do not allow export_buffer_to_project() to be called from @slider [t=260428] + JSFX: allow override of refresh rate using options:gfx_hz=60 etc + JSFX: add options:gfx_idle to allow @gfx section to run when UI is closed (detectable via gfx_ext_flags having 2 set) + JSFX: add options:gfx_idle_only to allow UI-less plug-ins to run @gfx code at idle + Keyboard: fix various cross-platform key aliasing corner cases + Linux: prevent closing windows via close button when a popup menu is open [t=261459] + macOS: add per-theme option to not use themed window colors when in dark-mode (enabled by default theme) + macOS: improve performance of Live FX multiprocessing, especially on M1 systems + Media explorer: improve selection behavior after navigating with arrow keys on Windows + Media items: add option to close item notes window on enter key + Media items: save item notes when closing item notes window via action + Media items: add support for various loudness measurements (LUFS, etc) when normalizing media items + Media items: when normalizing multiple items to an integrated loudness value, support either normalizing each item separately or normalizing the combined (sequential) output of all items + Metadata: fix setting XMP marker metadata [p=2513125] + MIDI editor: add action to insert note at edit cursor without advancing + Pan: fix manual entry of pan values when preference is set to display pan in dB [t=260722] + Projects: improve behavior relating to project notes flags and loading projects in REAPER 6.38 and earlier [t=261242] + Projects: on new project without saved project settings, set recording/render format to 24-bit wav + Razor edits: do not delete/cut/copy razor edits when cursor focus is on track control panels + ReaEQ: add Parallel Band Pass filter mode [t=231105] + ReaScript: add CalculateNormalization function + ReaScript: do not apply render-config changes when calling GetSetProjectInfo in get mode on rendering configuration [t=261085] + ReaScript: do not defer indefinitely when calling reaper.defer() with no parameters from Lua [t=261323] + ReaScript: properly support passing binary-safe strings to extension-registered functions [t=261079] + ReaSurroundPan: correct 9.1.4 speaker arrangement, add 9.1.6 [t=261134] + ReaSynth: fix extra sine oscillator when portamento is used [t=253793] + ReaSynth: fix stuck note when portamento is used in certain instances + Render: ensure final master render peaks are displayed after normalizing + Render: fix files left open when normalization/limiting is interrupted [t=261118] + Render: fix render peaks display when normalizing and negative project start time offset exists [t=261325] + Render: fix saving of presets with normalize enabled affecting old presets [t=261429] + Super8: fix recording glitches that could occur during looped project-synchronized playback [t=261147] + Super8: support exporting media into project via MIDI CC when UI is not open + VST: scan %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Common\VST3 on Windows + Windows: fix listview drawing glitches when editing values and scrolling [p=2513125] + Windows: support very long pathnames (note: for shell browsing/etc to work with these, the LongPathsEnabled registry key must be set) + Windows: improve display responsiveness of progress bars v6.43 - December 21 2021 + Actions: warn when command ID exhaustion occurs due to too many custom actions or ReaScripts + Actions: when adding/editing key bindings, put new binding at front of list + Actions: add "open" as a synonym for display/view/show + ARA: update SDK to version 2.00, with ARM support + Batch converter: include more types of metadata when "preserve metadata" enabled + Batch converter: retain display column widths when reopening + Batch converter: support video normalization/limiting + Big Clock: improve font size for HMSF view on Linux [t=259937] + Big Clock: when display is too long to fit in window, left-justify + CAF: support reading/writing .caf (Core Audio Format) media files + Command line: support loading .RfxChain/.fxb/.fxp/.vstpreset files to new tracks + Command line: support render normalizing and brickwall limiting from command line interface + FLAC: support decoding additional sample bit depths [t=260418] + FX: allow dragging/pasting .fxp/.fxb/.vstpreset/.RfxChain files into chain window, to create new FX instances or change preset of existing instances + FX: when dragging .RfxChain files from OS, auto-create new tracks if necessary, replace existing FX if alt key held + JSFX: produce parse error on unknown number suffixes or incomplete hexadecimal strings (also affects ReaScript and video processors) + JSFX: fix default focus of plug-in UIs on Linux [t=260862] + JSFX: fix get/set_pin_mapping() behavior on ARM systems [p=2502320] + JSFX: fix win32 pow() issue with older non-Intel processors [t=260251] + Linux: improve special-key binding mode focus behavior + Linux: fix moving non-native plug-in windows from docked to undocked FX chains, etc + Linux: improve handling of numeric keypad control key shortcuts (note: may require manually re-binding non-keypad control key shortcuts, which were previously improperly encoded) + LV2: fix loading of plug-ins that have duplicate rdf "seeAlso" links [t=260628] + macOS: now distributed in three flavors: Universal (x86_64/ARM64), x86_64 optimized for macOS 10.14 and earlier, and i386 + macOS: dark mode appearance tweaks for render status and media item fade menus [t=260904] + macOS: fix dark mode default behavior on Monterey [p=2500400] + macOS: fix text label appearance after dark mode/light mode change on Catalina-Monterey + macOS: fix possible crash on exit when previously failed to load a VST3 + macOS: fix video display issues when retina is disabled in preferences [t=259180] + macOS: improve special-key binding mode focus behavior + macOS: improve cross-OS up/down/home/end key mapping compatibility + macOS: improve handling of numpad enter key + macOS: improve keyboard behavior in nudge window + macOS: improve video colorspace conversion support on arm64 + macOS: improve keyboard shortcut descriptions in menus for various keys [t=254046] + Media explorer: add action to focus search field, Ctrl+F/Cmd+F by default + Media explorer: add action to reset preview pitch + Media explorer: add configurable preview crossfade + Media explorer: add pitch/rate knob behavior options to options menu + Media explorer: always search in enabled metadata fields regardless of whether searching a database or file folder + Media explorer: add option to read file metadata if not already cached when searching file folders + Media explorer: display metadata for files during search, even if searching in metadata is disabled + Media explorer: fix possible crash after updating peak volume metadata [p=2501213] + Media explorer: force browser to refresh after completing search [t=250169] + Media explorer: support editing some metadata for .RPP files + Media explorer: support running custom actions from customized menus + Media explorer: when dragging media into project, respect media explorer setting to preserve pitch when changing rate or tempo-matching + Media items: multiple notes windows can be open at the same time + Media items: action to open item notes acts on all selected media items, closes notes windows if they are already open + Media items: support resizing item notes window + Media items: support word wrap in media item notes + Media items: word wrap text display within empty item if set, don't scale text below default size + Menus: preserve consistent keyboard shortcut display when multiple shortcuts assigned [p=2503236] + Metadata: first tab of project metadata dialog lists only elements that are supported by multiple schemes, rather than every known element + Metadata: include link to official specification for various schemes on file metadata dialog + Metadata: rename "Title" category to "Main" + Metadata: support ASWG metadata + Metadata: support CAF channel layout metadata + Metadata: support displaying and embedding BEXT version 2 metadata + Metadata: support renaming presets + Metadata: support sorting project metadata dialog by description, value, or key + MIDI notation and inline editor: support custom actions/reascripts in customized context menus [p=2241827] + Notation editor: prevent unnecessary scrolling after some actions + Notation editor: snap to key when inserting note at mouse cursor [p=2442885] + Peak building: improve UI responsiveness while building peaks + Peak building: improve peak building speed using background threads + Peaks: fix crash when using spectral peaks/spectrogram on a media file which is recording in another tab + Performance: avoid interrupting audio when removing tracks with open send windows + Project bay: fix creating folder in automation items tab [t=260389] + Projects: hold shift to open recent project in new project tab + Project save: improve validation of saved project size to prevent poor behavior with Google Drive + Razor edits: add option in Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults to overlap and crossfade when finalizing razor edits + Razor edits: rename "Move envelope points with razor edits" preference to "Razor edits affect all track envelopes" + Razor edits: scroll view to new cursor position after cut/copy/paste + Razor edits: add preference to always trim content behind razor edits to Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults + Razor edits: improve behavior of overlapping razor edits on a single track when "razor edits affect all track envelopes" enabled + Razor edits: fix behavior when auto-creating new tracks during razor edit [p=2500877] + Razor edits: fix fade drawing glitch when media items and razor edits are offscreen left [p=2500861] + ReaPlugs: fix filter positioning on samplerate change for ReaDelay and ReaVerbate [t=260927] + ReaPlugs: fix sidechain filter issue in ReaGate and ReaComp (introduced in 6.37) + ReaScript: add bandpass type to TrackFX_SetEQParam, etc + ReaScript: Envelope_GetParentTrack/Take always return index/index2 in Lua + ReaScript: Fix GetUserFileNameForRead() when called with forward slashes on Windows [t=260937] + ReaScript: GetEnvelopePointEx/GetEnvelopePoint/Envelope_Evaluate always return all output parameters in Lua + ReaScript: improve ident strings for VST plug-ins (include VST2 and VST3 IDs) + ReaScript: Lua functions do not type-check parameters which are output-only + ReaScript: make output-only parameters optional in EEL2 when possible + ReaScript: ReaLimit supports Track/TakeFX_Get/SetNamedConfigParm for THRESHOLD, CEILING, TRUEPEAK + ReaScript: save/load script and "P_EXT:" extension data for the master track [t=260501] + ReaScript: TimeMap_curFrameRate() always returns dropFrame in Lua + ReaScript: Track/TakeFX_GetPinMappings/IOSize always return all outputs in Lua + ReaSurroundPan: add 9.1.4 speaker setup + Region/marker manager: improve import of regions in H:M:S:F format [t=259999] + Render: add option to automatically write peak/loudness statistics into rendered file metadata + Render: fix rendering video using ffmpeg with mp3 audio encoding + Render: handle resampler latency properly at end of file when applying dither or using secondary render format + Render: optionally save render output directory with presets + Render: support embedding WAVFORMAT_EXTENSIBLE and CAF channel layout tags in render metadata [t=233072] + Render: support normalizing/limiting video files + Ruler: increase tick mark resolution to prevent potential skipped gridlines when using 1/32 triplets + Samplerate conversion: add r8brain free mode (courtesy Aleksey Vaneev of Voxengo) + Samplerate conversion: reorder and rename various modes + Samplerate conversion: improve dynamic varispeed playback quality + Scrub: improve ballistics + Scrub: improve samplerate conversion quality, other behaviors + Take FX: correct pin mapper help text to clarify that take FX can receive audio from any take channel, but not track channels + Time: fix display of very large values in sample scale + Tracks: rename track playback offset setting to media playback offset [t=256466] + Video: add OpenGL display output support for Windows and Linux + Video: fix audio encoding with ffmpeg 4.4 + Video: add input_match() and input_matchi() helpers for video processors + Video: allow setting take section/reverse in media item properties for video files with no audio or audio disabled [t=260768] + Video: improve synchronization behavior with output display offset and project varispeed [p=2503128] + VST: keep full VST3 GUID in reaper-vstplugins.ini and reaper-vstshells.ini + VST: hide and allow re-scan of shell-plugin instances which previously failed to scan + WAV: display WAVFORMAT_EXTENSIBLE channel assignments in media source properties + Wildcards: support start time, tempo, time signature wildcards in filenames when consolidating or gluing + Windows: catch more cases where disk writes fail at end of file due to disk error/full + Windows: fix assigning key bindings for some keyboard layouts/extended keys [t=232318] + Windows: support global overrides for media keyboard keys + Windows: support separate key bindings for NumPad Home/End/etc (falling back to non-NumPad bindings) + Windows: workaround wine bug with NM_CUSTOMDRAW on checkboxes (includes actual check in CDDS_PREPAINT) + Zoom: add preference to center vertical zoom on top of view (does not scroll), remove preference to center on top visible track (which scrolls) v6.42 - November 16 2021 + Config export: encode .zip files with UTF-8 filename encoding for third party unzippers [p=2496639] + Media explorer: display .RPP start tempo rather than project tempo setting [t=259656] + MusicXML export: improve encoding of .mxl with UTF-8 filenames + Notation editor: avoid vertical scrolling when inserting note via action [p=2283571] + Project settingss: fix project notes edit box on macOS [t=259606] + Video: support loading FFmpeg/VLC on Windows when path contains UTF-8 characters v6.41 - November 11 2021 + ARA: preserve ARA plugin state when moving tracks or items to subproject [t=259138] + Configuration export: allow export to continue when some files fail (e.g. due to very long path names) [t=258954] + Envelopes: consistently describe take envelopes as "take envelopes" and not "item envelopes" in actions, menus, and dialogs + JSFX: fix line clipping bug [t=217249] + Locking: improve behavior of toggle lock mode actions (auto-enable locking when enabling lock mode) + Master meter: fix 1-pixel RMS/LUFS drawing error when using 0dB red threshold [p=2491792] + Menus: when razor edits exist, don't gray out menu actions that will operate on razor edit areas (cut, copy, delete, duplicate, etc) + Metronome: fix click speed multiplier when many tempo changes exist [t=259441] + MIDI hardware: add per-output device setting to disable MIDI reset messages + MIDI hardware: fix persistence of preference to reset MIDI pitch/CC on playback stop + Mouse modifiers: fix some actions to set default mouse modifiers + MusicXML: fix importing xml files with certain comments [t=259026] + Notation editor: fix beaming pattern in 8/4 and 8/8 [t=259376] + Opus: fix multichannel regression in opusfile update in 6.39 + ReaScript: allow using MIDIEditor_GetSetting_str() to query event details from the MIDI list editor + ReaScript: increase size of task control prompt [t=259053] + ReaVerb: slight performance improvement in LL mode with smaller max-FFT sizes + Theme: default theme image fixes resulting from volume label change + Theme: restore 6.38 HiDPI image margin scaling logic v6.40 - October 30 2021 + Metronome: avoid possible crash when adjusting metronome settings with empty take lanes in the project v6.39 - October 29 2021 + Automation: fix editing automation items for FX parameters with inverted range [p=2489968] + Command line: support both -template and filename arguments [t=258395] + FX browser: include more JSFX in Cockos category when not showing JSFX descriptions + JSFX: greater precision for $e and $phi + Linux: fix fullscreen behavior (6.37 regression) [t=258543] + Linux: improve main window fullscreen behavior for owned windows + Linux: make initial focus of various windows (e.g. performance meter) match that of macOS/Windows + Media explorer: add action to rename file + Media explorer: display metadata for .RPP (REAPER project) files + Media explorer: fix restarting playback from non-zero position when changing playback rate [p=2489305] + Media explorer: respect project option to preserve pitch when changing rate in new items when importing media via action with no rate adjustment set + Media explorer: update display after setting/unsetting files as favorites + Media explorer: improve restoring focus state when navigating folders + Metronome: add actions to set metronome speed to 1x, 2x, 4x + Metronome: support 2x or 4x click speed multiplier + Metronome: update click source peaks display when updating metronome settings or click source properties + MIDI: send all-sound-off messages in addition to all-notes-off + Mouse modifiers: add modifier to adjust fade-in/fade-out curve with relative edge edit [t=258427] + Opus: update to opus-1.3.1, opusfile 0.12 + Project: add title field in Project Settings/Info dialog, accessible to render, metadata, etc wildcards as $title + Project notes: support optional word wrap + Razor edits: fix occasional incorrect group selection edge highlight when razor editing + Razor edits: add preference to always trim content behind razor edits to Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults + ReaControlMIDI: send all-sound-off messages when clicking all notes off button, show all-sound-off messages when logging all-notes-off + ReaPlugs: ReaSynth/ReaSynDr/ReaVoice/RS5k respond to all-sound-off messages + ReaScript: add MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent() for enumerating recent MIDI input events + ReaScript: deprecate GetSetProjectAuthor, use GetSetProjectInfo_String(PROJECT_AUTHOR) instead + ReaScript: add support for GetSetProjectInfo_String(RECORD_PATH_SECONDARY) + ReaScript: MIDI_SetAllEvts() allows setting program change/channel pressure with 3-byte encoding + ReaVerb: add Convolve mode to Channel Tool + ReaVerb: Channel Tool supports forcing the total channel count of impulse response + ReaVerb: support setting channel offset directly when adding an IR file item + ReaVerb: support drag/drop of impulse file into plugin + Render: improve support for non-ascii filename characters in HTML render statistics display + Routing windows: improve size/position of channel selection boxes [p=2491493] + Subprojects: write =START time to rendered file as BWF preferred start position + Theme: fix button margin issues with gen_ images and DPI scaling [p=2491894] + Theme: improve mixer meter positioning [t=258633] + Theme adjuster: fix macOS-arm64 retina drawing + Theme adjuster: improve usability on vertically-constrained displays [t=255162] + Track meters: exclude all-sound-off from MIDI activity indicators + Track meters: add option to measure LUFS on first two channels only + VST3: fix MIDI data passthrough [t=258648] + Web interface: improve non-Apple mobile-web-app-capable meta tags for various pages + Windows: fix drag and drop with experimental multimonitor aware v2 hidpi mode [t=258794] + Windows: ignore alt-key mouseup when using alt+mousewheel in arrange view [t=251477] + Windows: installer now always installs JSFX library v6.38 - October 17 2021 + Loudness Meter: add options for writing automation inverted and selecting single output value + macOS: improve textfield behavior with certain key mappings in menu items [t=258450] + Media explorer: separate multichannel peaks display by one pixel + ReaComp/ReaGate: perform extra validation on multichannel mode configuration state + ReaEQ: fix UI update issues when loading presets on Windows + ReaEQ: update graph display when resizing and analysis is disabled [t=258420] + ReaScript: fix potential crash when hit testing over TCP mono button [t=258528] + ReaScript: fix TakeFX_GetParamFromIdent [t=258477] + ReaScript: hit test functions now detect master.tcp.mono etc + ReaVerb: fix incorrect processing on very sparse non-mono signals (e.g. click sources) [p=2488323] + ReaVerb: fix reverb generator crash with zero-width (6.37 regression) [t=258397] + ReaXcomp: fix UI update issues when loading presets on Windows + Render: localize "dry run" text + Theme: add mcp_fxembed scalar to WALTER [t=257691] v6.37 - October 12 2021 + Actions: duplicate selected items obeys item grouping, creates new groups when originals are grouped [t=257557] + Actions: fix quirks with 'Expand selected track height, minimize others' action and mouse mapping [t=257138] + Actions: update solo button after MIDI CC solo state action [t=247350] + Actions: fix some soft-takeover corner cases for midi CC actions + API: improve resolution and remove center-snap logic from CSurf_OnPanChange*() and CSurf_OnWidthChange*() + Audio Units: preserve input audio for instrument plugins (same behavior as VST and LV2 instrument plugins) + Audio Units: fix creating shortcuts to renamed plug-ins via FX browser + Audio Units: support IO menu in pin connector dialog + Automation items: fix possible hang on linux/i686 [t=257166] + Batch converter: add brickwall limiter option + Batch converter: prevent occasional incomplete normalization with very short files [p=2486792] + Envelopes: add advanced project preference (default enabled) to prevent bezier envelope segments from being affected by preceding/following non-bezier points + Envelopes: correct invalid envelope point shape data when loading project (protect against buggy scripts or extensions) + Envelopes: fix potential odd behavior when editing FX parameter envelopes with inverted range [t=257763] + FX: support delta solo (difference between dry and wet signal) for VST, LV2, AU, JSFX + FX: enable delta solo via alt+click or right-click on wet/dry knob, or I/O menu in pin connector dialog + FX: add action to toggle delta solo for last focused fx + FX: show FX shortcut actions in action list even when FX is not available + FX: fix "only when selected/focused/visible" preference when using controller soft takeover [t=253787] + FX browser: display error when FX shortcut creation fails + FX browser: improve behavior adding to folders when using search + FX browser: scan for new LV2 plug-ins when refreshing list via F5 [t=257658] + FX pin connector: change track channel count via dropdown, rather than +/- buttons + FX pin connector: support changing plug-in channel count, mulit-mono, multi-stereo configuration for ReaFX that support it + FX pin connector: support configuring requested VST3 bus size + JSFX: fix loudness meter peak value display for certain channel counts [p=2486807] + JSFX: improve Oscilloscope scrolling smoothness + JSFX: increase Oscilloscope maximum view length to 5s + JSFX: Loudness Meter integrated values (LUFS-I, LRA, RMS-I) only update when playing back + JSFX: support regular peak (in addition to true peak) metering in Loudness Meter + JSFX: update Flanger preset [t=4908] + Linux: allow mousewheel to scroll menus/combobox lists + Linux: improve appearance of menus and list/tree views [t=255743] + LV2: fix creating shortcuts to plug-ins via FX browser/script [t=258148] + LV2: improve support for localized plug-ins, use LANGUAGE environment variable to choose language for plug-in, parameter, and preset names [t=258123] + LV2: notify UIs when time:beatsPerMinute or core:freeWheeling parameter changes occur + LV2: support pin connector dialog I/O menu option to zero out unmapped channels + macOS: fix Big Sur save dialog behavior when exporting to project types other than .RPP [t=257839] + Media explorer: inform user if maximum number of user-customized metadata columns has been added [t=258053] + Media explorer: localize dialog to add user metadata column + Media explorer: remember original playback start position when stopping (not pausing) preview, restart playback from that position + Media explorer: when selecting new media, if both autoplay and show peaks for selected media are disabled, previous playback will continue + MIDI: reset CC/pitch on playback stop is now enabled by default + MIDI: fix processing sysex messages when the terminating byte is a standalone packet [t=257456] + MIDI editor: add custom note order/visiblity mode (ctrl+drag note key in named notes view) + MIDI editor: do not quantize behavior of "drawing or selecting a note sets new note length" preference [t=257819] + MIDI editor: import/export of note names includes custom-view ordering information if set + MIDI editor: obey option for Preferences/Keyboard/alt key to main menu on Windows + Pan: improve rounding behavior when adjusted via control surfaces/actions + Project bay: read source file attributes from cache if possible, to improve loading time for bays that contain many retained files + Razor edit: allow pressing copy modifier key after mousedown, but before initial mouse move [p=2478084] + Razor edits: fix envelope edits affecting automation items incorrectly [t=258064] + ReaComp: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes + ReaEQ: support various channel metering options + ReaEQ: support up to 64 channels + ReaEQ: update display after resizing when not processing audio + ReaFIR: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes + ReaFIR: support various channel metering options + ReaGate: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes + ReaLimit: add new program-dependent brickwall limiter plugin + ReaLimit: support embedded UI + ReaLimit: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes + ReaScript: add MIDIEditor_EnumTakes() + ReaScript: add TakeFX/TrackFX_GetParamIdent/GetParamFromIdent + ReaScript: ensure envelope point shape input is valid + ReaScript: for Lua, make final string parameter to various Get functions that return strings optional + ReaScript: MIDIEditor_GetTake and MIDIEditor_EnumTakes return nil if the MIDI editor is empty + ReaScript: Track/TakeFX_GetNamedConfigParm() can retrieve fx_name, fx_type, fx_ident + ReaSurround: update I/O size immediately when changing speaker configurations while bypassed + ReaVerb: add Channel Tool to allow combining multiple files by channel + ReaVerb: support up to 64 channel impulses + ReaVerb: load channel count configuration from presets + ReaVerb: reverse impulse modifier can apply to all channels or single channel + ReaXcomp: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes + Recording: improve recording behavior with time selection autopunch and PDC [t=242924] + Render: add brickwall limiter option + Render: add support for renaming render presets + Render: display gain reduction in render peaks display when limiting + Render: fix peaks display with very short files + Render: report rendered file length, full file path in HTML render statistics + Theme: fix display of 200% layouts on retina displays + Track panels: improve behavior of FX parameter knobs for toggle parameters + Transport: fix issues with docked/undocked transport and screensets [t=258026] + Video: fix gfx_deltablit documentation [p=2479952] + VST: fix initializing pin connector when plugin I/O increases + VST: improve hard-reset behavior when used with plugins that only support soft-reset + VST: improve naming of unnamed programs + VST: improve program handling when loading state for plugins that support chunks (e.g. Maize Sample Player) + VST: improve support for VST2 plug-ins that do not support effGetProgramNameIndexed + VST: run preset loading synchronously with audio processing + VU meters: don't show clip indicators for not-soloed tracks [p=2485497] + VU meters: consistent rounding and clip indicator behavior across all peak metering + VU meters: display overs if record-input signal is >= +0dB, or playback signal is > +0dB + VU meters: improve appearance when using DPI-mapping [t=257953] + VU meters: fix RMS calculation with certain sample rates [t=257633] v6.36 - September 3 2021 + Actions list: improve the naming of various selection related actions + Actions list: add deselect,unselect to list of action name synonyms + Actions list: match synonyms when next to various non-alphanumeric characters + API: allow plug-in audio hooks to read/modify incoming MIDI messages from the current block + API: add GetThingFromPoint() which can return WALTER elements + API: add read-only track property to read position of WALTER elements, e.g. P_UI_RECT:tcp.mute + Freeze: add option in preferences/rendering to generate muted silent items from muted source items [t=255812] + FX browser: add menu item to duplicate JSFX + FX browser: add option to always search all FX when using search field [t=256322] + Linux: safer plug-in X11 window destruction + macOS: improve default focus of various windows + MIDI: don't allow setting MIDI note-on velocity to zero in event properties dialog + Peaks: label slider "display zoom" in peaks settings window to match action names + Preferences: enable apply button when toggling 'allow space key to be used for navigation' setting [t=256970] + Render: automatically filter control characters from filenames on render targets [t=256971] + Tracks: option to disable track metering affects only selected tracks + Video: fix rendering at framerates lower than 1/video_cache_size [t=256901] + Video: update media item labels when loading user presets on a take-FX video processor [t=256861] + VST: improve VST3 handling of 0x90-encoded note-offs [t=256283] + VST: detect changes to window size on Linux bridged VST2 + VST: fix UI idle processing for bridged VST2 on Linux + VST: prevent calling effEditClose twice on Windows and macOS bridged VST2 plug-ins [p=2474831] v6.35 - August 25 2021 + Action list: optionally match synonyms of common words when searching for action names ("display" matches "show", etc) + Action list: pull list of synonyms from langpack actionlist_synonyms section + Actions: use correct tempo when running action to insert tempo marker without opening tempo marker editor, and time signature is not x/4 [t=256772] + Automation: obey grid/snap settings when using freehand draw + Automation: restore 6.33 behavior when adding a single point via freehand draw [t=256406] + FX: add pin mapping dialog actions to clear or reset mappings + FX: correct floating window titles in various cases [t=256595] + General: fix logical sorting issues in region manager and elsewhere [t=256759] + JSFX: support linked stereo channels in channel mapper user mix mode + Language packs: improve behavior with dialog scaling and existing langpacks in render window [t=256670] + Linux: fix issues with non-US numeric locales and plug-ins that reset locale + Linux: improve save-as window default extension handling [t=256824] + Linux: show multi-instance options in preferences [t=256744] + Marquee zoom: allow tracks to be sized smaller in order to fit on screen [t=256339] + Master VU: fix LUFS-S meter text readout when set to display current level rather than max or LRA [p=2471528] + Media items: support entering numeric values for take volume/pan in properties window + Media items: reset snap offset if right edge resized less than offset [t=256571] + Metadata: fix embedding CART intro/segue markers that occur at the very start of the rendered file + Metadata: support embedding project markers/cues as XMP when rendering (for Premiere, After Effects, etc) + Metadata: fix invalid memory access from unknown ETCO type in ID3v2 parsing + MIDI: encode gradual tempo changes on export as MIDI text messages that REAPER can interpret when reimporting (other applications will ignore these messages and import stepwise tempo changes) + Performance: fix potential excessive UI CPU use/hang when closing project when edit cursor is offscreen [t=256285] + Project bay: fix dragging automation items into project [p=2473112] + Project bay: fix memory leak when running action to restore source media + Project bay: increase project length if needed when dragging media items from project bay [t=254865] + Razor edits: fix editing envelope point that occurs at the start of an automation item [p=2471931] + Razor edits: support stretch markers in media items that contain empty take lanes, if there is at least one audio take [t=256443] + ReaComp: fix legacy parameter reset when using factory default preset + ReaComp: hide deprecated parameters if they are not being used (accessible via compatability parameter in generic UI) + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo support for getting/setting track VU mode + ReaScript: add PCM_Source_BuildPeaks to allow scripts to build peaks for PCM_sources + ReaScript: prevent crash from incorrect use of PCM_Source_Destroy() + ReaSurround / ReaSurroundPan: allow plugin to support higher I/O channel count than the track or media item + ReaSurroundPan: label an elevated speaker in the center of the room as "overhead", other elevated speakers as "height" + ReaSurroundPan: when LFE channel is selected, allow changing input faders to gain, but disable the channel text edit box + Render: display up to 512 vu meters, limited to the screen height + Render: iterate for increased precision when normalizing to LUFS-I + Render: master and track meters display levels after sample rate conversion, if any [t=256570] + Render: more informative error message if target file cannot be created + Render: optimize loudness calculations + Render: separate render statistics header for clearer display when rendering many files + Render: support dithering primary and secondary render format to different bit depths [t=256483] + Render: support enabling LUFS-I/LUFS-M and LRA/LUFS-S statistics separately + Ripple editing: improve behavior of actions to duplicate items within razor edit or time selection [t=256114] + RS5k: improve default value for minimum velocity + Tempo markers: support tempo basis other than 1/4 note (affects displayed BPM number only, not metronome or tempo envelope display) [t=250880] + Theme: add meter_strip_h_rms image, consistently use loudness meter theme elements for tracks that are set to meter loudness + Tracks: support mono master/parent send, via single-channel entries in parent channels dropdown in track routing dialog + Track VU: add metering settings submenu to track context menu as well as track VU context menu + Track VU: support metering RMS, RMS stereo, LUFS-M, LUFS-S + VST3: fix incorrect handling of IContextMenuItem flags + Windows: avoid potential splash screen hang when caught in an invalidate/postmessage loop [t=256285] v6.34 - August 7 2021 + Automation: improve behavior when using freehand draw and snapping to grid [t=256238] + FX: improve default window position saving behavior [p=2467019] + LV2: fix incorrect event timestamps when passing control messages from UI to plug-in + Master VU: clear loudness meter when clearing peaks, even for background projects + Master VU: faster loudness meter response when preference enabled to reset meters on play/seek [p=2467063] + Metadata: add "Parts" category + Metadata: support embedding ID3:TPOS field + Peaks: add action to reset project peaks gain + Peaks: rename actions to adjust peaks display zoom (rather than peaks view gain) + Peaks: separate peaks display slightly for multiple channels + Preferences: fix persistence of IDE editor doubleclick option [t=256058] + Project files: default to using quotes for all filenames to improve legacy script compatibility [t=256027] + Razor edit: improve paste behavior when pasting across projects with different tempo maps [t=256099] + Razor edit: improve marker/region behavior when using ripple-all [t=255278] + Razor edit: improve undo behavior when editing FX parameter envelopes [t=256230] + ReaScript: add I_LASTY/I_LASTH for GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo + ReaScript: fix sticking gfx_getchar('/') etc on Windows [t=236374] + Render: add options to disable calculating loudness statistics + VST3: fix RealGuitar on Win64 [p=2465441] + VST3: fix incorrect parameter setting in response to MIDI CCs (fixes Reason 11 issues) [t=255482] + Wave writing: fix corrupt output when writing large Wave64 files with metadata + Wave writing: improve reading/writing of Wave64 metadata + Wave writing: support writing INFO metadata scheme to RF64 files v6.33 - July 26 2021 + Dockers: fix FX chain docker restoration when loading projects (requires re-save of existing projects) + Dockers: improve default ordering of new tabs + FX: add option to use modal window default positioning for newly created FX chain/floating FX windows [t=233562] + FX: allow pin mapper dialog to be very large when first opened if the track has many channels + FX: improve UI-destruction order when closing floating windows (for buggy plug-ins) + FX: remove global option for plugin bridging, bridging options should be controlled per-plugin via FX browser + FX pin connector dialog: show tooltips when there are more than 4 track channels or 4 FX ins/outs + ID3v2: fix potential memory access errors when loading media + JSFX: ensure IDE is not completely offscreen when opening [t=255478] + JSFX: prevent reentrancy of @gfx code when TCP embedded and adding media on Windows [t=255367] + Loudness metering: update loudness calculation more frequently in master VU and render statistics + Master VU: improve preferences for loudness metering and readout value + Media explorer: fix inserting section of file when project setting enabled to copy media to project directory [t=252491] + Media explorer: show folders with system file attribute on Windows [t=236567] + Media item properties: avoid small changes to take volume/pan when clicking but not dragging fader [t=191454] + Media item properties: improve sizing behavior when scrollbar is visible + Project files: allow filenames to contain quotes (on platforms other than Windows) + ReaScript: add IDE color preset configuration to ReaScript tab + ReaScript: add IDE option to have doubleclick function name jump to function + ReaScript: fix incorrect IDE interpretation of certain alt-gr keys [t=255563] + ReaScript: IDE supports shift+tab without selection [t=255564] + ReaScript: fix return value of InsertAutomationItem function when option enabled to trim automation items behind edits [t=255545] + ReaSurroundPan: update display consistently after editing custom speaker name [t=255718] + Render: add post-render action (under Stats button) to jump to position of first rendered sample over +0dB + Render: add post-render action (under Stats button) to display render statistics in web browser + Render: add separate actions to calculate mono loudness of selected tracks via dry run render + Render: display lufs-m max, lufs-s max, lufs-i in web browser render statistics or API request + Render: display file format, file length, and channel count (if mixed) in web browser render statistics + Render: display overall render progress indicator + Render: display sample rate and channel count during dry run render + Render: don't display file extension during dry-run render + Render: fix dither/noise shaping when rendering stems [t=255450] + Render: fix normalizing stems to common gain based on master normalization when rendering multiple regions + Render: fix secondary render sample rate and improve normalization when project sample rate is different from rendered sample rate [t=255785] + Render: if true peak is calculated, don't display regular peak in render statistics (everything is still displayed in web browser render statistics) + Render: improve peaks display when rendering very short files + Render: inform user when normalizing may cause relative levels of rendered files to change + Render: make it clearer when normalization is enabled + Render: support normalizing stems to common gain based on normalizing master mix, even if not rendering master mix + Render: when rendering multiple files, display as much path as needed to disambiguate files + Routing windows: avoid small changes to track and send volume/pan when clicking but not dragging fader + Routing windows: improve mousewheel behavior on volume/pan faders [p=2462863] + Routing windows: improve display when shift+dragging I/O buttons in track panels to create multiple sends + Scrub: allow configurable maximum jog rate of 1x/2x/4x/8x (default 2x) + Scrub: prevent audio dropouts when adding undo point that does not affect items + Tempo map: action to create measure from time selection will not create a tempo envelope if the user cancels the operation [t=255847] + Theme: fix customizing master track VU readout text color in TCP [t=255486] + Tracks: avoid small changes to track pan/width when clicking but not dragging faders + VST3: bridged plug-in improvements (fixed reference count leaks, improved bridge exiting on macOS) + VST3: bridged plug-ins support IMidiLearn, IMidiMapping interfaces + Wildcards: fix $namenumber wildcard [t=255473] + Wildcards: support marker/region names consisting of separated name=value pairs using $marker(name)[separator] and $region(name)[separator] (see wildcard help) + Windows: installer can optionally configure Windows to save REAPER crash dumps v6.32 - July 9 2021 + Batch converter: allow multichannel FX processing when using more than 4 channels [t=255033] + Envelopes: fix FX automation envelope defaults when moving media items [t=253431] + Loudness meter: add parameter to control whether output loudness values are written as automation + Loudness meter: add parameter to control internal meter update rate + Master meter: when set to mono, display identical RMS stereo loudness on the right meter channel [p=2460681] + Render: disregard setting to save copy of project before rendering when dry-run rendering + Super8: fix stereo export in certain instances [t=255367] + Wildcards: improve help for $marker(name) and $region(name) wildcards + Windows: fix VST3 loading from paths with UTF-8 characters (6.30 regression) [p=2461031] v6.31 - July 6 2021 + Loudness meter: do not send output parameter automation notifications [p=2460020] + Master VU: don't show clip indicator in TCP meter when set to loudness, even if peaks clip + Normalization: use 64-bit intermediate file when rendering to normalized 32-bit PCM + ReaScript: fix SetEnvelopePointEx when used with automation items [p=2459830] + ReaTune: improve readout text on Windows [p=2459803] + Render: always run dry-run render actions at full speed regardless of other render preferences [p=2459647] + Render: fix embedding project markers/regions as cues [t=255268] + VST3: bridging fixes and compatibility improvements [p=2459517] v6.30 - July 3 2021 + Actions: add actions to calculate loudness of selected items/tracks/selection via dry-run render + Actions: do not modify collapsed state of selected non-folder tracks when cycling through collapsed state for folder tracks + API: fix deadlock with MIDI_GetAllEvts() and buffer too small [t=254625] + Automation items: add preference to pool/unpool automation items when split due to media item edit or razor edit + Automation items: filter out duplicate points on load [t=254759] + Automation items: fix hang/slowness when adjusting very large automation items [t=254759] + Batch converter: support normalizing to target peak or loudness level when converting + Consolidate: support wildcards in consolidated file name + Envelopes: fix incorrect minuscule gain at unity on fader-scaled volume envelopes [t=254859] + Envelopes: fix unexpected behavior when moving multiple sets of envelope points with no transition time between selected and unselected points [t=254611] + FX: improve AU:/VST: prefix removal for shortened FX names [t=255061] + FX: improve reporting of play state/position when using "stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled" [p=2456199] + IDE: ctrl+doubleclick on function name jumps to function, normal doubleclick selects function name + JSFX: plugins can now detect if embedded in TCP/MCP via built-in variable gfx_ext_flags + JSFX: add loudness meter plugin (supports true peak, RMS, LRA, LUFS-M, LUFS-S, LUFS-I) + JSFX: export_buffer_to_project() can take a planar_pitch parameter to allow exporting planar multichannel content + JSFX: plugin can dynamically show/hide sliders via new slider_show() function + JSFX: optimize x86_64 (now supporting SSE), aarch64, armv7l code generation + LV2: fix multichannel non-default pin mapping state on project load [t=254704] + macOS: improve appearance of fade menu items when using dark mode [t=254007] + macOS: improve JSFX, Video Processor and EEL2 ReaScript performance when running under Rosetta2 on M1-powered macs + Master metering: support LUFS-M, LUFS-S, LUFS-I, LRA loudness metering in mixer and/or track control panel + Master metering: apply loudness display gain but not display offset to loudness readout numbers + Master metering: improve mixer meter RMS/loudness readout appearance contrast + Master metering: support oversampled peak metering (true peak) + Media explorer: fix formatting of absolute paths from tree browser on linux/macOS + Meters: more informative tooltips + MIDI: fix duplicate CC values being sent at the start of linear/bezier curves + MIDI: fix editing event properties from list editor with filter applied [t=254671] + Project bay: improve drag-drop preview and cursor behavior + Project bay: improve handling of MIDI items and tempo changes (existing retained items will have to be re-retained to include QN information) [t=243315] + Razor edit: fix context menu inconsistency when razor edit mouse modifiers are remapped [p=2445668] + Razor edit: fix positioning of initial transition envelope point [p=2450795] + ReaScript: add GetEnvelopeInfo_Value(I_SEND_IDX) and GetEnvelopeInfo_Value(P_DESTTRACK) + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo(B_SOLO_DEFEAT) and GetSetMediaTrackInfo(B_AUTO_RECARM) + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_STATS) to retrieve statistics for the most recently rendered files + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_METADATA) to retrieve list of all defined project metadata identifiers [t=254407] + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_NORMALIZE) and GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_NORMALIZE_TARGET) + ReaScript: support running a caller-specified action before returning render statistics (see API help for details) + ReaTune: enable embedded TCP/MCP view for tuner + Render: support normalizing rendered files (except video) to target peak, true peak, or loudness (RMS or LUFS) + Render: allow rendering to primary/secondary of the same type (e.g. wav 16-bit and 24-bit, $bitdepth recommended in wildcard) + Render: apply dither/noise shaping to secondary render format if enabled and format supports + Render: calculate and display peak, true peak (when enabled), clips/overs, RMS, LUFS, LRA (loudness range) for each rendered file + Render: draw peaks on first pass of 2nd pass render + Render: ignore preference to auto-close render dialog if normalizing or dry-run rendering + Render: optionally mark clips/overs (samples over +0dbFS) in render peaks display + Render: show first actual file used when rendering to multiple files that are autodisambiguated + Render: show percentage complete in render processing dialog + Render: support dry run rendering (everything is processed as normal, but no output files are written) + Render: support normalizing rendered stems to master mix peak or loudness + Render: support substituting user-provided string for master $track wildcard + Render queue: add button to cancel all remaining renders [t=234691] + Super8: allow controlling loop length, synchronization mode via automatable parameters + Super8: fix cell alignment [t=254982] + Super8: fix off-by-one-sample error in first-pass recording + Super8: add per-channel length-division setting + Super8: when adding loops to project, export linked channels as stereo file + System: update zlib to 1.12.11 and libpng to 1.6.37 + Tracks: prevent tiny volume change on initial track fader click [t=191454] + Undo: fix state adding when inserting new MIDI or empty items via action/menu item (6.24 regression) [t=255164] + Video: add option to choose which monitor is used for fullscreen display + VST3: support bridging/firewalling of VST3 plug-ins + VST3: add IPlugInterfaceSupport, for plugins to request compatibility features + VST3: add IMidiLearn interface support + VST3: avoid threading conflicts when processing expression and keyswitch information + VST3: internal threading changes to MIDI controller and program change handling + VST3: require bundle/module/dll entry-points to match Cubase/VST3 spec + Windows: improve installer behavior when choosing Portable checkbox after editing installation path [t=253741] v6.29 - May 18 2021 + Actions: rename "Envelope: Clear envelope" to "Envelope: Clear or remove envelope" + API: add hwnd_info hook for improved plug-in global hotkey integration + API: fix typo in documentation of IReaperUIEmbedInterface [p=2438620] + API: GetSetProjectInfo_String() supports TRACK_GROUP_NAME:x + API: run hookpostcommand2 hooks for reascripts and custom actions + Automation items: action to create new automation item uses razor edit areas if they exist + Envelopes: add "remove envelope" action to envelope control panel context menu + Envelopes: fix possible redraw of media lane envelopes when opening project [p=2444590] + FX: fix monitoring window persistence when using new undo point option [t=252896] + FX: improve embedded FX update frequency when mouse-editing + FX: improve docked mixer visibility restoration when adding FX via docked FX browser [t=253330] + FX: fix visual display of TCP/MCP parameter knob when parameter min/max is reversed + JSFX: allow export_buffer_to_project() to use 64 channels + JSFX: effects may now request samplerate for opened media using file_riff(fh,nch='rqsr',srate=desired_samplerate); + macOS: rename ARM build to REAPER-ARM.app, Intel 64-bit to REAPER.app, update volume labels of disk images + Media explorer: add option to preview through track named "Media Explorer Preview" + Media explorer: fix re-sorting randomized file list after running action to set file as favorite [p=2437642] + Media explorer: fix searching after renaming file + Media explorer: refresh display after resetting column order to default + Media explorer: support adding additional user-specifiable metadata display columns + Media items: when mouse-moving selected area of grouped items, group the remaining right-hand side of items separately from the left-hand side, for consistency with cut/paste behavior + Notation: fix key snapping on first beat of local key signature change [t=221385] + Notation: improve edit cursor position rounding when using snap to samplerate + Notation: assign current voice when inserting notes via "insert note at nearest A/B/C/etc" actions [t=216159] + OSC: support touch status for up to 2048 tracks [t=253320] + Project bay: show bypass/offline status for FX that are unavailable + Project metadata: disallow spaces in IXML element identifiers + Razor edit: add razor edit envelope editing behaviors + Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to expand or compress envelope range, relative to average value or toward top/bottom + Razor edit: ensure that pasted media items remain grouped and pasted automation items remain pooled across tracks + Razor edit: fix media item display after pasting razor edit area and zooming [t=252759] + Razor edit: skip hidden envelope lanes when marquee-creating razor edit areas with "move envelope points with razor edits" disabled + Razor edit: when editing or cutting, group the remaining right-hand side of items separately from the left-hand side [p=2439372] + Razor edit: when mouse-copying items, create new groups if necessary + ReaPlugs: display more significant digits of ReaDelay/ReaPitch pan position [t=253521] + ReaScript: show file/line number for Lua calls to ReaScriptError() + ReaScript: improve Lua ReaScriptError() behavior when called from extension-added functions, allow ! prefix to stop script execution + ReaScript: support "NUMCHANNELS", "NUMSPEAKERS", "RESETCHANNELS" for ReaSurroundPan via Track/TakeFX_SetNamedConfigParm + ReaScript: ReaSurroundPan FX_Get/SetNamedConfigParm("NUMSPEAKERS") will interpret a value like "6S" as 6-channel surround, "8I" as 8-channel ITU, "12A" as 12-channel Auro, etc + ReaSurroundPan: add new 2D/3D surround panner plug-in + ReaSurroundPan: supports common speaker spatial arrangements and user-customizable arrangements up to 64 inputs/outputs + ReaSurroundPan: add actions to display ReaSurroundPan embedded in TCP or MCP + ReaSurroundPan: support axis linking (forcing edits to a particular shape on the z-axis) + ReaSurroundPan: support editing anchor channel via controller, but does not record automation + ReaSurroundPan: support per-channel delay + Ruler: add option to display region name when region start is offscreen + Ruler: add option to hide region number if region is named + Spectral edits: fix issue with playback starting after item loop [t=252747] + Spectral edits: improve performance with large numbers of spectral edits + Super8: allow drag-drop of samples to channels + Super8: improve layouts when UI is resized very wide or very tall + Super8: improve MIDI-control behavior when same note/CC is assigned to a channel's record and play controls + Theme: add razor_env, razor_env_l, razor_env_r cursors + Video: improve default ordering of 2x2 matrix preset [t=252286] + VST3: actually support third-party embeddable UIs via IReaperUIEmbedInterface interface [t=252907] v6.28 - April 22 2021 + Accessibility: improve behavior of spacebar in actions list and managers with spacebar-navigation option set + API: ListView_GetItemText() supports owner-data listviews on non-win32 [t=241880] + FX: allow JS/Channel Mapper-Downmixer to be renamed [p=2431465] + FX: fix mapping track channels above 32 using the FX pin connector dialog [t=252332] + FX: avoid zombie bridge processes in various corner cases + macOS: improve behavior when scanning VST plug-ins that present modal UI + Marker/region manager: fix undesired periodic marker deselection + Marker/region manager: improve selection behavior when removing markers/regions + Marker/region manager: move edit cursor when seeking during playback + Media explorer: fix tempo sync when inserting media on new track [p=2433091] + Media explorer: improve readability of embedded cues + MIDI: enforce some reasonable maximum MIDI message and per-block list sizes (128MB and 256MB initially) + MIDI: fix unlikely but possible incorrect handling of PDC+MIDI + Razor edit: properly handle moving and pasting areas that contain MIDI items when project timebase is set to "time" [t=252436] + Razor edit: restrict selected area to 0.001 rather than 0.01 seconds + Render: fix display of render vu meters with panned mono media [t=252026] + Track manager: fix keyboard navigation quirks on macOS with mirrored selection enabled v6.27 - April 11 2021 + Dither: fix half-bit DC offset [p=2425940] + FX: add option to not add undo points when closing FX windows [t=250733] + FX: improve pin connector window + FX: fix persistence of take FX processing channel count when processing only 2 channels on a track with more than 2 channels + JSFX: add Channel Mapper-Downmixer plugin + JSFX: add option in pin connector dialog I/O menu to pass through or zero out unused output channels + JSFX: support drawing vertical text via gfx_setfont flag 'z' (does not work with system/bitmapped font) + JSFX: allow Webdings/Wingdings for gfx_setfont() use on Windows [twtr=1376339905408815106] + macOS: add prefs/general/advanced option for window fullscreen button to activate fullscreen rather than OS fullscreen + macOS: add prefs/general/advanced options for rounded buttons and big sur listview margins + macOS: disable macOS 10.12+ Window tabbing menu items + Media item channel mapper: control/command-click a mapping to set exclusively for that channel + Media items: add action to set channel mapping for selected media items + MIDI: output multiple note-offs for the same channel/pitch if there are multiple sequential note-ons + Project time offset: preserve maximum resolution when setting project time offset to edit cursor position [p=2428360] + ReaScript: support drawing vertical text via gfx_setfont flag 'z' (does not work with system/bitmapped font) + ReaScript: allow Webdings/Wingdings for gfx_setfont() use on Windows [twtr=1376339905408815106] + ReaScript: correct documentation for Set/GetMasterTrackVisibility + ReaTune: fix potential crash with certain parameter settings and UI open [t=251553] + Render: resolve $samplerate wildcard correctly when mixing at one sample rate but rendering to another [t=249713] + TCP FX List: fix multi-column scroll extent issue [t=245850] + Timeline: truncate seconds and samples display rather than rounding, for consistency with H:M:S and H:M:S:F display + Timeline: when displaying minutes:seconds and a project start offset exists, center ruler major tick marks on project time zero rather than the start of the timeline + Track manager: display track channel count + VST: add I/O menu item in FX pin connector dialog to increase host channel count to match plugin + VST: add option in pin connector dialog I/O menu to pass through or zero out unused output channels + VST: cache VST3 parameter/bus/latency information for improved performance with yabridge and plug-ins + VST: improve behavior when VST3 plug-ins call restartComponent(kReloadComponent) + VST: more flexible support for passing MIDI program change messages to VST3 [t=251104] v6.26 - March 29 2021 + Actions: action to insert or extend MIDI item does not skip existing looped MIDI items [t=250900] + Arrange: prevent possible overdraw with selected track cursor bracket and blinking cursor [t=250398] + Dither: use prvhash for rng/tpdf generation (courtesy Aleksey Vaneev) + Edit cursor: display slightly subtler bracket on last selected track + Envelopes: fix editing automation item edge point using envelope point editor dialog [twtr=1367910774371401731] + Glue: actions glue within razor edit areas if they exist + Glue: default glue action splits items and glues only within time selection, if all selected items intersect the time selection + Glue: former default glue action is renamed "expanding to time selection if any", custom actions and scripts that use it are unaffected + JSFX: add output polarity setting for Liteon/nonlinear [t=251346] + JSFX: autoexpand soft knee fix from sstillwell + JSFX: update 1175 compressor and various others to fix overcompression, add deprecated blown capacitor mode to preserve old behavior + JSFX: add improved SRC gain correction mode for guitar/amp-model and guitar/amp-model-dual + macOS: add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to improve audio input support on Big Sur + macOS: main window fullscreen button activates REAPER-native fullscreen rather than OS fullscreen + macOS: workaround Big Sur MIDISend() bug where 250 or more events at the same timestamp crashes + Media items: adjust snap offset when copying selected part of media item [p=2417743] + Media items: preserve relative snap offset when copying media items [p=2410077] + Metadata: support displaying multiple iXML or xmp metadata keys in media source properties dialog [t=250356] + Metadata: support embedding images when rendering FLAC files + MIDI: suppress unnecessary prompt on importing MIDI files [t=251349] + MIDI: fix issues when launching rename note action via enter key + MIDI: improve MIDI editor focus behavior when closing various text editing fields + Mute automation: fix potential hang with empty automation item [t=250949] + Razor edit: action to crossfade items at time selection acts on razor edits if they exist + Razor edit: add action to move nearest razor edit edge to edit cursor + Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to remove area from razor edit selection + Razor edit: auto-scroll vertically when editing razor edit top/bottom edge + Razor edit: fix stretching automation items across tempo changes when razor edit area does not match automation item length [p=2418894] + Razor edit: mouse modifer to split items at razor edit edges selects media items and removes the razor edit area + Razor edit: respect preference to update video playback position when editing audio items [p=2417843] + Razor edit: update display after running action to enclose media items [t=250589] + API: add ResolveRenderPattern, to resolve a wildcard pattern into a list of target filenames + ReaScript: update Track_GetPeakInfo()/Track_GetPeakHoldDB() to support master track RMS, update documentation + ReaSurround: update track channels only when increasing plugin speaker count, not when changing plugin input channel count or decreasing speaker count + ReaVerb: add new SRC-normalization mode which should be more consistent for some impulses and samplerate combinations [t=249454] + Region/Marker Manager: support exporting take markers, but not importing [t=250605] + Render dialog: add support for rendering razor edit areas + Video processors: do not warn when loading empty video processor preset [p=2411241] + Video processors: fix preset name preservation behavior + Video processors: make preset list consistent with other FX types (user presets first) + Video processors: support preset navigation API [t=249961] + VST: improve bridged plug-in floating window behavior on macOS + VST: improve floating window behavior of bridged VST plug-ins v6.25 - March 5 2021 + Appearance: add option to hide edit cursor highlight on last selected track + Appearance: reduce locked media item darkness slightly (6.24 change) + JSFX: fix stack functions that caused Reaticulate to hang (6.24 regression) [t=250317] + JSFX: prevent more than 128MB of MIDI per block from being sent + ReaScript: support extra parameters in classic extension_api() calls [p=2414474] + WAV: fix potential crash when reading wav files written by other applications [t=250134] + Windows: fix 32-bit ReaRoute [p=2413463] + Windows: prevent ReaRoute crash when using unreasonably-large block sizes v6.24 - March 2 2021 + Accessibility: improve labels for FX preset menu and edit comment buttons + Accessibility: add textual fade descriptions to menus via accessibility APIs + AIFF: support in24/42ni AIFC encoding + Arrange view: display bracket over last selected track, to indicate where pasted content will go + Envelopes: add "remove envelope" menu item to envelope control panel context menu + Envelopes: fix automation potentially lost when moving media items across tracks that do not have a matching FX envelope [p=2409245] + Envelopes: fix automation items potentially left behind when moving media items across tracks + Envelopes: improve snapping behavior for Audio Unit enum parameters + Envelopes: support aliasing FX parameter from envelope control panel context menu + FX: add LV2 plug-in support + FX: add option to hide FX comment field in chain view + FX: support mousewheel processing for embedded FX if they have focus + FX: fix undo/redo display issues for FX comments + FX: limit generic UI vertical size to better fit on screen + FX: improve embedded FX update frequency when mouse-editing + FX: improve handling of embedded TCP/MCP controls for non-automatable parameters + FX: improve keyboard behavior with Waves StudioRack + FX: improve performance when automating parameters with the generic VST/AU GUI is open + FX: prevent creating envelopes for non-automatable parameters + JSFX: fix bugs in IX/MIDI_KeyMap, MIDI_Variant, and MIDI_DuplicateFilter [t=181206] [p=1918238] + JSFX: improve denormal filtering on win32 to match win64/other OSes + JSFX: reduce memory use + Linux: rename JSFX ix/ subdirectory to IX/ [t=216852] + Linux: support JSFX/Video Processors/EEL2 ReaScripts with SELinux heap-execution-prevention + Loop sections: fix media item loop section mouse modifiers interaction with reversed media [t=249263] + macOS: improve Big Sur compatibility by forcing various windows to use Metal + macOS: improve resolution of docker icon progress display during render + macOS: fix launching Audio MIDI Setup on Big Sur + macOS: fix video output flicker on recent macOS versions + macOS: fix possible crash in menu editor on 10.14 [t=249194] + Media explorer: action to insert media into active sample player looks for more recently active ReaSamplomatic5000 instance [t=249473] + Media explorer: don't automatically re-scan empty files + Media explorer: don't re-scan database files that contain no metadata [t=249280] + Mixer: fix issues with themes that have very large master.mcp.size set [t=249171] + Mute automation: fix automating active mute envelope from controller [t=247330] + Razor edit: add Razor Edit feature, to draw, move, copy, and transform selected areas of media and automation + Razor edit: support moving/copying envelope areas based on envelope type or envelope lane via mouse modifiers + Razor edit: when "move envelope points with items" enabled, hidden envelopes are included in area selections + Razor edit: actions to insert MIDI item, empty item, click source use razor edit areas if they exist + Razor edit: add option to always trim content behind razor edits + Razor edit: add preference to stretch audio media items by either adding stretch markers or splitting + Razor edit: display move guides when editing + Razor edit: auto-crossfade media items at the edge of the razor edit area [p=2396178] + Razor edit: support displaying overlapping media items in lanes + Razor edit: when auto-creating FX parameter envelopes, initialize with the current parameter value [p=2409576] + Razor edit: add basic API support + Razor edit: add settings to snap razor edits to media items and automation items + ReaScript: allow EEL2 scripts to call third-party API functions without using extension_api() + ReaScript: improve EEL2 extension_api() parameter count checking + ReaScript: reduce memory use of EEL2 scripts + ReaScript: fix IDE watch refresh when variable name changes [t=249408] + ReaScript: support gfx_setcursor() during capture/without mousemove [t=249619] + ReaScript: F1 in IDE gives context-sensitive help if possible + ReaScript: optimize Lua calls to plug-in API registered functions + ReaScript: add support for querying envelope GUID using GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String + ReaScript: GetTrackEnvelopeByChunkName will also find envelopes by GUID + Retina/HiDPI: improve knob appearance in ReaSamplomatic5000 + Routing diagram: fix pin display issues with 64 channel tracks + ReaSamplomatic5000: support increasing max voices via controller/automation when UI is closed + Theme: add cursor_seltrack.png image to customize selected track cursor bracket + Theme: add theme color for selected track background + Video: fix possible deadlock when rendering video [t=243142] + VST3: support third-party embeddable UIs via new IReaperUIEmbedInterface interface + Windows: 32-bit build is now compiled with VS2005/ICC + Windows: add experimental asynchronous unbuffered disk write mode + Windows: ignore hidden/system directories when scanning VST paths v6.23 - February 4 2021 + Project bay: fix possible crash with VST that lack developer descriptions (6.20 regression) + RS5k: update mode combo box on state change [t=248967] + Video: fix floating FX processor window default size [t=249037] v6.22 - February 4 2021 + Audio units: improve envelope tooltips for enum parameters + FX: fix PDC mode resetting on undo of automation edits [t=248877] + FX: import of .rpl automatically disambiguates duplicate preset names within the .rpl file + Jump dialog: fix jumping to times greater than one hour when ruler is not in H:M:S:F [t=248559] + Media explorer: fix preview length when dragging selected part of media item into REAPER [t=248547] + Media explorer: improve behavior when browsing folders with option disabled to auto-expand directory tree [2399243] + MIDI export: improve accuracy when exporting gradual tempo changes + ReaScript: fix return value for FX_GetParameterStepSizes() on Audio Units + Render: support $region(name) wildcard when rendering via region matrix [t=248672] + Render: add preference in preferences/audio/rendering to control automatic closing of the render window + Save live output: improve behavior when not in 'record only while stopped' mode + Video: improve section/reverse behavior when previewing in the media explorer + Video: improve seek behavior when previewing in the media explorer + Windows: change default worker thread behavior to reduce excessive CPU use on many-core systems + Windows: fix tooltip behavior on windows that are pinned topmost v6.21 - January 23 2021 + macOS: fix video issues on Catalina/Big Sur and retina displays [t=248278] + macOS: fix ReWire-related crash on Catalina + macOS: revert to older macOS SDK for Catalina build (matching 6.19) + Media explorer: fix possible memory leak when importing or previewing media with embedded transient information + Media explorer: fix waveform display when zoomed in to sample level [p=2394935] + Media explorer: reverse inserted media if preview playback is reversed + Render: fix potentially rendering one sample too short [t=248280] + Render: fix preset loading of 2nd pass render [t=248293] + Track/mixer panels: improve mouse hit testing for empty FX slots [t=248355] + VST: don't show scan window when only built-in plugins are being scanned + VST: fix scanning of certain plug-ins on Windows (6.16 regression) [t=246534] v6.20 - January 20 2021 + Actions: add actions to render stems on 2nd pass + Actions: add action to set horizontal zoom to default project setting + Actions: fix action to select take under mouse when empty take lanes are not visible [t=246606] + Actions: fix capitalization of ReaScript, ReaEQ, etc in action descriptions + Automation items: fix potential crash when splitting automation item under mouse cursor [t=247651] + Batch converter: add option to preserve original file metadata when possible + Envelope panels: fix redraw glitch when TCP is wider than arrange view + Envelope panels: fix lag in display of value text + Freeze: disable track playback offset when freezing, re-enable when unfreezing [t=242673] + FX: faster preset listing/saving/loading with large preset counts/sizes + FX: fix JSFX/AU pin map loading when FX pin count is larger than track channel count + FX: FX chains can be set to compensate delay per-FX (REAPER 6.19 or earlier), per-chain, or not at all + FX: master FX chain can be set to compensate delay at the hardware-send level for improved performance + FX browser: improve selection behavior when renaming FX + IDE: autosuggest text (function names, variable names) while typing + IDE: add Ctrl+R for replace (after find), Ctrl+Return to insert line after current, Ctrl+J to jump to line number + IDE: support searching backwards via Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 + IDE: double-clicking a user function name jumps to the function definition + IDE: improve search function, up/down changes search modes (substring, word, token) + IDE: reduce flicker in watch lists + IDE: show viewable line range in status line + IDE: add preference for watch window update interval + IDE: remember watch-enabled state + JSFX: add bit meter + JSFX: change IDE behavior to use Ctrl+Shift+R to open an import line (vs Ctrl+R which is now used for search/replace) + macOS: improve listview appearance on Big Sur + macOS: Catalina/Big Sur builds are now built with the latest Apple toolchain + macOS: update table column alignment properly for multi-tab list controls (project bay, etc) + Media explorer: action to open arrange view media in media explorer respects autoplay preference + Media explorer: add action to calculate peak volume for media files + Media explorer: add action to preview random file + Media explorer: add action to re-read metadata from media files + Media explorer: add action to reverse preview playback + Media explorer: add options to normalize preview volume and/or normalize volume when inserting media + Media explorer: add track number column (not displayed by default) + Media explorer: after deleting files, select the next file + Media explorer: apply volume, pitch, rate adjustments properly when inserting multiple files at once + Media explorer: clean up shortcut view after reordering shortcuts + Media explorer: clear search cache when renaming files or when new files are added + Media explorer: display arrow cursor over preview scrollbars on Windows + Media explorer: display length, sample rate, audio channels for video media + Media explorer: don't re-initialize column order when the a new REAPER release changes the number of defined columns + Media explorer: don't search bit depth/bitrate/length metadata (you can sort those columns though) + Media explorer: remove actions to delete folders without recycling or confirming + Media explorer: fix action to play previously played media (A/B test) + Media explorer: fix context menu action to browse to folder for search results or database entry + Media explorer: fix customized column order on macos + Media explorer: fix displayed length/bit depth for some non-standard .wav files + Media explorer: fix possible crash when removing a track/project that is being used for preview + Media explorer: if option enabled, don't auto-play when initiating drag of unselected file [p=2384175] + Media explorer: improve accessibility of context menus via application-key + Media explorer: improve column sorting for length and bits columns + Media explorer: improve context menu organization and consistency + Media explorer: map reverse/forward preview playback to shift+leftarrow/shift+rightarrow by default + Media explorer: more accurate sample drawing when highly zoomed in + Media explorer: preserve custom column order when docking/undocking media explorer + Media explorer: prevent writing multiple ID3 tags to .wav files + Media explorer: respect preferences to apply preview volume/pitch/rate when inserting into reaper via drag or action + Media explorer: restore selection after renaming file [p=2389201] + Media explorer: optionally select enclosing folder in shortcut list when browsing + Media explorer: show filenames that will be removed when prompting to confirm deletion + Media explorer: tempo adjust (approximately) visual preview length of media when dragging from media explorer + Media explorer: improve behavior of various media format previews going to multichannel tracks [p=2370348] + Media items: don't reset manual fades when editing item contents with auto-crossfade enabled [t=239815] + Media items: fix actions to move items up/down one lane [t=246887] + Media items: fix potential crash when replacing media source for multiple items with empty items in the project [p=2380184] + Metadata: add preset support + Metadata: fix decoding very large BWF start offset values [p=2380383] + MIDI: fix pre-FX fader-scaled volume envelopes transforming MIDI incorrectly + MIDI: preserve MIDI port messages when importing MIDI to multiple tracks + MIDI: support RIFF-based MIDI files [t=246816] + MIDI editor: add undo state when editing MIDI event properties + MIDI editor: fix display of linear tempo changes [t=238747] + MIDI editor: fix event list delete button [t=242993] + MIDI editor: support inserting and editing port messages, though REAPER doesn't do anything with those messages + MIDI export: improve exporting linear tempo changes [t=247636] + MIDI recording: don't extend existing MIDI items past the start of a following MIDI item [t=226129] + MIDI recording: fix behavior where existing MIDI item will not be extended if recording begins, but nothing is actually recorded, before the item start position + MIDI recording: in overdub/replace mode, don't extend existing MIDI items until MIDI has actually been recorded on the track + Mouse modifiers: add modifier to move item loop section contents respecting snap + MP3: encode chapter tags in timeline order [t=246910] + Project bay: fix FX developer display when using multi-out VSTs + Project bay: fix undo point when dragging from FX tab to project + ReaDelay: display formatted parameter value in REAPER envelope edit dialog + ReaScript: EnumerateFiles()/EnumerateSubDirectories() allow manual cache invalidation [t=203235] + ReaScript: fix EnumerateFiles()/EnumerateSubDirectories() cache bug [t=203235] + ReaScript: GetFocusedFX()/GetFocusedFX2() support monitoring FX + ReaScript: Lua gmem_attach() returns previous global memory segment name [t=240447] + Render: add support for 2nd pass render + Render: adjust 2nd pass render for resampler latency [p=2381827] + Ruler: when displaying time, always show X:XX.XXX even if the last X is zero + Scrub: add actions to temporarily enable looped-segment scrubbing + Super8: fix recording bug when in project/playback sync mode and gate was left enabled + Timecode: format as HH:MM:SS:FF rather than H:MM:SS:FF everywhere (timeline, transport, wildcards, etc) + Timecode: when timeline is in H:M:S:F format, interpret user-entered H.M.S.F as H:M:S:F + Track panel: show bypassed indication for embedded FX, shift+click header to toggle bypass + Undo: add undo point including filename when using save-as to save to a new project file + Undo: display the undo point corresponding with the last save in undo history + Video: do not show intermediate frames when seeking playback long distances + Video: do not show intermediate frames when stopped and repositioning cursor, unless rapidly repositioning cursor + Video: fix playing early frames when looping + Video: fix possible parameter automation display flicker while stopped + Video: fix timing glitch at playback start [t=239873] + Video: improve playback behavior immediately following small backwards seek + Video: add optional project settings to have video affected by solo of other tracks, mute of parent tracks + Video: add project setting to control where in the frame automation is evaluated [t=244908] + Video: spectrogram synthesis preset bugfixes + VST: improve plug-in scanning status messages + VST: add option to not scan for new/updated plug-ins on startup + VST: preferences window lists skipped plug-ins and allows manual re-scan + VST: reduce display update frequency when scanning filesystem + VST: fix IContextMenu compatibility issue + WAV: fix importing embedded transients as transient markers [p=2386342] + WAV: import embedded cues properly for certain files [t=247260] + WAV: list embedded cues in media source properties dialog + Wildcards: add $marker(name) and $region(name) wildcards, for example $marker(ISRC) will resolve to "1234" if there is a project marker named "ISRC=1234" within the rendered time range + Wildcards: format timecode as HH.MM.SS.FF rather than H-MM-SS-FF (saved settings in existing projects are not affected) + Wildcards: make help text more consistent for start/end/length wildcards (sorry, localizers) + Windows: allow longer search strings in Media Explorer [t=245795] + Windows: installed executables are now signed v6.19 - December 18 2020 + Accessibility: option to allow space key for navigation now affects track/marker managers, track routing window, envelope window, fade editor + Accessibility: add option in preferences/fades to display accessible (but cryptic) fade names instead of images in menus + API: add PCM_SOURCE_EXT_GETBITRATE + API: PCM_SOURCE_EXT_ENUMCUES_EX distinguishes between cues and chapter markers + Control surfaces: do not send duplicate CSURF_EXT_SETFXPARAM notifications in response to automation + EDL: fix importing media item fade shapes + Elastique: update to v3.3.3 + Localization: support UTF-8 localization of wav render formats + Media explorer: add actions to increase/decrease preview volume + Media explorer: add action to reset columns to default order and width, re-initialize view when new fields are added in a REAPER update + Media explorer: add option to group folders at top + Media explorer: add scrollbars to zoom/scroll preview display and increase/decrease waveform height, option to show/hide scrollbars + Media explorer: if options enabled, apply volume/pitch/rate adjustments when adding media to ReaSamploMatic5000 [t=246343] + Media explorer: by default, pick up beat-synced preview immediately, add option to wait for next measure to start + Media explorer: display sample rate, channel count, bit depth/bitrate + Media explorer: display media length + Media explorer: display media source preferred position (BWF start offset or any other available reference metadata) + Media explorer: display preview position/length in milliseconds + Media explorer: faster metadata reading for .ogg files + Media explorer: fix action to go to parent folder when persistent search is active [t=245677] + Media explorer: fix duplicate metadata potentially being written to files + Media explorer: fix actions to scan all databases [t=246221] + Media explorer: fix synchronized previews being off by a buffer block + Media explorer: preserve unrecognized ID3 tag elements when editing metadata + Media explorer: set media offline before rewriting metadata, in case the file is already in use in the arrange view + Media explorer: snap cursor to media cues/regions/transients/chapters + Media explorer: support customizing file last-modified date display format + Media explorer: preserve user-edited (but not yet written) metadata when re-reading metadata from media [p=2376166] + Media explorer: support temporary marks for files, to track what has been previewed or other uses + Media explorer: support updating metadata for multi-stream files where the vorbis stream is not first + Media explorer: support writing edited source preferred position back to media files + Media explorer: add refresh button, add theme images for back/forward/up/refresh + Media items: preserve manual fade shape when clearing auto-crossfade [t=240579] + Media items: support applying media source BWF start offset to item ruler [t=236220] + Media items: support section/reverse parameters in item ruler [t=245993] + Metadata: support time reference (start offset) in mp3, flac, ogg, opus, wavpack in addition to wav + Metadata: support iXML metadata in flac, mp3 files + Metadata: display mp3 event markers in media explorer and arrange view + Metadata: list AXML metadata separately from BWF (they had been combined for legacy reasons) + Metadata: list render metadata schemes in alphabetical order + Metadata: improve compatibility when editing metadata for OGG files with large page sizes + MIDI: fix adjusting imported MIDI length to match project tempo map (6.17 regression) [p=2373470] + Peaks: warn if peaks are not buildable because alternate peaks path is configured but invalid + Project save: improve behavior when copying symlinked media on macOS/Linux + ReaScript: add B_RECMON_IN_EFFECT to GetMediaTrackInfo_Value() + ReaScript: add GetMediaFileMetadata + ReaScript: support UTF-8 font names on Windows [t=190468] + ReaScript: do not run deferred scripts during project load [p=2379014] + Recording: fix potentially incorrect fadeout created when recording in item autopunch mode + Render: activate "apply" button after browsing to new output folder [p=2375479] + Render: respect option to embed project name in BWF when other BWF metadata is provided + Subprojects: embed subproject metadata in rendered .rpp-prox file [p=2378755] + Subprojects: support embedding source preferred position (BWF start offset) + Takes: fix potential crash when replacing multiple occurrences of the same source media [p=2378037] + Track manager: fix reordering tracks when using various sort modes [t=246511] + Video processors: support UTF-8 font names on Windows [t=190468] + VST: decrease latency of VST3 channel context notifications + VST: support "REAPER record monitor in effect" attribute for VST3 channel contexts + Wavpack: improve interaction between render metadata and BWF settings + Wildcards: add $dayname and $datetime wildcards v6.18 - December 1 2020 + Media explorer: add option to not apply preview pitch/rate to inserted media item [t=245666] + Media explorer: fix UTF-8 support for search field on Windows [p=2371567] + Media explorer: fix potential failure editing .ogg file metadata [t=245670] + Media explorer: allow editing metadata of multi-stream .ogg files + ReaScript: improve documentation for GetAppVersion and GetOS + VST: avoid scanning recursive symlinks + VST: improve startup scanning user interface, allow cancel of long scans v6.17 - November 29 2020 + FX shortcuts: fix issues with shortcut creation [t=245551] + JSFX: support file_open() of media with absolute path [t=212561] + JSFX: full recompile/reset in IDE closes any files opened via file_open() + Linux: fix potential hang on startup [p=2370672] + macOS-arm64: add mp3 encoder + Media: fix adjusting media based on embedded tempo when not importing from media explorer [t=245407] + Media explorer: add actions to set/adjust pitch + Media explorer: add action to insert media at BWF source preferred position + Media explorer: display error message when unable to create new database file [t=245376] + Media explorer: finer control for pitch and rate knobs + Media explorer: fix customizing Show and Options menus + Media explorer: fix possible macOS crash when removing database + Media explorer: if fine pitch adjustment set, further semitone or quartertone adjustments will preserve the fractional adjustment [p=2368875] + Media explorer: when replacing source media and stretching to fit, stretch active take only [p=2369092] + Media explorer: improve handling of stereo mp3 files played through multichannel tracks [t=242507] + ReaScript: GetOS() now returns macOS-arm64 on arm64 + ReaScript: restore 6.15 OS-subtype GetAppVersion() behavior, add 6.16/macOS-arm64 for arm64 + ReaScript: fix insertion of ReWire plug-ins by qualified name with TrackFX_AddByName() etc + Render queue: order queued items by time + Windows: disable DX scanning by default on new installations v6.16 - November 23 2020 + Anticipative FX: fix excessive buffering when feedback loop w/ PDC present but feedback is disabled + Dynamic split: support ripple editing when removing silence + FX: improve display issues when FX resized and chain is displayed on right side of view + Linux: improve splash screen update frequency + macOS: update to ICC 18.5 + Media: display all supported metadata in source properties dialog + Media: when matching tempo for preview or import, use any suitable metadata, if it matches the beat length of the media [p=2309774] + Media explorer: display metadata in filesystem folder view + Media explorer: automatically populate metadata for media files that are visible in the browser list + Media explorer: support editing metadata in-place in the list + Media explorer: support editing media file metadata in filesystem folder view + Media explorer: support writing edited metadata to media files + Media explorer: support marking media files as favorites, option to group favorites at the top + Media explorer: add playback rate control + Media explorer: remove option to use Windows Explorer for browsing + Media explorer: update databases after moving or renaming files + Media explorer: actions to insert on a new track create a new track after the last touched track + Media explorer: add actions to go to shortcuts + Media explorer: add action to rescan all databases + Media explorer: add action to collapse all folders + Media explorer: add action to create subfolder + Media explorer: add action to delete files immediately (no confirmation/trash/recycle) + Media explorer: add action to insert media into sample player on new or last touched track + Media explorer: add action to open selected file in explorer/finder + Media explorer: add action to randomize file list + Media explorer: add option for search string to persist when browsing to new folder or database + Media explorer: add option for vertical layout + Media explorer: add option to hide file extension when file type column is displayed + Media explorer: add option to hide folders in file list + Media explorer: add option to hide path dropdown box + Media explorer: add option to try to open non-media files + Media explorer: add various display zoom actions + Media explorer: add option to auto-stop when initiating file drag + Media explorer: automatically update filesystem folder view when folder contents change + Media explorer: clear preview playback when changing selection in browser + Media explorer: column sort preferences persist between REAPER sessions + Media explorer: confirm before deleting database + Media explorer: display embedded transients in preview + Media explorer: display mp3, flac, ogg, opus chapter markers in preview and optionally arrange view + Media explorer: double-click preview display to select region between slices, cues, chapters + Media explorer: faster metadata reading for various file types + Media explorer: fix handling of shortcuts/paths with odd paths ending in space, etc [t=239608] + Media explorer: improve macOS retina drawing of peaks + Media explorer: insert media on most recently selected track, not first selected track, consistent with copy/paste + Media explorer: insert new shortcuts or databases immediately following the currently selected shortcut + Media explorer: more efficient duplicate prevention with gigantic databases + Media explorer: move pitch knob options to pitch knob context menu + Media explorer: on startup, add any previously unreachable databases back into shortcut list + Media explorer: transpose MIDI directly when adjusting pitch + Media explorer: save recent search strings + Media explorer: set focus to arrange view after dragging samples from media explorer + Media explorer: show all controls at all widths + Media explorer: show database name in path dropdown rather than "XX.ReaperFileList" + Media explorer: show file type and reaper document icon for automation items + Media explorer: support assigning shortcuts to actions to rescan database + Media explorer: support browsing to folder enclosing file in database or search results [p=2315990] + Media explorer: support copy/pasting files in or out of media explorer + Media explorer: support customizable floating toolbar + Media explorer: support customizing menus + Media explorer: support dragging files into folders, real paths, or databases + Media explorer: support keyboard shortcuts for all "Media: insert into project" and "Media: Insert into selected media items" actions + Media explorer: support moving files to trash/recycle bin + Media explorer: add options to display leading path, full path, or no path + Media explorer: support renaming files + Media explorer: support renaming folders in tree view + Media explorer: support render-drag of file section outside of REAPER on mac + Media explorer: use tree view for shortcut list + Media explorer: when editing metadata in-place, up/down arrows navigate to previous/next file + Media items: add action to open selected item source media in explorer/finder + Project metadata: add "all schemes" section, to add/edit metadata for multiple schemes at once + Project metadata: support XMP, APEv2, IFF, REX metadata + Project metadata: support special REAPER tag, for display/searching in media explorer + Project metadata: support embedding ID3 tag in .wav files + Project metadata: add category column to metadata dialog + Project metadata: add option to always write title, date, and time fields when rendering + Project metadata: add $date wildcard + Project metadata: support user-defined metadata fields in schemes that support it + Project metadata: save/restore column widths + Project metadata: fix ID3 image metadata saving with project [p=2335991] + Project metadata: write INFO metadata as the last chunk in a .wav file so Windows Explorer will see it [t=240957] + NINJAM: lower network latency in voice chat mode + ReaSamplOmatic5000: when dragging files from media explorer, automatically adjust start/end, volume, and pitch + Region manager: fix sorting by marker/region index [t=244775] + Theme adjuster: add action to open theme adjuster, default to Default_6.0 adjuster for old themes + Theme adjuster: support global/color configuration for all themes + Theme adjuster: option to show sends list in TCP (separate from FX) + Tooltips: fix reset of topmost pins on Windows when showing tooltip [t=243837] + VST: fix compatibility with a mixture of Waves VST3 shell plug-ins installed + VST: do not apply Windows multimonitor DPI changes across monitors until mouse released + VST: use separate process when scanning plug-ins, allow terminating hung plug-ins during scan + VST: improve resize behavior for various VST3 + VST: re-scan button in preferences shows list of plug-ins which failed to scan, allow forcing a rescan of each plug-in + Windows: fix resolution of shortcuts that point to non-ascii filenames v6.15 - October 20 2020 + Accessibility: improve context menu support for VoiceOver + Accessibility: improve state reporting for toolbar buttons + Configuration import/export: support very large zip files [t=242227] + Control surfaces: run MCU/01X peak meters when stopped [twtr=1311766888817590274] + Dynamic split: fix memory leak when removing silence + FX: fix learn assignments after changing parameter count in ReaEQ/etc [t=241734] + FX: improve behavior after changing parameter count in parameter linked plug-in + FX: allow more than 100 insert-FX shortcuts, use registered action IDs for new shortcuts to improve portability across systems + ReaScript IDE: correctly syntax highlight Lua \z escape sequences [t=243548] + ReaScript IDE: do not execute script when saving while closing editor [t=242537] + Themes: support very large zip files + Toolbars: fix tooltips on pinned floating toolbars on Windows [p=2342982] + Track panels: if show FX inserts in track panels set, always show empty slots + Track panels: improve send knob doubleclick reset when in FX/FX parameter list [p=2344692] + Track panels: fix incorrect display in some themes when showing sends but not FX in TCP [p=2345255] + VST: improve compatibility with VST3 plug-ins that fail during initialize() + VST: improve VST3 arbitrary and high channel count detection logic + Windows: avoid closing/reopening of audio/MIDI devices when opening projects v6.14 - September 21 2020 + About box: improve UI for license key import + Accessibility: fix keyboard navigation in empty FX chain + Accessibility: support enter key in actions window shortcut key binding list + Accessibility: improve render window tab order + Actions: fix behavior of actions to cut/delete items within time selection with ripple edit enabled + ARA: improve behavior when copying multiple items with different edits that share the same source media [t=237563] + Arrange: allow showing both or neither of item volume handle/knob + Audio devices: prevent deadlock when changing sample rate of some audio devices [t=240284] + Fades: allow disabling default fade-in/fade-out lengths for imported media items + FX: update parameter display in TCP/MCP when changed by plug-in from audio thread + Grid/snap dialog: apply grid snap length setting instantly rather than when window is closed + Help: fix mouse modifier help HTML display [t=241058] + Import: prevent crash after importing multichannel item to multiple tracks + JSFX: allow image/gfx window dimensions up to 8192 pixels + macOS: fix keyboard focus when closing track name edit window + macOS: fix listview column ordering issue when adding columns e.g. in actions window + Menu customization: optimize changing menus when actions window is open [p=2340939] + MIDI hardware: support forcing control messages from different devices to different channels + MIDI editor: fix updating CC lane labels when changing lane via action [t=240427] + Mixer: add option to group FX parameters with FX + Mixer: improve cursor feedback when drag/dropping FX + Mixer: add option to group sends with/before/after FX + ReaScript: allow image/gfx window dimensions up to 8192 pixels + Region/marker manager: add take marker support + Region/marker manager: add preference to list markers, regions, and take markers grouped together or separately + Render: fix project render metadata being unintentionally deleted [t=240097] + Theme: add new tcp_fxparm_fx_norm/byp/off background images + Theme: use scrollbars instead of scroll buttons for FX/sends/FX parameters + Theme: extend tcp.fxparm.margin to support 7th field of FX-insert alignment, 8th field inter-column gap + Track panels: fix visual issues with certain track color settings [p=2334327] + Track panels: support movable divider between FX parameters and embedded FX + Track panels: optionally show FX and sends in track panels + Tracks: support any even channel count between 2 and 64 v6.13 - July 23 2020 + Action list: reduce ReaScript/Custom Action button redundancies + Action list: auto-populate editor with selected actions when creating new custom action + Automation: add actions to insert envelope point at current position and not remove nearby points + Automation: add action to add/edit envelope point exactly at cursor + Automation: improve horizontal guide line positioning [p=2318672] + Automation: fix pasting envelope points at mouse position via action + Batch converter: improve command line documentation [p=2309474] + FX: improve parameter linking to use wet/bypass/parameter-ID hinting for source parameter [t=238443] + Linux: fix action to spawn new REAPER instance + macOS: add control+space as default shortcut for "play or pause", in addition to cmd+space which usually opens system spotlight search + macOS: fix display glitch when using non-retina secondary display [t=238677] + macOS: fix focus issues when activating docked FX browser + macOS: fix Audio Units bridging support (5.79 regression) + macOS: fix media explorer "REAPER" menu + macOS: improve cursor flicker behavior when resizing certain UI elements + Media explorer: fix database/metadata cache issues for large files, post-2037 dates + Media import: support pasting files from explorer/finder directly into arrange view + Media import: fix playback when importing resampled .wav files with embedded transient information as beat slices [t=238432] + Media items: when enabling loop item source, ensure start offset is not negative + MIDI: add option to apply default CC shape to recorded events [p=2270410] + MIDI: fix inline editor CC labels for unnamed CCs + MIDI: fix inline editor menu, add missing actions [t=238624] + MIDI: improve CC lane selection UI + MIDI: improve marquee selection in CC lanes when MSB/LSB events are mismatched + MIDI: improve 14-bit lane usage indicators + Mixer: fix resizing between send and fx parameter lists when track inserts are not displayed + Notation: fix incorrect notation of native MIDI key signature event in A minor [t=239045] + Notation: fix persistence of note staff positioning when using multiple staves [t=239038] + OSC: always send wet/dry notifications even when outside of device FX parameter bank size [t=239761] + OSC: support /actions/_REGISTERED_COMMAND_ID [p=2318785] + Project bay: add undo point when editing media item groups + Project bay: fix crash when removing media items from group + Project encoding: better corner case handling of text strings containing newlines/carriage returns + ReaScale: improve default path for Load... command + ReaScript: fix envelope undo issues with SetTrackStateChunk [t=238960] + ReaScript: PreventUIRefresh() inhibits Undo-related UI updates + ReaScript: fix EEL2 float-to-string rounding errors on macOS/linux (also affects Video, JSFX) [t=239488] + ReaSynth: fix portamento on non-overlapping notes [p=2309212] + Recording: support automatically creating folders (including based on wildcard substitution) for recorded files + Render: support / (create folder) in target filename + Render: add $folders wildcard for rendering/recording, to create disk folder structure based on track folders + Render: fix $region and $regionnumber wildcards when used together [t=238687] + Render: update $samplerate wildcard properly when changing render settings + REX: update Windows shared library to version 1.8.3, includes unbridged 64-bit support + Routing: fix multiprocessing issues with certain feedback structures (6.12 regression) [t=235395] + RS5k: update UI/channel count/voices when adding/changing samples via ReaScript [t=239147] + Sends: improve audio performance when deleting sends while send UI is displayed + System: fix potential crashes due to high socket use on macOS and Linux [t=238309] + System: notify when disk write errors occur or a disk becomes full [t=226775] + System: add Preferences/Audio option to bypass audio processing when disk write error notification occurs + System: fix reduce_open_files() and associated advanced experimental preference (6.11 regression) + Takes: fix action to collapse empty take lanes + Tempo map: add action to create a single measure from time selection [p=2215874] + Tempo map: restore pre-6.02 default behavior of action to create measure(s) from time selection, auto-detecting number of measures [t=230148] [p=2215874] + Theme: fix misc_dpi_translate mapping bug + Theme: improve DPI scaling logic, improve layout_dpi_translate behavior, improve default sizing on 125% displays + Theme: minor default theme updates + Theme: improve theme adjuster font sizes on Linux + Toolbars: apply MIDI toolbar actions to the focused MIDI editor, even if the editor is not in piano roll mode (many actions will work in any editor mode) + Track metering: improve pre/post-fader corner cases on record armed tracks [t=238408] + Vorbis: do not render an empty file if output parameters are invalid [t=239112] + WAV: support writing 32-bit PCM + WAV: improve performance/behavior when reading large malformed .wav files [t=239742] + WAV: improve description of rendering format + Web interface: reduce latency of web server + Windows: fix clipboard issues when a script or custom action thrashes the system clipboard + Windows: improve alt key menu activation behavior when alt-tabbing from REAPER and back + Windows: fix potential ASIO driver incompatibility [t=239384] + Windows: fix Track/Region/Marker Managers text field focus issue + Windows: fix default extension for VST3 preset export [t=238210] + Windows: fix UTF-8 values in ReaScript watch window + Windows: always install bridging support v6.12c - June 15 2020 + 6.12c: fix issue with legacy customized FX mixer menu items [p=2304239] + Actions: fix action to scroll view vertically one page [t=124100] + Audio Units: do not show duplicates for plug-ins that register as both an effect and instrument + Automation items: only copy time-selected area if edit begins within the time selection [p=2295416] + Automation items: prevent potential hang when editing trim via envelope control panel [p=2295560] + Custom actions: editor is now modeless and can be opened for multiple custom actions at once + Custom actions: improve accessibility of editor (Control+Up/Down to reorder custom action list, Enter to add to list, etc) [t=237012] + Custom menu/toolbar editor: allow inserting multiple actions at once + Copy/paste: add actions to paste items ignoring hidden tracks (wysiwyg), which is the default behavior since 6.11 [p=2297051] + Copy/paste/delete: context-sensitive cut/copy/paste/delete commands will affect selected media items if track control panel area was last clicked but no tracks are selected + Envelopes: fix display glitch in certain instances with asymmetrical envelope display [t=208841] + FX browser: minor reorganization of controls + FX browser: add context menu items to add FX to selected active takes, selected tracks + FX browser: add option to hide FX type prefixes in folders and filtered views [t=39711] + FX browser: add options to hide FX when duplicate FX of a preferred type is present + FX browser: allow reordering of user-folders via drag/drop or Ctrl+Up/Down + FX browser: allow dragging multiple plug-ins to empty TCP/MCP areas to create tracks + FX browser: show confirmation prompt when adding more than 9 plug-ins at once + FX browser: fix display of ReWire and FX chains in quick add menu folders + FX browser: replace existing FX when alt+dragging from FX browser to an existing FX instance + FX browser: increase maximum folders/VST folder counts + FX browser: remove developer names from items when redundant with the folder name + Freeze/render stems: fix behavior when rendering multiple items on the same track with the same item name [t=237124] + Grid: prevent "adjust grid by.." actions from setting grid to unreasonable values [p=2294416] + Groups: add actions to select groups 33-64 [t=202938] + Groups: modernize nomenclature + Internals: restore logical-sort in reaper-menu.ini [t=237194] + Item solo: improve item solo action behaviors, add new actions/API to access + JSFX: atomic_*() now work across different JSFX instances e.g. on gmem [t=236960] + Linux: fix missing checkbox icons in FX chain etc [p=2297062] + Localization: fix localizing render wildcard help dialog + macOS: allow NSAppTransportSecurity NSExceptionDomains for localhost/HTTP for some plug-ins + macOS: improve support for js_ReaScriptAPI extension drawing with Metal [t=230013] + MIDI: improve item start offset behavior when recording and preserve PDC monitoring enabled [p=2298235] + Media explorer: fix option to toggle searching by custom database tag + Metadata: fix writing CART TagText field + Metronome: support longer pattern entry on Windows [t=237666] + Metronome: increase size of metronome pattern entry fields to show up to 32 beats + NINJAM: fix import timing issue with certain bpm/bpi changes + NINJAM: improve accessibility descriptions of mute/solo buttons in ReaNINJAM + Playback: fix playback to end of lengthened project when adjusting item rate/position/length via action, media item properties, or API + Preferences: fix incorrect reset of track default crossfade options + Project bay: improve velocity scaling display for MIDI items [p=2293632] + Project bay: minor reorganization of controls + Project bay: support Ctrl+A in filter field to select all text + RS5k: small reorganization of controls + RS5k: add Portamento setting + RS5k: allow loop to be enabled when ignoring note-offs + RS5k: improve UI for editing loop start offset/fades + RS5k: right clicking activity light sends note-offs + RS5k: use a fixed-size ADSR view when using a looping sample + RS5k: allow easier setting of long attack/release settings when using short looped media + ReaEQ: fix processing artifact when automating parameters away from a non-automatically-bypassed state [t=208841] + ReaEQ: reduce CPU use + ReaScript: add PromptForAction() + ReaScript: fix temporary playback issue when reconfiguring send via SetTrackSendInfo_Value(I_SRCCHAN) + ReaScript: update Track/TakeFX_AddByName() to allow inserting FXADD:, allow inserting FX at position in chain + ReaSynth: add Portamento setting + ReaVerbate: reduce CPU use + Render: enable Apply button after editing render target directory [t=237198] + Render: resolve $region wildcard correctly when using region render matrix with multiple regions with the same start/end times [t=237626] + Ripple editing: allow moving media items across tracks with ripple editing enabled and items near top/bottom of project + Routing: fix issues relating to detection of feedback in routing [t=235395] + Snap: do not snap time/loop selections to edit cursor/time selection if it would make a zero-length selection + Toolbars: apply global color tweaks to toolbar buttons after state change [p=2302525] + Video: add 'Combine: grid of videos' preset [t=233917] + Video: improve 'Apply track FX only where track has video items' preset to allow clearing if no items + WavPack: support dual-mono optimization + WavPack: support embedding APEv2 tags when rendering + WavPack: display WavPack metadata in source properties dialog + Windows: fix GDI object leak when closing media item properties v6.11 - May 24 2020 + Appearance: add Theme Color Controls window for per-theme brightness/contrast/gamma/color adjustment + Automation items: improve properties window text editing behavior + CD: include track names in CUE file when using regions to mark tracks + CD: support basic metadata in CUE files + CD: embed per-track metadata if special project markers are seen, even if no other metadata is entered + Default theme adjuster: add color adjustment + Default theme adjuster: allow translating via language pack + Default theme adjuster: add 'extend name' track control alignment mode [t=234976] + Envelopes: improve responsiveness/scroll behavior of mousewheel on envelope control panel knob + FX browser: fix potential memory leak when adding instruments + FX browser: fix key/action assignments for ReWire plug-ins + Item menu: fix phase (polarity) invert indicator [twtr=1260330536758804481] + JSFX: fix reading non-ASCII filenames on Windows + Keyboard: allow unmodified function key shortcuts from within edit controls [t=232561] + Linux: fix incorrect handling of function keys in edit controls + MIDI editor: support keyboard navigation in CC lane dropdown on Windows + MIDI editor: fix actions to insert bank/program, text, and sysex events in piano roll view + MIDI: send note-offs to hardware and plug-ins when switching takes [p=2284464] + MIDI: support bank/program files that contain multiple named banks with the same MSB/LSB [t=236016] + macOS: fix inconsistent up vs down mousewheel scroll rates on track control panel + macOS: improve updating various windows on theme change when Metal is enabled + Media explorer: fix action to re-read all metadata for database [t=221528] + Media explorer: fix reading WAV INFO and CART metadata for database + Media explorer: volume knob affects preview output when routed through tracks + Media items: properly account for hidden tracks when cut/copy/pasting items from/to multiple tracks + Media items: improve display when moving multiple media items between tracks with different numbers of envelope lanes + Media items: if a media item has an empty named take and no item notes, display the take name in the arrange view [p=2285760] + Media items: display grouping button on empty items that are grouped + Media items: improve behavior when clicking and immediately moving an item very quickly + Media items: fix take volume set to zero after importing media with embedded transients using "insert media file" action [t=236375] + Metadata: rename Metadata window Save button to Apply + Metadata: add ALBUMARTIST, PRODUCER, LABEL, LANGUAGE tags for FLAC, OGG, OPUS + Metadata: add support for more ID3 tag types including TXXX + Metadata: add $filename wildcard [p=2281959] + Metadata: add action to clear all vs just the current scheme + Metadata: add action/menu item to open project render metadata window + Metadata: add option to embed automatic BWF metadata even if no other data entered + Metadata: improve user interface for setting ID3 image file/type + Metadata: fix INFO metadata display in Windows Explorer + Metadata: ensure user-supplied iXML metadata is XML-compliant + Metadata: fix writing images to ID3 tags from filenames with non-ascii characters on Windows + Metadata: mark project dirty when applying metadata changes + Metadata: support embedding iXML data in WAV files + Mixer: add option for horizontal scroll over the mixer to scroll mixer tracks instead of arrange view + Mixer: mousewheel scroll consistently by one track left and right + Notation: fix PDF export on Windows if REAPER is installed with non-ASCII characters in the path + Project bay: hide browse button when it is not usable + Project bay: volume knob affects preview output when routed through tracks + Project settings: allow saving default project author + RS5k: increase max voice limit to 64, default limit to 8 + ReaNINJAM: fix UTF-8 chat display on Windows + ReaScript IDE: improve precision/number formatting in watch window + ReaScript IDE: watch list filter also matches variable values + ReaScript IDE: fix opening file with non-ASCII filename on Windows via Ctrl+R + ReaScript IDE: Lua watch is scanned breadth-first, show references to tables rather than repeating them + ReaScript IDE: improve/optimize watch display + ReaScript: add GetThemeColor()/SetThemeColor() + ReaScript: add LocalizeString() + ReaScript: add documentation for new RENDER_SETTINGS flags + ReaScript: implement GetFxByName() for ReWire + Render: add $fx wildcard, to list all track and/or take FX + Render: add support for $itemnote and $takemarker wildcards + Render: configuration UI improvements + Render: fix sticky project queued render delay [t=177897] + Render: improve tab order of render dialog controls [t=236087] + Render: match $reg to $region wildcard [t=236387] + Ruler: allow denser label spacing when using minimal beats mode with no secondary mode + Startup: by default, prompt-for-project dialog selects last opened project, or last opened set of project tabs if multiple tabs were last opened + System: fix minor UI/performance issues that could occur if system millisecond timer wraps + Themes: allow separate configuration of Trim Volume envelope color [t=235873] + VST: fix VST3 preset import/export on Windows to non-ASCII pathnames + VST: prevent duplicate keyboard notifications being sent to plug-ins on Windows + WAV: support read/write of u-Law files + Windows: improve appearance of some ReaPlugs [t=232501] v6.10 - May 9 2020 + ARA: preserve edits when user applies timing changes to media or imports as MIDI + ARA: preserve edits after undoing some types of split actions + Automation: fix performance issues with envelope points that are more than 2 billion samples apart + Automation: fix possible crash when envelope panel hidden during capture [p=2279491] + JSFX: Super8: fix vclick: off mode + JSFX: add midi_note_sanitizer + JSFX: midi_logger: show note-ons as slightly green, note-offs as slightly red, add noteon/off analysis mode (sequential or grouped-by-note) + JSFX: improve Windows gfx_getchar() behavior for ctrl/alt+various keys [t=235634] + JSFX: update Add-FX displayed effect name when saving plugin in editor + Knobs: re-show mouse cursor if UI element is destroyed while being edited + Linux: allow listview column reordering in Project Bay, Media Explorer, etc + macOS: fix track routing window changing monitors when adding send + macOS: improve keyboard navigation in various windows + MIDI: add option to display notation text in piano roll [t=234286] + MIDI: improve appearance of note text that extends beyond the end of the not + MIDI: adjust for global midi octave display offset in parameter modulation menu + MIDI: revert v6.09 problematic changes to overdub/replace recording with input quantization + MIDI: send note-offs when changing project tempo during playback + MIDI: send note-offs when duplicating active take + Media explorer: fix inconsistency between media explorer tempo match and project import tempo match [t=230011] + Media explorer: parse year correctly from ID3v2.4 tag + Media explorer: support BPM and key metadata in ID3 tags + Media offline: update arrange view when using actions to force media offline + Metadata: save/load metadata with project + Metadata: support wildcards in metadata fields + Metadata: support embedding BWF data in WAV (if provided, metadata overrides render format options) + Metadata: support embedding BWF data in FLAC via iXML + Metadata: support embedding vorbis tags in FLAC, OGG, OPUS, including chapter tags + Metadata: support embedding ISRC in WAV via bext/axml + Metadata: support embedding ID3 tags in MP3, including chapter tags and album image + Metadata: support embedding INFO and CART data in WAV + Metadata: support reading BWF timecode from iXML data in FLAC files [p=2278582] + Project bay: display values in fades column if any fade is present + Project bay: improve fade column sorting + Project: save project author as entered in project settings/notes dialog + Project: save metronome click shape in default project settings [t=232847] + ReaScript: use case-insensitive sorting for Lua function list menu + ReaScript: add support for getting/setting project render metadata + ReaScript: add RENDER_TARGETS, to retrieve the list of files that would be written given current project render settings + ReaScript: improve Windows gfx.getchar() behavior for ctrl/alt+various keys [t=235634] + Recording: improve loopable section creation logic with time selection auto-punch recording [p=2282484] + Render: add option to skip rendering files that are likely silent [t=233619] + Render: embed stretch markers/transient guides properly when rendering looped media + Render: fix potential crash when rendering stems and target file cannot be opened + Render: support embedding take markers as cues in wav files + Snap: snap project markers and regions following settings for snapping cursor + Snap: improve unsnapped movement of ruler markers/region edges + Snap: snap media items to take markers respecting preference to snap to other media items within X tracks + Snap: snap cursor/time selection/markers/regions to take markers only if preference is enabled to snap to media items + Startup: when startup script is used, preserve undo history but allow the user to immediately load another project without prompting to save + Take markers: improve label vertical positioning with mono channel mode on stereo media + Take markers: allow more lanes of take markers, especially on non-audio takes [p=2279156] + Take markers: avoid potential crash when media item source file is not available + Take markers: do not show take markers for previous recording passes + Take markers: fix adding take markers in various audio recording modes + Take markers: support adding take markers to empty items + VST: fix sending macOS command vs control modifier keys to VST3 plugins + VST: fix sending panic all-notes-off to VST3 instruments + VST: improve MIDI output bus handling when plug-in does not send events + VST: when starting playback within one sample of the measure start, tell the plugin it is exactly the measure start [p=2281694] + Video: fix video playback for media that was previously forced offline [p=2279308] + Video: fix possible crash when removing reversed video item + WAV: display CART data in media source properties + Wildcards: add $author wildcard for recording, rendering, file conversion + Wildcards: add $marker wildcard for render/batch converter (name or number of first marker in rendered timeline) + Wildcards: support $format wildcard properly when using secondary render format + Windows: improve Preferences focus handling of Device tab [t=231419] v6.09 - April 27 2020 + ARA: update SDK to version 1.99 + Actions: display action IDs when running action to list all actions + Audio Units: fix scan issues with plug-in manufacturer names that begin with an opening bracket + File browsers: fix minor default extension issues + JSFX: sequencer_megababy: fix reading of note name files that do not have CRLF pairs + JSFX: sequencer_megababy: support reading note name files in same format as MIDI editor + JSFX: Super8: add project-sync mode + JSFX: Super8: add button/assignment to cycle selected channel record/play/stop + JSFX: Super8: add play-all button (stops all if all active are playing) + JSFX: Super8: allow assigning CC/PCs to all things + JSFX: Super8: support linking channels + Jump to time window: fix jumping to marker 9 [t=233882] + Jump to time window: support jumping to take markers + Linux: fix reamote-server configuration path + macOS: fix Retina/Metal drawing glitch when scrolling master track out of view + macOS: add possible Metal fix for drawing glitches after waking up from sleep + macOS: improve stretch marker/transient guide appearance on Retina displays + macOS: allow attaching debugger to Catalina notarized version + MIDI: always refresh banks/programs when loading .reabank/.ins files in MIDI editor and ReaControlMIDI + MIDI: fix MIDI export timing when file contains invalid MIDI messages [t=233469] + MIDI: fix removing duplicate notes when using input quantize and recording in non-overdub/replace modes + MIDI: fix overdub recording with duplicate notes in certain input quantize situations [t=234319] + MIDI: fix certain settings (ignore tempo map, CC interpolation PPQ) resetting when file-backed MIDI media goes offline + MIDI: fix various pooled file-backed MIDI playback and arrange view appearance bugs + MIDI: preserve order and duplicate entries when displaying .reabank/.ins files in MIDI editor and ReaControlMIDI [t=233501] [t=234165] + MIDI: support save/load of named sysex messages [t=233856] + Media explorer: fix reading final element in ID3v2 tags + Media explorer: parse year metadata correctly from ID3v2.4 tag + Media explorer: support reading OGG/OPUS/FLAC metadata + Media items: support relative snap when moving media item contents [p=2260974] + Media item properties: avoid potential precision loss to playrate/pitch when applying settings + Media items: adjust embedded cue and take marker drawing when displaying rectified peaks + MusicXML: fix exporting mp, mf dynamics + MusicXML: respect preference to position dynamics below the staff on import [t=233590] + NINJAM: when importing session, improve voice chat, fix timing corner cases, fix possible crashes + ReaMote: fix updating remote configuration state for some plug-ins/JSFX + ReaNINJAM: add keyboard shortcuts + ReaNINJAM: fix global key bindings/vkb in chat field [t=233847] + ReaNINJAM: improve chat display accessibility, improve keyboard handling of chat window + ReaNINJAM: improve voice-chat playback latency, log voice-chat channels to clipsort.log + ReaNINJAM: add options to send local channels and metronome to separate outputs + ReaTune: fix potentially incorrect first-time playback when loaded as take FX + Recent projects: add option to show file name before path in menu [t=225274] + Recent projects: after attempting to open a recent project that does not exist, prompt before removing from the recent list + Render: add $filecount wildcard (total number of rendered files in this) + Render: document behavior of wildcards like $filenumber[N] in wildcard help dialog + Ruler: add preference to adjust ruler label horizontal spacing + Ruler: display grid properly with very long measures [t=234218] + Save-as: prevent opening new projects from explorer/finder while copying files [t=231954] + Screensets: fix restoring horizontal scroll position with screenset + Stretch markers: fix marker handle DPI scaling + Take markers: add take marker support (mark specific time positions in individual takes) + Take markers: support custom text and colors for take markers + Take markers: add actions to add or quick-add take markers during playback or recording + Theme element finder: fix interactions with theme color tweak window + Transport: fix jump to marker menu when the first region precedes the first marker + Video: update render extension when changing render format [p=2266396] + Windows: support CPU groups for systems with more than 64 logical CPUs (threads) v6.08 - April 3 2020 + ARA: more improvements to preventing lost data when doing complex edits [p=2253315] + Actions: add action to clear tempo envelope + JSFX: add sequencer_megababy extended recording options via MIDI trigger parameter + MIDI: avoid retriggering notes when recording past the end of an unlooped MIDI item + MIDI: prevent double event playback in certain overdub situations + Media explorer: optionally apply preview volume when inserting media item + NINJAM import: allow setting output format when importing session + NINJAM import: create a chat track with chat messages in empty item notes + Pan: add option to limit taper to linear shape above +3dB pan law [t=231241] + ReaNINJAM: add Sync button, with options to start REAPER playback at interval start, set project tempo/loop interval + ReaNINJAM: improve behavior when in private server lobbies + ReaNINJAM: improve appearance on macOS/Linux + ReaNINJAM: fix possible incorrect monitoring when server has limited local channels + ReaNINJAM: include chat messages in clipsort.log for posterity/import + Render: fix potential crash when rendering stems and target file cannot be opened [t=233558] v6.07 - March 29 2020 + Items: fix snap offset editing, broken in 6.06 [t=233490] v6.06 - March 28 2020 + Actions: enabling auto-scroll view during playback will auto-scroll to playback cursor if necessary + Actions: rename 'go to cursor' to 'go to edit cursor' for clarity + Actions: rename 'go to play position' to 'go to play cursor/position' + File copying: when making byte-for-byte copy of media, preserve file modification time [t=231551] + macOS: add prefs/general/advanced options to disable mousewheel/swipe/move throttling + macOS: fix open-file window options on Catalina [p=2254552] + MIDI editor: prevent potential error when loading MIDI note names from file [t=232485] + MIDI: properly display program names in arrange view for looped MIDI items + Projects: always refresh Track/Region/Marker Manager, Project Bay, etc when switching projects + ReaControlMIDI: fix loading of .ins files + ReaNINJAM: allow resize of connection window + ReaNINJAM: allow resize of interval position meter + ReaNINJAM: expose accessibility descriptions for mute/solo/volume/pan controls + ReaNINJAM: fix possible crash with truncated Vorbis streams + ReaNINJAM: local channel metering is now pre-fader (pre-pan pre-mute) + ReaNINJAM: reorganize local channel panel + ReaNINJAM: show connect/disconnect button on top left of main window + ReaNINJAM: add preference to disable flash beat counter every 16 beats + ReaScript: fix return values of various Set...Value APIs [p=2259757] + ReaVerb: regenerate impulse on the fly during slider movements, mousewheel [t=232772] + ReaVerbate: fix reset of dampening filter + Ruler: mouse-modifier for copying regions without copying contents (Ctrl+Alt/Cmd+Opt) [t=232643] + Track manager: notify control surfaces when changing selection + Track name editing: improve behavior when scrolling/zooming track panels [t=232701] + Transport: fix jump to marker menu when the first region precedes the first marker + Windows: disable main window when using various file-browse windows, avoids silly Windows drag/drop behavior + Windows: improve appearance consistency of various file browsing windows + Windows: prevent drag/drop into main window when window is disabled/modal window is open v6.05 - March 5 2020 + ARA: prevent lost edits when using automatic backups [t=230867] + ARA: prevent lost edits when running action to trim multiple items at once [p=2244902] + ARA: prevent lost edits when running an action that creates multiple splits or copies at once [p=2238805] + Automation items: when copy/pasting media items, also copy/paste all selected automation items [t=227409] + Control surfaces: always follow track selection + Control surfaces: add native FaderPort v2 (2018) mode + Credits: +=kenny; + DDP: fix ISRC import [p=2249484] + DDP: fix import and render when INDEX0 is not used [p=2251748] + DDP: fix import of .DAT media on certain installs [p=2248928] + DDP: remove redundant ISRC data when rendering [p=2249484] + Default theme: fix inconsistent width control view on 3.x pan mode [p=2248540] + MIDI editor: add action to set custom color map per track (not per media item) + MIDI editor: add options to use theme color for selected note body and/or border when coloring by track or media item + MIDI editor: add option when loading bank/program name file to set new default + MIDI: add option to display program names and text events in arrange view + Navigation: fix actions to move forward/back one beat with certain tempos [t=231969] + Render: add support for secondary render format (render simultaneously to wav and mp3, etc) + Routing/Grouping: add context menu option to show/hide tooltips in routing and grouping dialog + TCP: avoid changing vertical zoom/track sizes unnecessarily when resizing tracks [t=231163] + Takes: implode items into tracks only if at least half of the item overlaps [p=2207040] + Theme: fix subtle size differences in TCP layouts B/C [p=2252473] v6.04 - Februrary 21 2020 + ARA: support media with different sample rates for ARA plugins like VocAlign + Automation items: add sine shape, tilt parameter + Control surfaces: preserve MCU/MCP mode across sessions (csurf section, mcu_mcp key) + Custom actions: add options to define when custom action toolbar buttons and menu items are displayed as enabled [p=2232483] + Envelopes: add actions to move active envelope fader, or selected envelope points, up or down a tiny bit + Envelopes: turn off track/send mute button when creating new mute envelope while muted, so it's not double-muted + JSFX: fix possible crash from concurrent random() calls + macOS: disable formatting in various text fields + macOS: faster listview updates + macOS: show open-project options on recent macOS versions by default + MIDI editor: add UI scaling support + MIDI editor: add basic CC LFO dialog + MIDI editor: add option to allow CC shape in bank and LSB lanes (CC0, CC32-63) + MIDI editor: display non-standard CC values in event list view [p=2231622] + MIDI editor: prevent multiple events at the same time position when creating saw LFO [p=2231606] + MIDI editor: respect default CC curve shape preference when inserting new event via action + MIDI editor: support entering note name directly in event properties dialog [t=230641] + MIDI inline editor: DPI-scale CC lane resizers + Media items: fix erratic snap when source loop length is less than snap division [p=2214189] + Media items: inform user when auto-stretch timebase cannot be applied due to existing gradual tempo map [p=2231315] + Media items: when enabled, trim behind duplicated media items immediately after duplicating [t=229591] + Mouse modifiers: add modifier to adjust loop section start/end by dragging media item contents + Mouse modifiers: add modifiers to adjust loop section length by dragging loop divider notch or item edges + Mouse modifiers: add modifier to draw selected media item, looping the visible or time-selected section + Performance meter: shorten text strings when very narrow + Project bay: display source offset, tempo, time signature for source media if applicable + Projects: store arrange view Y-scroll position in project + ReaNINJAM: improve status display/visual click + ReaScript: improve support for touch messages when using OscLocalMessageToHost() [t=225104] + ReaTune: allow detection on very low pitches G-1..A0 with large window size + ReaTune: optionally limit output note range in automatic tuning mode + Render: display more accurate remaining render time when using region render matrix [t=231258] + Render: force rendered sample rate to be compatible with stem file output format + Retina/HiDPI: generic FX UI font sizing improvements + Retina/HiDPI: track routing window font sizing improvements + Theme: omit IDE colors from theme element finder [p=2235507] + VST: fix VST3 .vstpreset loading + VST: fix interaction between automation items and VST3 parameters in certain cases [t=230200] + VST: fix support for VST3 plugins that output MIDI via LegacyMIDICCOutEvent + VST: notify VST3 plug-ins of display DPI + Windows: improve font antialiasing size threshold on HiDPI + Windows: store TCP, FX browser, FX chain, media explorer pane sizes independent of DPI + Windows: add experimental Multimonitorv2 HiDPI awareness mode + Windows: improve checkbox appearance in various theme-colored windows v6.03 - January 13 2020 + Actions: show custom action toggle state as enabled/disabled if all component actions that report a toggle state are enabled/disabled [t=229048] + FX browser: improve mixed-state handling of plug-in options in context menus + FX chain: improve behavior with multimonitors at different DPIs + Knobs: use v5.x image selection behavior + Linux: fix listview header hit testing [p=2208515] + macOS: fix ReaTune scrollbar appearance issues + macOS: fix routing matrix/wiring diagram scrollbar appearance issues + macOS: improve appearance of static text fields when option to allow dark mode is enabled + macOS: optionally display last undo point in REAPER title bar + MIDI editor: add option to prevent mouse edits of single CC events from moving past other CC events + MIDI editor: double-click on CC lane header selects all events in lane + MIDI editor: improve visibility of note text in diamond or triangle view mode [t=228720] + MIDI: preserve CC shapes when gluing items with timebase source beats [t=229058] + Media explorer: fix memory leak when opening/closing window + Media items: add preference to set imported media items with embedded tempo to auto-stretch at project tempo changes + Media items: improve auto-stretch warp slope calculation with linear tempo changes [p=2215207] + OSC: fix divide by zero bugs when device sets bank size of zero [p=2228676] + ReaTune: improve correction tab drawing behavior when window is very small + Stretch markers: fix timing issues with tempo ramps and/or 0ms fade-times + Stretch markers: preserve beat-based positions of stretch markers when copy/pasting items with timebase beats + Toolbars: fix actions to press active toolbar button by position [p=2229796] + Toolbars: refresh toolbar after running any action via toolbar [t=229048] + Toolbars: refresh toolbars after running any custom action [t=229048] + Track panels: prevent meters from occluding track name when renaming tracks on Windows [t=228993] + VST: add hasCockosSampleAccurateAutomation and hasCockosEmbeddedUI support for third-party plug-ins + Windows: fix truncated docker tabs with HiDPI + Windows: improve track/region manager HiDPI resize behaviors + Windows: improve screensets window HiDPI resize behavior + Windows: improve media explorer routing button HiDPI resizing + Windows: fix listview header hit testing with non-standard scalings v6.02 - December 16 2019 + ARA: add per-plugin menu item to force reanalysis of media (for example, after using external editor) + FX: switch active plug-in before showing context menu when right clicking in FX chain [t=228136] + FX: improve automated parameter behavior when moving items with FX automation across tracks [t=227956] + MIDI editor: do not reset velocity for new notes when editing in velocity lane, only when editing velocity on note directly or using reset mouse modifier [p=2217439] + MIDI editor: optimize CC lane drawing performance + MIDI editor: fix default CC shape not persisting when reopening REAPER + MIDI editor: fix first inserted CC event ignoring default curve shape in some situations [p=2212310] + MIDI editor: fix option to show note names on notes not persisting when reopening REAPER [t=226666] + MIDI editor: fix right-click and double-click behavior in inline MIDI editor + MIDI editor: fix inline editor CC lane display when also showing media item lane in normal MIDI editor + MIDI editor: only draw filled CC envelope for the active channel in the active media item + MIDI editor: prevent flicker when scrolling editor in synced view mode [p=2215606] + MIDI editor: refresh open editors after changing default MIDI note colormap + MIDI editor: remove support for per-media-item note colormaps + MIDI editor: support marquee selection even if modifier key is released before mouse [t=228764] + MIDI editor: sync timebase to arrange view without re-centering [t=222938] + MIDI editor: improve text display of project markers/regions [p=2216700] + MIDI editor: when modifying CC lanes, update any inline editors + macOS: add experimental option to support dark mode on 10.14+ (in preferences/general/advanced) + Media items: optimize display of text notes in media items [t=228372] + Mixer: fix incorrect track number being displayed in certain instances [p=2218439] + ReaSamplomatic5k: improve voice-reuse logic in certain voice-starved situations (old mode used on existing projects, additional hidden VST parameter) + ReaScript: add MARKER_GUID:X to get the unique identifier of a project marker or region [t=207856] + ReaScript: remove support for deprecated/unused MIDI support file types + Retina/HiDPI: add hidpi images for generic UI sliders, track send sliders + Retina/HiDPI: improve marker/region display + Retina/HiDPI: improve transport buttons in media explorer/MIDI editor/etc + Retina/HiDPI: improve MIDI editor track list display + Retina/HiDPI: improve diamond/triangle note appearance in MIDI editor + Retina/HiDPI: improve inline MIDI editor display + Tempo map: further improve behavior of actions to insert measure from loop selection [p=2215874] + Theme: Theme Adjuster supports ctrl+Z for undo + Theme: add new mono button image + Theme: add 5.0 toolbar images to 5.0 theme + Theme: add additional hidpi/retina images + Toolbars: improve close button/topmost pin positioning when floating + Toolbars: improve appearance/brightness of built-in buttons + Toolbars: allow resizing toolbar when frameless and very small + Tooltips: prevent stale tooltips from persisting when switching active windows + Tracks: disable playback offset by default (disabled is equivalent to enabled with zero offset) + Undo: improve FX parameter behavior when undoing the addition of envelopes/parameter modulation/LFO [t=227956] + VST: add support for VST3 plugins that output MIDI CC data, via LegacyMIDICCOutEvent + VST: replace input audio rather than summing for VST3 instruments that have sidechain input but no main input [t=227974] + VST: add Windows HiDPI compatibility setting that affects floating plug-in UIs + Web interface: avoid UI hangs when unable to resolve rc.reaper.fm + Windows: fix topmost pin bugs, auto-lower pinned windows while modal window is present + Windows: option to ignore alt-key presses affects FX chains, FX browser, Video, Media Explorer windows + Windows: improve Windows IAccessible support for STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED v6.01 - December 6 2019 + Accessibility: fix Windows IAccessible support for TCP/MCP + Accessibility: fix alt-key to access menus/close app from TCP/MCP + Accessibility: add action to view routing and I/O for master track + Arrange: optimize drawing of offline/forced offline text on small items [t=228018] + MIDI editor: fix macOS Metal Retina rendering glitch when nav lane is visible and resized + MIDI editor: support CC envelopes for CC64 [p=2211760] + MIDI playback: fix CC interpolation in certain cases [t=228111] + Media items: fix issues with very fast vertical mouse-moves of items on multiple tracks + Mixer: fix mouse-away detection [t=228088] + Mixer: fix very-large-size display bug [p=2210941] + ReaScript IDE: add checkbox to disable state watchlist + ReaScript IDE: do not run watch window continuously after script has stopped running + ReaScript IDE: reduce watch update frequency + ReaScript: support get/setting media item auto-stretch timebase + ReaSurround: improve multimonitor HiDPI issues on Windows + ReaVerb: enable ZL/LL by default for better low-latency performance + Theme: fix slight incorrect meter expansion + Tooltips: improve item volume tooltip at very low values [t=228105] v6.0 - December 3 2019 + Defaults: enable Live FX multiprocessing by default + Defaults: enable track record monitoring on new tracks by default + Defaults: set volume envelopes to fader scaling by default + Dynamic split: add preset support + Dynamic split: overhaul and improvements to algorithm and gate handling + Dynamic split: retain settings after canceling the window + FX: allow embedding some plug-in UIs into track and mixer control panels + FX: support embedding UIs for ReaEQ, ReaXComp, ReaComp, ReaSurround, and graphical JSFX + FX: add preference to display FX list on right side of FX chain window + FX: add preference to display add/delete buttons above list in FX chain window + Import: handle WAV and AIFF (Apple Loops) files containing transient information similarly to REX files + MIDI editor: display and edit CC/velocity as dots and lines, CCs as linear and curved envelopes, similar to track envelopes + MIDI editor: add note-type buttons to default toolbar + MIDI editor: add option to display note length in velocity lane + MIDI editor: add option to move bank/program change events with notes + MIDI editor: add preference to automatically reduce CC events when drawing + MIDI editor: combine note properties and event properties into one modeless dialog + MIDI editor: add mouse modifiers to reset CC/velocity to default values + MIDI editor: make default CC event and CC lane mouse modifiers more like default envelope behaviors + MIDI editor: repopulate raw MIDI data display window when switching active media item + Main window: support positioning track control panels on right side of arrange + Media import: properly adjust length of imported media with embedded tempo when crossing project tempo changes + Media import: support adjusting media based on tempo suggested by filename + Media items: add new "Beats (auto-stretch at tempo changes)" timebase + Media items: add action to add stretch markers at project tempo changes + Media items: add action to recalculate automatic stretch markers at project tempo changes + Media items: add action to convert embedded source media transient information to transient guides + Media items: optionally create transient guides on import for media with embedded transient information + Media items: support calculating playback rate from user-supplied tempo or length in beats + Media items: when copy/pasting items with stretch markers, preserve the original play rate + Menus: very lightly refresh main file/edit/view/insert menus + Modal windows: remember window positions (configurable option in preferences/general/advanced to tweak behavior) + Mouse modifiers: add double-click behaviors to reset CC value, curvature, edit properties + Mouse modifiers: add preference to draw/edit CC events immediately on mouse click + Multiprocessing: auto-detect up to 128 threads + Multiprocessing: increase anticipative FX hard limit to 128 threads, live FX hard limit to 64 threads + Multiprocessing: remove old 4.x scheduler mode, non-event synchronization modes + Notation editor: support customized staff and note context menus + Performance: improve performance and reduce system resource consumption with large track counts + Performance: add option in disk settings to periodically close excess open files + Performance: add option to read peaks files under a certain size completely to RAM (to reduce open file count) + REX: add option to ignore all embedded slice and tempo information + ReaFIR: add context menu mode configuration + ReaScript: add MIDI_GetCCShape, MIDI_SetCCShape + ReaScript: add support for CC shapes to MIDI_Get(Set)AllEvts + ReaScript: add support for setting track playback offset value and attributes + ReaScript: add support for user-defined note and track notation data that is not displayed + ReaScript: fix setting MIDI meta-messages via API + ReaScript: add reduce_open_files() utility function for users running up against open file handle limitations + Render: include all options in "options and format" render presets + Render: optionally embed transient information into WAV or AIFF files + Render: support embedding tempo into AIFF files + Render: support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render matrix [t=193405] + Render: when enabled, embed exact tempo of rendered item/time + Resampling: added SSE2-optimized sinc calculation (from Theo Niessink) + Resampling: optimize and greatly improve quality of resampling for conversion between common rates + Routing: add track wiring view + Theming: new Default 6.0 theme with theme adjuster script allowing for extensive customization of the new default theme + Theming: layout DPI translation for HiDPI/Retina displays + Theming: apply main window size area theme element only on mouseover + Theming: improve theme rendering appearance when using custom UI scaling + Theming: apply advanced preference UI scaling changes immediately + Theming: replace tcp.dragdropchild with tcp.dragdropinfo [indent_sibling_track indent_child_track] + Theming: add additional 8 WALTER font slots + Theming: add support for midi_score_colormap, in addition to midi_note_colormap + Toolbars: actions to switch last focused toolbar will default to switching main toolbar + Toolbars: improve HiDPI/Retina support (toolbar_icons/ can have 150/ and 200/ subdirs) + Tracks: support positive or negative playback time offset without affecting PDC + Tracks: add action to bypass track playback offset + Tracks: add user preference for max MIDI playback speed to catch up to negative track playback offset + VST3: support plugins that export MIDI note names + Windows: HiDPI awareness and display improvements (auto-rescale more UI when running HiDPI aware) + Windows: improve appearance of docker, ReaPlugs, and other windows when resizing + macOS: Retina display arrange, ruler, MIDI editor, etc + macOS: use Metal display output on 10.11+ for various windows + macOS: add options in Preferences/General/Advanced to disable Retina support, disable Retina for non-Retina theme elements + macOS: support REX files on macOS Catalina + macOS: work around appearance issues when user forces dark mode rendering for app (requires Metal to be enabled) [t=222366] v5.99 - November 29 2019 + Cursors: restore 5.984 ibeam cursor for arrange empty areas + Directory cleanup: fix Ctrl+A/Cmd+A in various circumstances [t=227456] + Enterprise support: support installing files from (exe path)/REAPERConfigTemplate or (on macOS) /Library/Application Support/REAPER/REAPERConfigTemplate/ to user config path + Glue: fix incorrect timing information/transport state reporting/sample accurate automation for take FX [t=222983] + macOS: safer handling of first responder chain when hiding/destroying child windows + MIDI export: fix exporting tempomap when project time offset is negative [t=206959] + Metronome: fix setting project custom beat pattern if the project contains measures that are longer than the project default time signature [t=227383] + Mouse modifiers: use marquee cursor for marquee+time selection combination + Mouse modifiers: improve execution speed of actions to change default mouse modifiers [t=227578] + Tempo map: improve behavior of insert measure from loop selection at high/low tempos [t=227743] + ReWire: allow enabling of 32-bit rewire on Mojave via rewire_allow32=1 in reaper.ini + Ripple editing: fix items becoming ungrouped when editing with ripple-per-track enabled [p=2207703] + VST: support setting all VST3 MIDI programs even if the plugin reports a program count of zero [t=226298] + Web interface: fix hung connection if requesting a directory path on linux/macOS [t=227491] v5.987 - November 20 2019 + Item ruler: improve drawing on MIDI items with non-1.0 playrate [t=227261] + Linux: optimized redundant copies in installer + MIDI editor: add action to set pitch cursor to C60 + MIDI: correct note-off issues trimming MIDI items [t=227256] + Peaks: fix peaks display for looped section source with negative start offset + Video: load ffmpeg from user paths on macOS 10.14+ when notarized [t=227309] + Video: support browsing for .gif in open files/browse for media dialogs v5.986 - November 18 2019 + Envelopes: ensure that newly inserted points get the default curve shape [p=2202440] + Linux: add DDP and cue/bin writing support + macOS: notarized application for macOS Catalina + MIDI: avoid potential deadlock when recording into pooled items [t=226892] + MIDI: support editing file-based MIDI when multiple instances exist in the same project [t=227028] + Mixer: fix possible crash when inserting new tracks in mixer [t=227204] + ReaScript: fix reading mono channel modes in mono with take audio accessors [t=218203] + Tap tempo: require at least 3 clicks before changing tempo + Video: fix gfx_keyedblit() with odd-sized inputs + Zoom: fix marquee zoom when starting on a track that is collapsed into a folder [p=2202719] v5.985 - November 13 2019 + Actions: improve performance of various selected-track mute/solo actions [t=225636] + Actions: improve performance/undo behavior of actions to adjust track send volume/pan + Arrange: use arrow rather than ibeam for various cursors + Batch converter: optionally preserve existing BWF start time or use media item position [t=213925] + Control surfaces: improve MCU behavior relating to secondary time display units + Linux: fix GDK handle leak when hosting plug-ins + Linux: improve handling of backslashes in relative paths when resolving files + macOS: improve handling of backslashes in relative paths when resolving files + macOS: windows without defined main menu inherit the main menu from their owners + MIDI editor: expand hit area for bank/program markers + MIDI editor: fix ruler drawing glitch on first measure [t=226822] + MIDI editor: prevent overlapping window controls when displaying swing grid + MIDI editor: support customized left-drag marquee when outside the active media item [t=225296] + MIDI recording: improve behavior when near time selection start and option to fit recording to time selection is not set + MIDI: improve support for displaying VST instrument program names in MIDI editor bank/program select lane + Media explorer: consolidate undo points when adding multiple takes to media + Media explorer: deselect other media items when inserting media via action + Media: support embedded Apple Loops tempo information when importing .aiff files + Mouse modifiers: add modifiers to move item contents while obeying snap + Multichannel: use correct supported channel count when increasing track channels via routing [t=226080] + Notation editor: improve vertical alignment of notes on staff + Project load: improve FX missing warning details + ReaGate: improve ducking mode, legacy ducking mode shows indeterminate checkbox + ReaScript: fix potential crash after closing IDE with script running modal prompt [t=226998] + ReaScript: do not move cursor when clicking scrollbars in IDE [t=226953] + ReaScript: do not scroll to cursor when resizing IDE window [t=226953] + ReaScript: improve handling when inserting MIDI notes out of order + ReaScript: allow gfx_init() to move/resize window when specifying an empty title string + ReaScript: fix CreateNewMIDIItemInProj() in QN mode [t=222056] + ReaScript: make CreateNewMIDIItemInProj() obey loop source preference [t=222056] + ReaSurround: improve behavior when rotating inputs out of view + Render: allow specifying .aiff extension for AIFF files, .mp4 or .m4v for videos, etc + Takes: fix crash when copying selected area of items with empty takes (5.984 regression) [t=226914] + Tempo envelope: adjust tempo envelope properly when setting point shape to linear via action list + Tempo envelope: fix behavior of action to insert new point from action list or context menu + Video: fix potential VLC crash [t=226797] + VST: do not query out of range note-names + VST: support migration of supported VST2s to VST3 at project load (with user notification) v5.984 - October 12 2019 + API: fix Windows WM_COPYDATA when using prefix and filename containing # character [t=225196] + ARA: improve handling of projects with missing media + ARA: preserve edits when copying media items within time selection via action [p=2181690] + ARA: support plugins that read audio from multiple threads + Actions: add action to set media item playrate from user-supplied source media tempo + Actions: add meta-actions to set relative CC value based on next action toggle state/armed state + Auto-crossfades: fix behavior when duplicating or moving items [t=216416] + Automation items: fix volume envelope display preference affecting automation item playback [t=225354] + Batch converter: log files will warn if FX were not loaded + Fades: prevent race condition from causing playback glitches during rapid item movement/size/split [t=224925] + Freeze: fix unfreeze of duplicated folder tracks or tracks with frozen receives [t=225458] + Freeze: update routing buttons for all tracks on freeze/unfreeze + Linux: fix VST 8-pixel sizing issue [t=224969] + macOS: re-enable rex2 support on Mojave [t=225141] + macOS: remove builtin Mojave tab actions from view menu + macOS: workaround Mojave bug that causes crashes with certain menu customizations [p=2188125] + MIDI: fix incorrect CC marquee selection corner case [t=225839] + MIDI: fix text events displayed in arrange view with non-1.0 playrate [t=202705] + Media item properties: do not modify phase when adjusting volume for items with mixed phase [t=224996] + NINJAM log reading: avoid crash with zero-length OGG files [t=225085] + Peaks: fix spectral peaks on items whose folder parents prohibit spectral peaks [t=225766] + Stretch markers: improve timing when using 0ms fades and elastique 3 soloist or 2.28 efficient/soloist modes [t=192425] + Undo history: improve context menu state to indicate which actions are available + VLC: fix VLC 3.x crash with certain colorspace sources [t=225379] + Video: fix render configuration from API [t=224539] + Wet/dry knobs: improve mouse-up and double-click behavior + Windows: uninstaller now respects silent flag passed from command line v5.983 - August 29 2019 + Fadein/fadeout tooltip: fix combined time display [t=224530] + Linux: improve default dialog/font sizes, menu checkmarks + Linux: fix modal rendering window issue [t=224362] + Linux: detect/warn/allow override if numeric locale is set in an incompatible fashion + MIDI: fix overdub/replace recording when using 0x90 note-offs and item velocity adjustment set [t=224549] + Playback: improve scrolling-by-action behavior when auto-scrolling view during playback is enabled + Preferences: remove outdated scrolling option + Project bay: fix comps view (5.975 regression) [t=222183] + ReaScript: Main_openProject() supports noprompt: and template: prefixes [t=221668] + ReaSurround: fix quadraphonic label typo + Save as: fix rounding issue when "trim media" enabled [t=224122] + Subprojects: prevent audio drivers from latently reopening device during subproject renders [t=224498] + Subprojects: allow import of subprojects when auto-background rendering is disabled [t=224569] + Transport: fix display of primary time unit when showing secondary time unit [t=224458] v5.982 - August 17 2019 + AIFF: support 8-bit uncompressed Amiga IFF files + AIFF: support reading FP files encoded with inconsistent bits/sample field + ARA: disable undo integration (should improve stability for Melodyne) + Actions: fix potential rounding error in actions to trim or remove selected area of selected items [t=223134] + Actions: faster screen updates when processing actions triggered by MIDI messages + Batch converter: fix command-line output filename generation [t=108947] + Batch converter: fix converter visibility being set by command line render + Batch converter: support OUTPATTERN in command-line configuration chunk + Command line: add -nosplash and -splashlog options + FX: avoid resetting FX from audio thread after undo/redo + FX: improve reliability of SetTrackStateChunk() API when setting FX state [t=217691] + JSFX: fix gfx_showmenu() coordinates on macOS retina displays + Jump to time: allow jumping to times relative to track/item by using tXiY prefix + Jump to time: mX and rX can be followed by whitespace and a time offset + MIDI: don't reset previous quantization for unselected notes when quantizing selected notes + macOS: automatically rescan MIDI hardware on device change notifications [t=222339] + macOS: fix GetUserFilenameForRead() [t=223825] + macOS: improve memory use calculation [p=1980539] + Marquee: fix drawing glitches after interrupted marquee selection + Media explorer: faster item navigation via arrow keys with large databases + Media items: add actions to force (persistent) offline of item media, inactive take media + Media items: add support for per-item beats ruler + Media items: if MIDI or click source has custom tempo/time signature set, use it for media item ruler + Media items: fix ruler color with certain themes [t=223758] + Navigator: improve behavior when continuous scrolling is enabled + Notation editor: fix rounding issue when auto-detecting triplets [p=2166957] [p=2159228] + Project load: warn of low TLS/FLS slots when plug-ins failed to load + ReaScript: fix two small IDE issues when attaching to already-running scripts + ReaScript: fix gfx_showmenu() coordinates on macOS retina displays + Ruler/Transport: allow choosing primary and secondary display units separately + Scrub: do not include (previously incorrectly-rendered) take FX when scrubbing + Windows: fix topmost pins with certain multimonitor arrangements [t=224062] v5.981 - July 22 2019 + Automation items: obey preference to pool automation items when duplicating or pasting tracks [t=223104] + LTC generator: fix 29.97DF timecode drift + LTC generator: fix glitch when starting timecode mid-frame + Media items: avoid creating inconsistent take lanes when deleting takes from adjacent media items [t=222309] + Media items: fix hang when displaying media item source ruler and setting media offline + Notation editor: better handling for custom accidentals in key signatures that are enharmonic to C major [t=222761] + Render: fix render source resetting when opening region manager [t=223074] + Takes: always delete media items when deleting the last non-empty take + Tempo envelope: fix tempo map edits incorrectly inserting time in certain situations [t=223126] + Tempo: support lower tempos when auto-detecting tempo from time selection v5.980 - July 11 2019 + ARA: handle ARA state load error without interfering with extension state loading [p=2151344] + Arrange view: avoid excessive redraws during some mouse edits + Envelopes: don't preserve relative differences between points when editing via action [t=222016] + Envelopes: fix inconsistency when loading projects with bezier envelope points + Envelopes: fix time selection edits that start at the beginning of a media item [p=2154450] + Envelopes: improve UI performance when recording send volume/pan automation [t=207384] + FX: fix potential crash on macOS/Linux when auto-switching visible FX chain [t=222841] + FX: fix ReaTune per-take FX tail issue [t=221956] + Jump to time: add support for jumping to relative time in earliest selected media item + Localization: improve alignment of various auto-resized controls when arranged in columns [p=2146661] + MIDI editor: handle converting multiple selected events between 2-byte and 3-byte messages [p=2154933] + MIDI editor: support copy/pasting events between CC lanes and channel pressure lane [p=2154852] + macOS: fix system Services menu [p=2150593] + macOS: use standard Window/Help menu ordering + macOS: add osx_max_open_files= reaper.ini tweak [p=2156238] + Media items: add optional per-item ruler display + Mixer: fix slowness when opening mixer [t=222728] + Mouse modifiers: fix preference to ignore targeting media item lower half [t=222080] + Mouse modifiers: improve handling of empty take lanes when targeting media item lower half [p=1683360] + Notation editor: fix chasing key signature changes when displaying multiple tracks [t=222703] + Notation editor: fix chasing clef changes when media items overlap [t=219859] + Nudge: fix issue with calling nudge-by-settings-slot before opening nudge window [p=2156424] + Peaks: do not set all media online after building peaks [t=222807] + Peaks: fix bug in waveform drawing with some themes and settings (5.979 regression) [t=222229] + Performance: improve low-latency behavior by avoiding destroying media buffers from audio threads + Performance: fix live FX multiprocessing issue with folder tracks causing media buffer underruns + Performance: reduce audio device underruns when pausing + ReaScript: simplify display of line numbers in IDE error messages [t=222740] + ReaScript: improve Python compatibility with unicode strings + Ruler: in frame mode, display one tick mark per frame when possible + Render: add option to render selected tracks via master + Render: improve use of $item wildcard when rendering project regions + Render: support $item and $track wildcards when rendering selected media items via master + Render: when rendering selected tracks or media items via master, also render children and receives [p=2151904] + Toolbars: improve automatic button images for various Set: actions + VST: limit preset dropdown to 512 presets of each type + VST: improve support for VST3 MIDI program change messages v5.979 - June 18 2019 + API: allow plug-in accelerator hooks to get modifier key messages on macOS [t=221368] + API: allow plug-in registered accelerators to override inline MIDI editor keyboard [t=220182] + Actions list: support searching by key bindings + Actions list: increase size of key assignment list + Actions list: support global scope for key bindings in main action section (actions can be triggered regardless of which window has focus) + Bounce: support wildcards for file name when recording live output + Configuration: store item and track-specific docker preferences with the project, not globally [p=2136380] + Envelopes: fix occasionally incorrect behavior of "reduce number of envelope points" dialog [p=2132696] + Envelopes: allow dragging automation items to other envelopes displayed in media lanes, but only if the destination envelope is unambiguous + Envelopes: copy/paste into most recently selected envelope, if no envelope is selected + FX: fix browser memory leak when updating custom FX tags and folders + FX: fix preferences display of certain quoted filters + FX: fix reading of smart folder filters that begin/end with quotes [t=220783] + FX: allow inserting FX via shortcut when tracks are visible in mixer but hidden in arrange view + Freeze: fix warning message when freezing a track with pre-FX sends [p=2140260] + Glue: fix take FX automation [t=220858] + macOS: allow 32-bit VST bridging on Mojave (enable 32-bit AU scanning by adding au_scan32=1 to reaper.ini) + MIDI editor: improve keyboard preview note-off detection [t=221273] + MIDI editor: improve responsiveness when many CC lanes are displayed [t=221039] + MIDI editor: support moving edit cursor when clicking in CC lanes + MIDI editor: support copy/paste of CC events from one lane to another + MIDI: support linking program change messages on all channels sequentially to FX preset changes + Media explorer: avoid creating time selection on tiny mouse moves + Media items: apply fades identically to all items even if they previously had customized fade curves [t=221424] + Notation editor: avoid occasional hit testing rounding error [t=221388] + Notation editor: improve handling of trilled chords [t=220743] + Notation editor: draw slurs attached to the top or bottom of a chord + Notation editor: fix musicxml export of grand staff in certain situations [p=2134187] + Notation editor: fix musicxml slur export + Notation editor: fix occasional note layout issue [p=2140986] + Notation editor: fix tuplet/chord interaction display + Notation editor: improve musicxml export with multiple staves/voices + Notation editor: improve musicxml tuplet export + ReaScript: extend GetLastTouchedFX() to support take FX [t=221165] + ReaScript: prevent possible crash when a script calls for REAPER to quit [t=221191] + ReaScript: return 0 from GetFocusedFX() when last focused FX is not visible, update documentation for accuracy + ReaScript: support basing functions that affect points in automation items on either one full loop iteration, or all visible points (see documentation) + ReaScript: support custom field separator in GetUserInputs function + ReaScript: support get/set selected state for automation item points + ReaScript: support opening files with spaces in the filename in external editors [t=219345] + ReaScript: support optional arguments in extension-supplied functions when called from Lua [t=219455] + Recording: improve MIDI CC/pitch/aftertouch behavior in touch-replace and latch-replace modes, add option for CC timeout in prefs/media/MIDI [t=220218] + Recording: add action to set recording pass counter to any number + Render: add wildcard $timelineorder_track [t=221235] + Render: add support for padding digits to wildcards like $filenumber[000], $timelineorder[000] [p=2139368] + Render: add option to render selected items through master track + Render: improve labeling of dither/noise shaping controls [t=220725] + Tempo map: support per-project tempo envelope display range + Tempo map: add action to set project tempo envelope display range to current project min/max bpm + Tempo map: update all project tabs when changing tempo envelope range [t=220431] + Tempo map: don't begin "create measure from time selection" action if user cancels the dialog [t=221511] + Tempo map: fix "create measure from time selection" action when there are tempo markers close to the start/end [t=221510] + Tempo map: improve actions to set tempo from time selection when multiple bars are selected + Track manager: avoid inconsistent track visibility state [t=221397] + Track panels: prevent reordering tracks on tiny mouse moves + Undo: improve vertical scroll issues with large envelope panels [t=220809] + VST: limit VST3 built-in program dropdown display to 512 presets (for VEP) + VST: improve default keyboard handling for ARA plug-ins + VST: show non-automatable parameters in generic parameter UI for accessibility purposes + Video: improve IDE syntax highlighting and help for various string functions v5.978 - May 11 2019 + ARA: improve behavior when copying ARA plug-in to another track via drag and drop + ARA: improve selection/undo history behavior when adding ARA plug-in to existing FX chain [p=2131258] + Automation items: fix issues with bypass envelopes and PDC [t=220633] + Linux: implement memory use warnings, memory use in help text + Linux: use realtime for reaper_host_xxx if REAPER running realtime + macOS: improve behavior when closing file/directory browse windows + Notation editor: improve phrase handling when notes are filtered out [t=220652] + Theme: fix save/load of grid line draw mode on macOS/Linux + VST: use VST3 enum steps for generic parameter UI + Windows: fix potential memory error when performance meter is open (thanks Gabriel Ivancescu) v5.977 - May 6 2019 + Bounce: add action to bounce using most recent settings + Bounce: add option to silently increment recorded filename + Elastique: fix large memory use + MIDI editor: improve event editor behavior when switching between CP/AT types [t=220558] + Notation editor: when setting custom notehead for a given pitch, also reset previously customized noteheads at that pitch + Project bay: fix column collision between FX parameter and automation item tabs [p=2130165] + Track templates: preserve MIDI pools within templates on load, but do not pool loaded MIDI with existing MIDI [t=219675] v5.976 - May 3 2019 + Automation items: copying AIs copies extension state [p=2128744] + Envelopes: fix default bezier tension when adding automation item to otherwise empty envelope [t=220432] + MIDI: fix diamonds/triangles peak view for very low numbered MIDI notes [t=220319] + Media explorer: improve performance with large databases [t=220351] + Mousewheel: add undo points when changing track volume/pan/width via mousewheel [t=190260] + Project bay: always display position/length in time for time-based media, beats for beat-based media + ReaScript: SetEnvelopeStateChunk() updates envelope panels [t=220308] + Stability: fix potential crash when renaming tracks and SWS auto-layout is used [t=220400] + Stability: fix project bay automation item-related crash [p=2128917] + Stretch markers: permit adding markers on audioless video items [t=220352] + Transport: improve jump to marker/region menu [t=220350] v5.975 - April 30 2019 + API: safer